Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/674

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654 G. 12. Anno vicefmionono Georgii II. A- D. 1756. Action i:o be founded on this Statute, to anfwer to the Party grieved all fuch Damage, with treble Cofls of Suit. aM'^o'°p> ^' ■'^'^'^ '*• '^ 'let'ehy further enacSVed, That the Duty hereby granted, fhall be paid, from time to time, ceivt;r°Generar into the Hands of the Receiver General for the time being of the Duties of ftampt Vellum, Parch- of the Stamps, ment and Paper, who fhall keep a feparate and diftincft Account thereof, and pay the fame (the necef- andbyhim into (ary Charges of raifing, paying and accounting for the fame excepted) into the Receipt of the Exche- the Exchequer, quer, for the Purpofe in the faid AA expreifed, at fuch Time, and in fuch Manner, as any former Du- ties on flampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper, are dire£led to be paid. ^ommiffioners VI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Commiffioners for the thatVufficient "^'""^ being, (hall take care that the feveral Parts of the Kingdom of Great Britain fhall, from time to Qiiantities of time, be lufficiently furnifhed with Vellum, Parchment and Paper, (lampt and marked as by this Adt is &cTe'd'ft'^^' '^■e'^'^cd, to the End that the Subjedls of his Majeily, his Heirs and SuccefTors, may have it in their tuted! ' "' Eledfion to buy the fame of the Officers and Perlbns to be employed by the faid Commiffioners, at the ufual and rnoft common Rates above the faid Duty, or to bring their own Vellum, Parchment or Pa- per to be ftampt or marked as aforefaid. Price of ftampt VII. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That the Price of fuch ftampt Vellum, yelrUili'- '°nd^ Parchment and Paper, fliall be yearly fet, and fuch Price ftampt, and fuch Allowance made upon pre- ufuaiAiwance fent Payment of the faid Duty, for any Quantity cf the faid Vellum, Parchment or Paper, fo by the iriadefor faid CominifFioners to be fold, in fuch Manner as by any former Law relating to llampt Vellum, piompt Pay- parchment or Paper is directed. VIII. And be it further enatSted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Stamp hereby direfled to ahe'red^ "or^re-^ be provided and ufed, fliall and may be altered or renewed in fuch Manner as any other Stamp on newed.' Vellum, Parchment or Paper, are by any former Law relating to ftampt Vellum, Parchment, or Pa- Aliowancetobe PS direded to be altered or renewed ; and that all Perfons who fhall have in their Cuftody or Poifef- made tiiereupon iion, any Vellum, Parchment or Paper, marked with the Stamp or Mark which fliall be fo altered or foroidi^mpt renewed, or on which a new Stamp is hereby direfled to be impreffed, fhall have the like Remedy and apei, c. Allowance, as by any former Law ralating to ftampt Vellum, Parchment or Paper, is in like Cafes direifted. Penalties on IX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Commiffioners, and their ^'■^^'i °f Truft, Officers, fhall be fubjeft to fuch Penalties and Forfeitures for any Breach of the Truft hereby in them tion of^ontes rcpofed, or for diverting or mifapplying of the Money received in purfuance of this Act, as by any for- by CommiiTion- Law relating to ftampt Velluin, Parchment or Paper, are inflidled. c"/!°r?'^?^'^' ' ^' And whereas Ale, Beer, and other excifeable Liquors, which cannot be fold by Retail in that DutuTflflrthcr ' f'^'"'^ °f Great Britain, called England., without Licence from Juftices of the Peace, may be fold by ch.ii,.avd^a ' Retail without any Licence in that Part o{ Great Britain cMed Scotland: And whereas it is expedi- ^"gc' '^' '^' ' ^'^^ '■'^' Rfit^ilers of fuch Liquors in both Parts of this Kingdom, Ihould be fubjed to the like Pow- c. 35. c gj.g ^j^j Authorities ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the Perfons keepinR twenty-flfth Day of Slob tr one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix, in every Royal Borough, and from Aiehoufes in and after the firft Day of November one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix, in every Shire and Stew- Scotland, to be artry in that Pari: of Great Britain called Scotland, no Perfon fhall keep any Ale-houle, Tippling-houfe,

  • ■ ' ■ or Viftualling-houfe, or fell Ale, Beer, or other excifeable Liquors by Retail, but fuch Perfons only who

fhall be annually thereto admitted, allowed and licenfed according to the Direftions contained in this Aft. /ana'tom"«° ^^- -^^^ ^^ '^ further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Juftices of the Peace in each annually, Shire and Stewartry in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, fhall have full Power and Authority, and they are hereby impowered and required, annually to affemble and meet together, in their refpefth'e toiicenfe Ale- ^'^res and Stewartries, on the firft Day of November, or on the next lawful Day thereafter, at the Hour houfes. and Place when and where the General Quarter SefTicns for fuch Shire or Stewartry have ufually been held, the firft AfTembly or Meeting to be held on the firft Day of November one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix ; and at fuch annual Meeting to admit, allow and licenfe, for the Year then next enfuing, fuch and fo many Perfons as the major Part of the Juftices then aflembled ft'iall think meet and conve- nient, to keep Ale-houles, Tippling-houfes, Viftualling-houfes, or to lell Ale, Beer, or other excife- able Liquors by Retail, within fuch refpeftive Shire or Stewartry, or in the Event hereafter mentioned, within any Royal Borough or Boroughs, fituatcd in fuch Shire or Stewartry ; and the faid Juftices fliall deliver or caufe to be delivered, to each Perfon fo by them admitted, allowed and licenfed, a Licence ingroficd, written or printed, upon a Piece of Vellum, Parchment or Paper ftampt, as by this A& is directed, with a Stamp denoting the Payment of the Duty of twenty Shillings, and figned by the Praefes Fee of IS. nay- of the laid Meeting, and by the Clerk of the Peace of the faid Shire or Stewartry ; for each of which Licen "e.'^w tYe licences, there fliall be paid and payable the Sum of one Shilling to the Clerk of the Peace, for his Clerk of the Trouble and Fee, over and above the faid Sum of twenty Shillings, Yor the Stamp Duty impofed by this Peace, AcT:, and no further or greater Sum fhall be demanded or paid tor each Licence, upon any Account or Pretence whatfoever. XII. And for the more ready and conveiiient granting of Licences to Perfons refiding in the Royal Boroughs, mthat Pnrt of Great Britain cMcd Scotland, and the Rovalties thereof ; Be itY.rthcr enafted Ro^llisoroulhs^y *^ Authority aforclaid. That the Magiftrates of each Royal Borough ihall yearly and every Year, tom.etycariy On the twxnty-fifth Day oi Oclober, or the next lawful Day thereafter, the firft Meetmg to be on the for tile like Pur- twenty-fifth Day ot October one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix, afiemble and meet together, at the P°'«- T line and Place when and where they ufually have met, for tranfac^ing the Bufinefs of fuch Roval Bo- rough J and the faid Magiftrates, or any two of them at Icaft, fliall at fuch annual Meeting, admit, al- low