Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/694

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674 C. 22. Aimo vicefimo nono Georgii II. A. D. 1756. Bifhop of Ely for the time being, the Lord or Lords, Lady or Ladies of the feveral and refpedUve Manors of Covency, Littleportt Up-well, Southery and Denver for the time being, or in their Abfence, CommilTianei's with others, to hec-hnfcnforthe feveral Places to execute the Ail. oveney _ ^ . . . - tlieir feveral and I'efpeftive Stewards or Agents appointed under their Hands ; an Agent appointed by the ]J)can and Chapter of FJy under their Common Seal ; every Perfon who for the time being Aiall be bona fid: feifed or pnlleflcd in his or her own R.ight of two hundred Acres of Land, lub- jedt to be iax;d by virtue of this Aci, lying within thi Limits above defcribed ; or in the Abfence of fuch Perfon or Perfons, his, her or their Agent or Agents appointed under their Hands, together wi'h five Perfons, l-eing Owners of Lands lying within the Townthip of Ely two Perfons, b;ing Owners ThefirftCom- inilVioners for the feveral Places. Welney ;' feven Perfons, being (jwners of Lands lying in the Pariih of Southery ; nineteen Perfons, being Owners of Lands lying in the Pariih of Helgay ; and one Perfon, being an Ov.ner of Lands lying in the Parilh of Denver ; to be refj-.ecftively chofen as herein after is direded, (hall be Com- miflioners to put this prefent Adl, and all the Powers and Authorities herein after-mentioned, in Execution. 11. And be it further enafted, That TVilliam Cole Efquire, Charles Naljon Cok Efquire, John Mcrley, Jonathan Page, and John Drage, Gentlemen, ib.all be the tirft Cominiflifoners for the faid Tov.-nfliip of Ely ; Anthony Gregory and JViUiani Suberton, Gentlemen, (hall be the firft Commiflioncrs for the faid Pari 111 of I'lAdam ; the Reverend Mafter Thomas Neale, George Clay, JViWiam Chrj, Robert ALrl:;:g, Wllluim Sanxter, JP'ilFmm Mufgrave and Abraham Biggs, fhall be the firlf Conn-nilfioners for the fatd Their Continu- iincc. Future Com- mllioners to be chofm anni.-al- ly. Their Qualifi- iation. Exception. 'South^ Jofeph ~Denflon, Richard Hopkin, Edivard Martin, Robert Rayner Richard Grimditch fenior, Philip '" ' and Efqu the _ - , . „ - . , - . . John Ctithck, James Clarke, JVilhatn Dillamore, Robert Sutton, Wilham Crahb, John Crahb, Henry JVade- Li and — - , .„,--- Baronet, Aunger Peacock Efquire, John Waddington, Henry Robinjon, Abraham Murphet, Gregory Porter and William Pigott, fhall be the firft Commiffioners for the faid Parifh of Southery; Sir Cecil IVray Baronet, -Sir Thomas Drury Baronet, Adattheiv Robin/on Morris, Henry Morley, Matthew JVildbore, Thomas Wad- dington and Edward Pratt, Efquires, George Harland, William Galloway, Ifnac Cockram, Thomas IVeafeu- ham, - Eaton, Chrjjhpher Galloway, Henry Mayer, Robert Feajl, ' Henry Tanp.-y, King Whit red, William Nix and George South, fhall be the firft Commilhoners for the faid Parifn "of Helgay ; and the Reverend Samuel Sedman, D. D. fnall be the firft Commiffioner for the faid Parifti of D-hVcr : And that the faid Perlbns fhall continue Commiffioners for the faid Towns and Pariflies refpeilively, until the Friday after the fecond Sunday in the Month of Apri[ one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fevcn ; and that all fuch Perfons as are bona fule feifed or poffeffed in their own Right, of ten Acres of Land, fubjecft to be taxed by virtue of this A(5f, lying within the faid Townlhip of Ely, fliall meet at the Shire- houfe in Ely ; and all fuch Perfons as are bona fide feifed or pofleflfed in their own Right, of ten Acres of like taxable Lands, lying in the feveral Pariflies of Mepall, IP'icham, Coveney, Wemworth, IVichford, Downham, Litdepcrt, IVthiey, Southery, Helgay and Denver, refpedtively, (hall meet in their refpe'ftive Parifti Churches, upon the Friday next after the fecond Sunday in the Montlr of April in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fcven hundred and fifty-feven, and upon the Friday next after the fecond Sunday in April in every fucceeding Year ; and fhall chool'e fo many Perfons to be Comirii(rioners for the faid Towns and Parilhes refpe^tively, as are herein before appointed to be CotnmifTiOiiers for the faid Towns ai.d Parilhes refpedtively : And in cafe the Perfons who are to choofc Comm;irioners for the Townftiip of Ely, or for any of the Parithes aforefaid, (hall negleift to meet in any Year at the Time appointed for fuch Elections, or (hall not choofe Coinmifiioners accordingly, then the Perfoirs who v.'ere Commiflioncrs for the faid Tovv-nlhip or Parith in the preceding Year, (hall continue CommiiTioners for the fame, until other Coin m'.fTi oners (hall be chofen as aforefaid, upon the Friday after the fecond Sunday in April in the next or fome fucceeding Year. III. Provided always, and be it further enacfted, That no Perfon (hall be enabled to aft, fit or meet as a CoiTtmiflioner for any of the Purpofes of this Acf, unlefs he (hall be the real Owner of twenty Acres of like taxable Lands, within the faid Fens and low Grounds, bounded and defcribed as afore- faid ; except the faid Lord Bilhop of Ely, and the Lord or Loids, Lady or Ladies of the feveral and refpec'live Manors of Coveney, Litthpirt, Upivell and Southery, for the time being, or his her or their refpciStive Stewards or Agents, the Agent of the Dean and Chapter of Ely, and the feveral and refpe^iive Agents of fuch Perfons as (hall be polTcfled of two hundred Acres of taxable Lands as afore- faid, and foirie one of the Trullees of the Poors Land belonging to each of the Towns of Ely, Welner, and Helgay refpei^ively. IV. And