A. D. 1747. Anno vkefinio Georgii II. C. 38, 45 VIII. And be it fui'ther enafteJ and declared, That there iliall be four General Courts at lead held every Four Gcnevai .Year; that is to Cay, on the (aid tv/enty-fourth "Day of y/^7i-, on the twenty-ninth Day o'i Scpteniba-, on Couns ye3::y; the twenty-fifth Day of Di?a'j«/.«', and on the twenty-fifth Day o'i March, or within five Days before or •after either of the faid Daysrefioeilively, of which ten Days Notice fhall be given in the London Gazette; Notke in the • and the faid Prefident and Affifiants, or Committees, fhall have Pov/er to call a General Court at any other Gszare. Time or Times, as the Afrairs of the faid Corporation fliall require ; and are alio impov/ered and required Couf.smay be to call a Genera! Court at the Requcft of any thirteen of the Members of the laid Corporation, fynifying called at other .the fame by Writing under their Hands ; provided that ten Days Notice at leaft begien in the London Ga- '{'J'^^' vMt':^ of the Time and Place of the Meeting of every fuch General Court fo to be called as aforefaid. gi""g Notice. IX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the laid Prefident, with any five or more Prefident and of the faid Affiftants or Committees for the time being, fhall make a full Court of AfliPcants or Committees ; 5 Afliftants to and fliall meet, from time to time, upon Wcdnejdap weekly, in or near the City of London, or at fuch other ""^^.j?,^"'!" ' Time and Place as th-y (hall think fit to appoint; and fuch Court of Affiftants or Committees (hall have '"^ ^^'^ Pov.'er, when aflembled as aforefaid, in the Name of the faid Corporation, and on their Account, to ap- ply the Monies arifing and to be received by virtue of this AcS, and veiled in the faid Corporation, for the Relief and Support of fuch Seamen, and their Widows and Children, as are before defcribed ; and fliall be intitled to the Benefits and Provifions of this Aift in the Manner herein direfted, and in cafe there fliall be any Surplus thereof, or any Sum or Sums of fidoney fliall be contributed and given for the Purpofes of this K&. by any well difpofed Perfons, to lay out the fame in Parliamentary Securities, or to difpofe of the fame in the Purchafe of fuch Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments as are hereby before allov/ed, and with and imder their Common Seal, to enter into any Covenants or Contracts for the Purpofes aforeiaid, as they •fhall think fit for the better efledling and carrying on the Charity hereby intended; and to appoint and to appoint Of- choofe, and at their Pleafure to remove, difplace and fupply any Officers, Servants and other Perfon and licers, &c. -Perfons to be employed for the Purpofes herein mentioned and intended, or other the Aflairs of the faid Cor- poration (other than and except fuch OfKcers and Perfons as are directed to be appointed and chofen at a Exception. General Court or Aflembly of the faid CorporationJ and to dire<£t and appoint fuch Salaries, Perquifites or other Rewards, for their Labour or Service therein, as they fliall approve or think proper ; and to do, ma- nage and tranfait and determine all fuch other Matters -and Things, as Ihall to them or the greater Part of them, appear necefiary and convenient for the eftefting or carrying on the Purpofes hereby intended. X. And be it fuither ena£ted and declared. That the Manageme-nt, Tranfadiions and Accompts of the committees to . faid Prefident and Affiftants or Com.mittees, fliall be, from time to time and at all Times hereafter, fubje<Sl be fuiijea to ihe and liable to fuch Audit and Infpedfion, Allowance, Difallowance and Controul of all or fuch of the Mem- By-laws, bers or Governors of the faid hereby erected Corporation, as by any By-laws or Ordinances of the fame Corporation fliall be for that Purpofe conftituted and appointed. XI. And it is hereby further enacSted by the Authority aforefaid, That there fl:iall be a P^eceiver of the Receiver, hereby erected Corporation, who fhall be chofen by the faid Prefident and Governors, or the greater Part of them aflx;mb]ed in a General Court as aforefaid ; and fliall and may be allowed fuch Salary as to them fliall feem proper, and at their Will and Pleafure difplaced and removed from his Station or Employment, and another fit and able Perfon thereunto appointed and chofen in his Room. XII. Provided alfo, and be it declared and enafted. That if there be any Vacancy or Vacancies of any Vacancies to be Perfon or Perfons chofen at a General Court as aforefaid,' happening by Death or Removal, fuch Vacancy fiUcJ upaia or Vacancies fliall be filled up at a General Court or Aflembly to be held of the faid Prefident and Gover- General Cuurt. nors, after ten Days Notice at leaft to be given thereof in the London Gazette^ of fuch Elcftion. XIII. And to the Intent that there never may be v/anting a competent Number of Members or Governors of the faid hereby eredted Corporation; therefore for perpetuating theSucceffion thereof, and for ilipplying and filling up the Places of Prefident and Affiftants, or Committees, Be it further enaiSted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fliall and may be lawful to and for the fiid Prefident and Governors, or the greater Part of them that fliall be prefent in fuch General Court or AlTembly, to be held as aforefaid (fo that not lefs Thirteen Go- than thirteen Governors be then prefent) to eleft and choofe fome oth.r fit and able Perfon or Perfons to be vernors to be a Member or Governor, or Members or Governors of the faid hereby eredled Corporation, in the Room or ■r.rl;"' "l'^'^ I'lace of fuch of the Perfons above-named, or to be, from time to time, eledled Members or Gov'emors as ^ Member or aforefaid, who fhall happen to depart this Life, or fhall refufe to accept of being, or to continue and remain Governor, and to be a Member or Governor as aforefaid. XIV. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid at th" Tiaking Prefident and Governors, in a General Court alTembled as aforefaid (fo that not lefs than thirteen Governors By-lawss be then prefent) to make, ordain and conftitute fuch and fo many By-laws, Conftitutions and Ordinances, as to them, or the greater Part of them then and there prefent, fhall ieeni iieceflaiy and convenient for the eftablifhing the faid hereby erected Corporation, and the Officers, Servants and Perfons by them, in and about the Affairs of the faid Corporation to be employed ; and for the better applying the Money hereby to be raifed and received, and providing for the Perfons intitled to the Benefits of and Provifions made by this A<Sl ; and for the auditing the Accounts, and the controuling, allowing or difallowing the TranfacStions of the faid Prefident, Affiftants or Committees, and of the faid OfHcers, Servants and Perfons; and the fame By-laws, Orders, Ordinances and Conftitutions fo made, to put in ufe accordingly; and at their Will and Pleafure to revoke, change and alter the fame ; which liid Ly-laws, Orders and Ordinances fo as afore- faid made, fliall be duly kept and obferved, fb always as the laid Conftitutions, By-laws, Orders and Or- dinances be reafonable, and not contrary or repugnant to the Statutes, Cuftoms or Laws of this Kingdom, or any of the exprefs Regulations of this Act. XV . Provided alfo, and it is hereby declared. That in cafe the Prefident fhall at any Time not attend, Prefident not then it fhall be lawful to and for the faid Affiftants or Committees, at a Court of Affiftants or Committees, aitcndinj, ano- aiid the faid Governors, at a General Court, to depute and appoint any other Perfon a Member or Gover- therto bedc- ^Oj-puted.