Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/663

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A. D. 1756. Anno vicelinio nono Georgii 11. C. 7. 64 j as aforefaid; and it fliall and may be lawful for the faid refpeftive Contributors, their Executors, Ad- the fame to be miniftrators, Succeflbrs and Affigns, from time to time, at all feafonable Times, to have Refort to and '"P'^^ed gratis, infpedl the faid Book or Boolcs, without any Fee or Charge; and that the faid Accomptant Ge- neral for the time being, fliall on or before the twenty-tifth Day of Anarch one thoufand kven hun- dred and fifty -eight, trapfmit an atteifed Duphcate, fairly written on Paper, of the laid Book or Duplicate (o he Books, into the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, there to remain for '"nrmiftcd to Ayg|> ■ tlieExcliequer. VIII. And it is hereby enacSled by the Authority aforefaid, That all fuch Contributors, duly paying Contributors the whole Sums by them refpec^tively fubfcribed, at or before the refpective Days and Times in this A6t ^i^ir'p^ ^j""' s before limited in that Behalf, their refpective Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeflbrs and Aifigns, fliall to'inve fi"e" "' have, receive and enjoy, their proportional Share of the refpective Annuities of three Pounds ten Shil- Elate;, in the lings per Centum per Annum, and three Pounds per Centum per Annum, out of the Monies by this Aft Annuities, herein after appropriated for Payment thereof, and fliall have good and fure Eftates and Interefl:s therein for ever; fubjedt neverthelefs to the Proviioes of Redemption in this K&. herein after contained, con- cerning the fame refpe6fively. IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all fuch Contributors, their Executors, Connibutors Adminiib-ators, Succeflbrs and Afligns, paying in the Whole, or any Part of the Sums by them fub- makmg their fcribed refpeilively, previous to the Days appointed, for the refpedive Payments herein before diredted, J^J^y"^^"^^!,^^^ as vell in refpect to their proportional Share of the faid Sum of one million five hundred thoufand Times limited, Pounds, as of the faid Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, fliall be intitled to an Allowance of fo f° i^^ ^"""^'=;' • much Money, as the Intereft of the feveral Sums fo previoufly paid, after the Rate of three Pounds fame^&c."'^ "^ per Cmtum per Annum fliall amount to, from the Days on which fuch previous Payments fliall have been aitually made, to the refpe6live Times on which fuch Payments are direded to be made; ftich Allow- ance to be paid by the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers, out of tfie Aionies cdnu'ibuted towards the faid Sum of two millions, as foon as fuch refpedive Contributors, their Executors, Adminifl:rators, SuccefTors and Afligns, fhall have completed their Payments herein before directed to be made; and that as loon as any Contributors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, SuccelTors and Afligns, fliall have completed their Payments of the whole Purchafe Money, payable by them refpectively for any fuch Annuities after the Rate of three Pounds ten Shillings per Centum per Annum, the principal Sum or Sums by them fubfcribed and paid for the Purchafe. of fuch Annuities, fliall forthwith be placed to the Credit of ■ the faid Contributors, their Executors, Adininiftrators, Succeflbrs and AlFigns, completing the faid • ' ' Payments, and made transferrable in the Books of the Bank of England, to be kept for that i;;.'. Purpofe. -. . . . ^ _ • ■ X. Provided always. That in cafe any fuch Contributors who have already depofited with, or paid Contributors t-o the faid Calhier or Cafhiers, any Sum or Sums of. A^Ioney, at the Times and in the Manner before- "^JJ'J*'^|"f,^^^ mentioned, in Part of the Sums fo by them fubfcribed, or their refpeiftive Executors, Adminiftrators, ments to forieij Succeflbrs or Afligns, do not advance and pay to the faid Cafliier or Cafhiers, the Refidue, of the Sums their Depofits. fo by them fubfcribed, at the Times and in the Manner before mentioned ^ then and in every fuch Cafe, _ fo much of the Sum fo fubfcribed as .fhall have, been aitually paid in Part thereof to the faid Cafliier or Cafliiers, fliall be forfeited for the Benefit of the Publick; any thing in this Aif contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. XI. And be it further enac'ted by the Authority aforefaid, That the feveral Annuities which by this Annuities, &c. Adt are granted and made payable, in refpedl of the Sum of one million five hundred thoui'and Pounds, j^^mg Fund. Part of the faid Sum of two millions, as in refpect of the Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, being the Refidue of the faid two millions, until Pvedemption thereof by Parliament in Manner herein after- ■ mentioned, fhall be charged and chargeable upon, and payable out of, the Monies which (hall from ■ time to time arife and be remaining in the Receipt of his Majeity's Exchequer, of or for the Surplufles, ExceiTes, Overplus Monies, and other Revenues, compofing the Fund commonly called The Sinkhig Fund; and the faid Surplufles/Excefles, Overplus. Monies, and other Revenues, are hereby appropriated for that Purpofe accordingly. XII. And for eftabliihing a proper Method for drawing the faid Lottery; Be it further enaded by the Managers and Authority aforefaid. That fuch Perfons as the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three o^" Lotter°7o°be* more of them now being, or the High Treafurer, or any ttiree or more of the Ccmmiirioners of the app^m^d by Treafury for the time being (hall appoint, fliall be Managers aird, Diredtcrs for preparing and delivering the Tieaiury. out Tickets, and to overfee the of Lots, and .to order, -do and perform, fuch other Matters and 'I'hings as are hereafter in and by this A<5t direiied and appointed by fuch Managers and Diredtors to be done and performed; and that iuch Managers and Direclors fliall meet together, from time to time, at fome publick Office or Place for the Execution of the Powers ^r.d Trufts in thein repofed by this A£l; and that the faid Managers and Directors, or fo many of thein as fliall .be prefent at any fuch Books to be Meeting, or the major Part of them, fliall caufe Books to be prepared, in which every Leaf fliall bep>epj>gd with divided or diftinguilhed into three Columns, and upon the Innermofl of the faid three Columns, therei,^;^^,, ^j-,_^,,j^'^ {hall be printed >ifty thoufand Tickets, hereby intended to be made forthj nimibered one, two, jo.oco Tickets three, and fo onwards, in an arithmetical Progreflion, where the common Excefs is to be one, until 1° be printed, they rife to and ior the Number of fifty thoufand; and upon the middle Column m every cf the faid Books, fliall be printed fifty thoufand Tickets, of die iame Bieadth and Form, and numbeied in like Manner; and in the extream Column of the laid Books there ihall be printed a third ^Ilank or Series .j.;^,.^.^^^,,^ of Tickets, of the fame Number with thofe of rlie other t-.vo Columns,- which Tickets ihall ieverally be of an obicps of an oblong Figure; and in the laid Books joined with Oblique Lines, Elouriihes or I^e^^'C", Fj>™.|a^<|^>n- In fuch Manner as. the faid Managers and Diredtors, or the msjor.I'art- ol .them, flialf flunk mofl: iaieL^r^es, &c. 4. N 2 " ""^-