7o6 C. 32. Anno vicefimo nono Georgii II. A. D. 1756. 1 Ceo. I, e. 13. 13 Car. I. c. I. z: Car. 2. c. I. 50 Car. :. ft. a- Further Time to 28 Nov. 1 7 5<5, allowed to Per- fons vho have omitted to qua- lify themfelves, as the Laws di- reft. P«rfons qualify- ing; themfelves within the Time rcL-apacitated .-ind indemni- Jicd. Further Time allowtp for pro- vidingjand itaiiiping Ad- miinons into Cbrppptions. Officer fignify- iUK his Delirc tp hare his Admif- Ifon renewtd or cuiihrnied, a ijubfick Meet- inc to be iuin- Qwucd,
- the Reign of his late Majefly King George of glorious Memory (intituled, Jn ASi for the further Se-
' curity of his Alajcjlfs Per/on and Government, and the SuicejUon of the Crown in the Heirs of the la'e ' Princcfs SopJiia," heing Pr'oteftants ; aiid for extlnguljlnng the Hopes of the pretended Prince oj VVales, and ' his open and fecrct Abetters;) cr to have qualified themfelves^ according to an Acl made in tfie thir- ' teenth Year of the Reign of Kipg Charles the Second (intituled, An Aif for the ivell- governing ' and regulating Corporations ;) or to have qualified themfelves according to another Act made in tiie ' fwenty-fifth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second (intituled. An Act J or preventing the
- Dangers u-hich may happen from Popijli Recufants ;) by receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper,
' according to the Ufage of the Church of England; and making and fubl'cribing the Declaration ' againtt 'IVanfubftantiation therein mentioned ; or according to another Aft made in the thirtieth Year ' of the Reign of King Charles the Second (intituled, An Ad for the more cffednal preferving the ' King's Per I OH and Government, by difabling Papijis' from fitting in either Hoitfe of Parliament;) have ' through ignorance of the Law, Ablence, or fome unavoidable Accident, omitted to talce and fubfcribe
- the fawi Oaths and Affurance, or otherwife to qualify themfelves as aforefaid, within fuch Time, and
' in fuch Manner, as in and by the faid Adfs refpeiStively, or by any other Act of Parliament in that '- Behalf made and provided, is required, whereby they may be in Danger of incurring divers Penalties ' and Difabilities :' For quieting the Minds of his Majefty's Subjeds, and for preventing any Inconve- niencies that might otherwife happen by Means of fuch OmilFions, Be it enadled by the King's moft Ex- cellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- mons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all and eveiy Perfon and Perfons who (hall, on or before the twenty-eighth Day oi November one thoufand feven hun- dred and fifty-fix, take and fubfcribe the faid Oaths and Affurance refpetflively, in fuch Cafes wherein by Law the faid Oaths or Afiiirance ought to have been taken or fubfcribed, in fuch Manner and Form., and fuch Phce and Places, as are appointed in and by the faid A6t made in the firft Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George, or by any other A<5t or AiSts of Parliamen* in that Behalf made and provided ; and alfo receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, according to the Ufage of the Church of England ; and make and fubfcribe the faid Declaration againft TitanfubfiantiatiGn, in fuch Cafes wherein the faid Sacrament ought to have been received, and the faid Declaration ought to have been made and fubfcribed, (hall be, and are hereby indemnified, freed and difcharged, from and againft all Penalties, Forfeitures, Incapacities and Difabilities, incurred or to be incurred, for or by Reafon of any former hTeglecl or Omiffion of taking or fubfcribing the faid Oaths or Afllirance, or receiving the Sacrament, or making or fubfcribing th& faid Declaration refpedlively, according to the above-men- tiontd A6ts, or any of them, or any other A6t or Adls, is and are and fliall be fully and actually recapacitated and reftored to the fame State and Condition as fuch Perfon or Perfons were before fuch Negleet or Omifllon, and fhall be deemed and adjudged to have duly qualified him, her or themfelves, according to the above-mentioned A(5ts, and every of them ; and that all Adts done or to be done by any fuch Perfon or Perfons, or by Authority derived from him or them, are and ihall be of the fame Force and Validity as the fame, or any of them, would have been if fuch Perfon or Perfons had taken the faid Oaths or Afltirance, and received the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and made and fub- fcribed the faid Declaration refpeclively, according to the Diredtion of the faid Adts, and every of' them ; and that fuch Perfon or Perfons qualifying themfelves, in Manner and within the Tunc ap- pointed by this Act, fliall be, to all Intents and Purpofes, as effedtual as if fuch Per.'on or Per- fons had lefpedlively taken the faid Oaths and AfTurance, and received the Sacrament, and made and. fubfcribed the faid Ekclaration, withiathe Time and in. the Manner appointed by the feveral ' Adls be- fore-mentioned. ' II. And whereas Admiflmns of feveral Members and' Officers into Cities, Corporations and Borough
- Towns, which by feveral Afls of Parliament are directed and required to be ftamped, maw not have
- been provided, or the fame not duly ftamped, or may have been loft or millaid ; ' Be ir further
enatfted by the Authority aforefaid, That for the Relief of fuch Perfons whofe Admiffions may not have been provided,, or not duly ftamped as aforefaid, or where the fame have been loft, or millaid, it ftiall and may tie lawful to and for fueh Perfons, on, or before the twenty-eighth- Day of A'i;- vember one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix, to provide, or caufe to be provided,, Admifiioiis duly ftaniped ; and fucFi Perfons fo providing Admiffions duly ftamped as aforefaid, are and Ihall be hereby confipiied and qualified to adk as Member or Members, Officer or Officers, of fuch Ci- ties, CorpofftftA^ns and Borough Towns refpedtively, to all Intents and Purpofes, and (hall and may hold, enjoy and execute the lame, or any other Office or Offices into which he or they have or hath been elected, notwithftanding his or their OmilFiort, or the Omiffion of any of their Piede- celfors, in fuch Cities, Corporations or Borough Towns as aforefaid, and. (hall be indemnified and. difcharged of and from all Incapacities,. Difabilities, Forfeitures, Penalties and Damages, by reafoiv of any fuch Omiffion ; and none of his or their Ads (hall be queftioncd or avoided Lr or by rea^ fon of the fame. III. Provided always, and be it further enatSted by the Authority aforefaid. That when and as often as any Member or Members, Officer or Officers of any City, Corporation or Borough Town, Ihall defire to have his or their refpccflive Admilfions renewed or confirmed in Manner aforefaid, the Mayor or other Chief Magi(irate of fuch City, Corporatioa or Borough Town, (hall, and he is hereby required, in every fuch Caie, upon Notice given to him by any one or more Member or Members of fuch refpec- five City, Corpoitition or Borough Town, to fummon a Hall, Common Council, or other proper pub- lick Meeting, within fix Days after fuch Note.' given to hira, for the Purpofe of admitting or granting Copies, and >?onfj[rming the Admiffions of fuch Perfon or Perfons- as aforefaid. 4 ' IV. And