A. D. 174-7' Anno vlcefimo Georgii II. C. 35, 36. 35 Term of forty-on: Years, and other Leafes of other Parts thersof, for the Term of twenty-one Years : And v/hercas Sir Jojcph Jdyll, Knight, deceafed, was by Letters Patent, under the Great deal of Greiit Britain, bearing Date the thirteenth Day of July in the third Year of the Reign of his hte Majefty Kino- George the I'irft, appointed Mafter of the Rolls, and foon after fuch his Appointment, finding the Houfes built on the Ground belonging to the Rolls, in a ruinous Condition, did, from time to time, rebuild feveral of the laid Houfes in a fubliantial Manner, and at a very great Expence, and afterwards granted Leafes of the faid Ground and^Joufes, for the Term of forty-one Years, in TrufI: for himfelf, conceiving that he v/as iir.powered by the faid A& to grant fuch Leafes ; And whereas the faid Sir Jofeph jfekyli i'lsa Oil or about the nineteenth Day of Augujl in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fei-en hiTndred and thirty -eight, and by his lall Will and Teftament, in Writing, bearing Date the fourth Day of May in the faid. Year, bequeathed feveral pecuniary Legacies and Annuities for Life, to feveral of his Relations, and directed that the Eajl India and South Sea Stock, which he fliouid be pofTefled of at the Time of his Death, fnould not be transferred, or altered by his Executor, during the Life of Dame Elizabeth his Wife (who is fmce alfo deceafed) but after her Death, he gave his faid Eaji India and South Sea Stock to his Majeily, his Heirs and Succeffors, Kings or Qijeens of England, to be applied to the Ufe of the Sinking Fund, in fuch IVlanner, as fhould be diretted by AiSt of Parliament ; and all the refi- and Reiidue of his Eftate both Real and Perfonal, he gave and devifed unto Thomas Jekyll, John Jeky'l, Jofeph Jsky'l, Edivardjekyll, Richard Blcckctt Jekyll, Mary Jekyll, and Hannah Jekyll, Children oi John Jekyll, late oi Neiu England, de- ceafed, and to Jofeph Jekyll Grocer, the Son at' Thomas Jekyll, and to Nicholas Roberts, Thomas HeJier, Tryphsna Baldvjin and Tryphofa Sanders, and to their Pleirs, Executors and Adm.iniftrators, as Tenants in Common ; and he appointed the fiiid Jofeph Jekyll Executor of his Will ; and he alfo gave his faid Execu- tor Power to renew Leafes, from time to time, of the Houfes held of the Mafler of the Roils, with his Succefibr or Succeffors^, Mafters of the Rolls for the Time being : And whereas the faid Sir Jofeph Jekyll did before, and till the Time of his Death, fliew great AiFe(5i:ion and Regard for feveral of his Relations, whom he fo made Refiduary Legatees by his faid Will, and feveral Times expreffed his Intention to make a competent Provifion for their Support, and for that End and Purpofe devifed to them all the Refidue of his Real and Perfonal Eftate, in Manner as before-mentioned : And whereas it having appeared fince the . Death of the faid Sir Jofeph Jekyll, that the Ground belonging to the Rolls which he demifed together with the Meflhages built thereon for the Term of forty-one Years, were demifeable for the Term of tv/entj'-one Years only, the faid Refiduary Legatees were neccflitated to enter into an Agreement with John Verney, Efquire, deceafed, late Mafter of the R.olls, by which Agreement all the faid Leafes granted as aforefaid, for the Term of forty-one Years, were to be cancelled, and the faid John Verney was to ex- ecute, for the Benefit of tlie faid Refiduary Legatees, other Leafes of the faid Mefluages, for the Term of twenty- one Years, and by Reafon of fuch Agreement the Value of the Eftate bequeathed to the faid Le- gatees, is fo reduced, that feveral of them will be expofed to Indigence and Diftrefs, unJefs fome Relief be granted to them by Parliament ;' Therefore we your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjedls, the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament nflembled, having taken the PremiiTes into Confideration, do moft humbly befeech your moft Excellent Majeft-y, that it may be enadled ; and be it enabled by the King's Mr. Jekyll per- •inoll: Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confcnt of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and fitted to raife Commons, in this prefent parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That it fliall and may "^'^^^l:'^^^* be iawftd':for his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccelTors, by Warrant or Order under his or their Sign Manual, indi" ani'^South to permit the faid Jofeph Jekyll, his Executors, Admlniftrators or Affigns, to fell fo much o( the Eajl India Sea Stock, given and South Sea Stock, devifed as aforefaid, as will enable him or them to raife for the Benefit of the faid by Sir jofeph Jof-ph Jekyll li, by his faiu Will, dlreded to be applied. as sir jofeph' JekyU's Eftate. CAP. XXXV. An Acl to indemnify Perfons who have omitted to regifter their Letters of Attorney, appointing them Ageiits for Prices within the Time limited by Law ; and for allowing further Time for that Purpofe. EXP. Time given to i Aug. 1747. CAP. XXXVL An Aft for granting to his Majefty a certain Sum of Money out of the Sinking Fund, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty ■ feven •, and alio for enabling his Majefty to raife a further Sum of Money for the Ufes and Purpofes tlierein mentioned ; and for the further appropriating the Supplies granted in this Seftion of Parliament; and for applying a certain Sum of Money, for defraying the Charge of the Allowances to feveral Officers and private Gentlemen of the two Troops of Horfe Guards, and three Regiments . of Horfe, lately reduced, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven ; and for continuing the Bounties on the Exportation of Britiflj and Irifo coarfe X^inens. Mofl Gracious Sovereign, E your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the Commons of Great Britain 'in Parliariient af- P'=->»Ue. fctflbled, being defirous to raife the necefliiry Supplies which we have cheerfully granted to your Ma- F 2 jefty