Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/728

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7o8 C. 34. Anno vicefimo nono Georgii H.^ A. D. 1756. mixed, medley or white Broad Cloth (liall not pay to the Weaver or Weavers employed by fuch Mafter not con- Maker, according to fuch Rates, every Perfon fo offending Ihall forfeit and pay the Sum of hve forming, forfeits poy^^jg_ Rates to be af- II. Provided always. That fuch Juftices fliall yearly order and dired that the Rates fo made fhall, fi>t^d upon the within twenty Days alter making thereof, be fixed upon all the Church Doors and Chapel Doors within Church Doors, ^j^^jj. j-efpedtive Jurifdiclions, by the High Conftables, Petty Conftables or other Peace Officers, in Man- ner as the faid Juftices ihall think lit. ' • Matters paying III. And be it further ena6ted. That if any Clothier, Serge-maker, Woollen or Worfled Stuff-maker, Workmen in Worfted or Woollen Yarn Stocking-maker, or Perfon concerned in making any Woollen Clothes, nef t°han'in'^o- Serges, Stuffs, Worfled or Woollen Yarn Stockings, or any other Perfon any ways concerned for him- nt-y, forfeit 20 1. felf or another in employing Weavers, Cofnbers of Jerfey or Wool, Worfted Combers, Spinners, Knitters or otlier Labourers in the Woollen Manufadures, fhall pay or caufe to be paid to any Perfon or Perfons employed by him or them, his or their Wages, or other Price agreed on, or any Part thereof, either in Goods or by way of Truck, Bill or Note, or in any other Manner than in Money, every Perfon fo offending fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of twenty Pounds. Penalties and IV. And be it further enaded. That the refpeflive Penalties and Forfeitures incurred and made pay- Forfeitures, how able by this A&y may be recovered by Adfion of Debt by any Perfon who fhall fue for the fame, or and^piied.'^^ '^^Y ^^ levied upon Conviiftion before any two or more Juftices of the Peace for the County or Place where the Offence is committed, either by the Confeflion of the Party or Parties, or upon the Oath of one or more Witnefs or Witneffes, in cafe the fame be not paid within fourteen -Days after fuch Con- vidVion, by Diftrefs and Sale of the Goods of the Offender or Offenders, by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of fuch Juftices (which Warrant or Warrants fuch Juftices are hereby authorized to grant, Forwantof Di- and to adminiftcr fuch Oath or Oaths) returning the Overplus, if any be, after all Charges paid ; and to b^ commit- ^° '^^'^"'- °^ fufficient Diftreli, the faid Juftices ftiall commit the Offender or Offenders to the Houfe of ted. " Gorredtion for any I'ime not exceeding three Months, or until Satisfa6tion fhall be made by the Parties offending. • Pe^fa'^'^°" °*^ ^' ■P^'ovided always, That if any of the Penalties and Forfeitures aforefaid be levied upon Convidtion Convi'afon'be" before the Juftices of the Peace, One Moiety thereof fhall be paid to the Poor of the Parifh where the fore the Juftices, Offence was committed, and the other Moiety to the Informer. None may be ^I- Provided alfo. That in cafe any Adtion of Debt fhall be brought againft any Perfon for any of fued both Ways the Penalties and Forfeitures aforefaid^ fuch Perfon (hall not be liable to any Convidtion before the fence '^"^'^ °^' Ju^i'^^s of the Peace for the fame Offence, whereby fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, Ihall be in- curred and made payable; nor in cafe of Information laid before the Juftices, and Convidtion there- on, fhall the Perfon offending be liable to an Adlioh of Debt for the Penalties and Forfeitures in- curred and made payable by the fame Offence, for which fuch Perfon hath been convidted before the Juftices. ' Perfons aggrie- VII. Provided always, and be it further enadted. That it fhall be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons cnu'iHc?s'^ma ^^^° ^^ think him, her or themfelves aggrieved by any Order of fuch Juftices, to appeal to the appeai'tonexT pcxt General or Quarter-Seffions to be holden for the County, Divifion or Riding, where fuch Order Quartc-r-Sef- fhall be made j fuch Perfon or Perfons fo appealing, having firft entered into a Recognizance with fuf- imoeco?ni"^ ficient Security before fuch Juftices, to profecute and abide by the Carder or Orders that fhall be made zance, and giv- On fuch Appeal, and giving eight Days Notice in Writing of fuch Appeal to the Party or Parties in ingeightDays whofe Favour fuch Order hath been made; and the Juftices in their General or Quarter-Seffions are °'"^ hereby authorized and required to hear and determine the Matter of fuch Appeal, and to make fuch Or- der, and to award fuch Cofts and Damages, as to them in their Difcretion fhall feem reafonable, and Orderof Juftices to levy by their Order or Warrants fuch Cofts and Damages fo awarded, by Diftrefs and Sale of the tobebmdmg. Qoods and Chatties of any Perfon or Perfons who fhall refufe to pay the fame; and for want of fut- ficient Diftrefs, to commit the Party or Parties to the common Gaol of the faid County, Divifion or Riding for any Time not exceeding three Months, or until Satisfadtion fhall be made by the Party or Parties offending ; and fuch Award or Order of the faid Juftices at their General or Quarter-Sellions Proceedings not fhall be final ; and no Proceedings of any fuch Juftice or Juftices out of Seflions, or of the Juftices in by Ceniorar! ^^^^^ ^^^ General or Quarter-Seffions, in purfuance of this Act, ftiall be liable to be removed by Cer- tiorari or other Form or Procefs of Law ; any thing in this Adt or in any other Adt or Adts contained Limitation of ^o ^^^ Contrary notwithftanding. frofecutions. VIII. Provided always. That all Profecutions for Offences againft this Ad llull be coramenced'within SSc'n"yK"am, t^""^*^ Months next after the Offence committed, and not afterwards. - - J'ufiiim, fife, fee further- 30 Cw. 2. c 12. CAP. XXXIV. An Aft for the Encouragement of Seamen, and the more fpeedy and efFeftual Manning his Majefly's Navy. fur firmer Lmus '■ TTTPIEREAS the Unwarrantable Hoftilities begun by the French, have neceftarily engaged his m"^'"r"Lf^' ' VV A4ajefty in actual War with the Ftr/id King in Defence of his Stibjedls, and theRi^lus and lA. 2. f,4. ' Poffeffions of his Crown: And whereas his M-.ijefty has been pleafed to notitV the fame by Proclama- 5£f.-./-5. ' tion, and a publick Declaration thereof^ on the leventeenth Day of A'fay in the Year of our Lord 9 t? 10 W. 3. r 41. 2 Ann. f. 6. 4 fef c, Ann. c. 19. 10 Ann. c. 17. i Geo. i. <-. 25. 8 Ges. i. c. 24. 1 Geo. 2. fl. 2. e.g. 1 C«. 2. e. Lr?;^/'q^ 36. 6G«. 2. f.25. 8G.P.2. f. 0.9. ii(7«.2. f. 30. I3G«. a. f. 3,4£j'i7. 14 G«. s. c. 38, 17 6«. 2. c. 34. iSCe,.2.c 20 G<o. 2. c. 38. ,22 G«, 2. c 52. 24GM. 2, c. 47. 28G«. 2. f. j6. ';..■".*■ C. M.