Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/724

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704 GJ. 3^- -Aniid vicefmio nonotiEoiiGfi.IL A. D. 1756. For want of nutiefi, Of. fender to be committed. Conviflions to lie certified to tjif Quarter- Seirions, In the Form following. was deemed' ahd adjudged guilty ; which Forfeiture fliall be paid, one Moidty thereof to the Informer, and the other Moiety thereof to the Overfeers of the Poor, for the Ule of the Poor of the Parifli or Place where fuch Offence was committed (if it is known where) or elfe where fuch Conviction ihaJl be made ; and if no fufiicient Diikefs fliall be found, whereon to levy the faid refpective Forfeitures, tiien the faid Juflices Ihall and may commit every fuch Offender, fo refpedtivelj^ deemed and adjudged guilty as aforefaid, to the common Gaol or other Prifon, or Houfe of CorrcvJtion, within their Jurif- didion, without Bail or Mainprize, for the Space of one Month for the lirft Offence, and for the fe- cond Offence for the Space of two Months, and for every fubfequent Offence until fuch Offender (hail be difcharged by Order of the Court of General or Quarter Seffions. VII. And be it further enaded. That every Convidtion of any Offender, in any of the aforefaid. Mifdemeanors, (hall be certified by two or more of the Juftices of the Peace, making the fame, to the next General or Quarter Se(rions of the Peace, to be (iled and entered amcngft the Records of the faid Se(rions ; and that fuch Conviftion (hall and may be drawn up on Parchment, and certified in the fol- lowing Form of Words (as the Cafe fhall happen) or in any other Form of Words to the like Effect, mutatis mutandh ; that is to fay. ^ Middlefex,

  • to wit.
TTJ E it remembered, That on the Day of in the Year 

J Jj A. B. was convidted before us of the Juftices of the Peace for the ■ County, City, Riding, Divifion, Liberty or Place aforefaid (as the Cafe (liall be) of a ■ Mifdemeanor, in having in his, her or their Poffeffion Lead, Iron, Copper, Brafs, Bell- ' metal or Solder fufpefted to be ftolen or unlawfully come by, and not producing the ' Party or Parties of whom he, (lie or they bought or received the fame, nor giving a ' I'atisfadory Account how he, (he or they came by the fame, or in having, carrying or ' conveying of Lead, Iron, Copper, Brafs, Bell-metal or Solder fufpected to be (lolen or ■ unlawfully come by, and not producing the Party or Parties from whom he, fhe or they ' bought or received the fame, nor any credible Witnefs to depofe upon Oath the Sale or ' Delivery thereof, or not giving a fatisfaftory Account how he, fhe or they came by the ' fame, or of negleiSting to apprehend and fecure the Perfon or Perfons who brought and ' offered to pawn, fell or deliver Lead, Iron, Copper, Brafs, Bell-metal or Solder fufpe*.'led ' to be (tolen or unlawfully come by (as the Cafe (hall be).' ' Given under our Hands and Seals the Day and ' Year aforefaid.' Said Conviffion Which faid Conviftion, in the fame or the like Form of 'Words, (liall be good and effedual in Law nottobequafli- to ^jj Intents and Purpofes, and (hall not be quafhed, fet afide, or adjudged void or infufficient for by Certoari!^ want of any other Form or Words whatfoever, nor be liable to be removed by Certiorari into his Ma- jefty's Court of King's Bench, but (liall be deemed and taken to be final to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever. ,, - , Felon convifting VIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon, beTng out of Prifon, the Buyers or fhall, after the faid firff Day of OSioher one thoufand feven hundred and (ifty-fiv, commit any Felonv, SdrUoien'^Ma- ^V Oc^l'ng ^•y Lead, Iron, Copper, Brafs, Bell-metal or Solder, and afterwards difcover two or more teiiais is intitied Perfons who iliall buy or receive any ftolen Lead, Iron, Copper, Brafs, Bell-metal or Solder, after the faid firft Day of Otioher one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix, knowing the fame to be ftolen, fo as two or more of the Perfons difcovered lliall be convifted of fuch buying or receiing, he, (he or they fo difcovering fliall have, and be intitied to, the gracious Pardon of his Majefty, his Heirs and Suc- ceff rs, for all fuch Felonies by him or her committed, at any Time or Times before fuch Difcovery made, which Pardon (liall be likewife a Bar to any Appeal brouglit for fuch Felony. IX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon (liall be concerned in the ftealing any Lead, Iron, Copper, Brafs, Bell-metal or Solder, and (hall afterwards, being out of Prifon, dilcover any Perfon to whom he, (he or they fliall have, after the faid firft Day of October, of- fered to fell, pawn or deliver any ftolen Lead, Iron, Copper, Brafs, Bell-metal or Solder, fo as fuch Perlbn be convifted of the Milciemeanor of not apprehending, fecuring and carrying him, her or them before a Juftice as aforefaid, that then the Perfon making fuch Difcovery Ihall not be liable to be pro- fecuted for ftealing. the Lead, Iron, Copper, Brafs, Bell-metal or Solder fo offered as aforefaid. X. And be it further enacfed by the Authority aforefaid. That 'if any Action or Suit fliall be com- menced or brought againft any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, or other Officer or Perfon whatfoever, for doing or caufing to be done any Thing in purfuance of this Ai5t, concerning the faid Offences, the fame Ihall be commenced or brought within fix Months after fuch Caufe of Adion has accrued ; and the Defendant in fuch Cafe may plead the General Illue, and give the Special Matter m Evidence j and if upon fuch Aftion a Vcrdid fliall be given for the Defendant, or the Plaintift" become nonfuitcd, or difcontinue his Adlion, the Defendant fliall have treble Cofts. XI. Provided always. That nothing herein contained fliall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to not" cstedTnor '-"^^^' any former Law now in Being, for the PuniQiment of fuch Offenders; and provided alfo, that Offenders habic fuch Offender, after having been puniflicd by this Act, fliall not for the lame Offence be afterwards pu-

  • °*°".'^^ '"" '^^'^^sd or b« liable to be punilhed by any fuch former Law.

te his Majefty s Pardon ; and convifting any of a Mif- demeanor, in not appreliend- ing, &c. Offen- der offering; to fell or pawn the fame, is dif- charged from Profecution for fuel) Felony. Limitation of Actions. General Ili'ue. Treble Cofls. CAP.