Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/125

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A. D. 1757' Anno tricelimo Georgii II. C. 25. 91 one Shilling for every Mile any Wain with fix Oxen, or with four Oxen and two Horfes, fhall travel ; and the Sum of nine Pence for every Mile any Cart with four Horfes Ihall travel ; and fo in Proportion for which a Re for Carriages drawn by a lefs Number of Horfes or Oxen ; for which refpe6live Sums fo received, the ceipt is to be gi- faid Chief Conftable, Conftable, Tythingman, Headborough, or other Officer, is hereby required to ^en him, give a Receipt in Writing, to the Perfon or Perfons paying the fame ; and fuch Chief Conftable, Con- and the Confla- ftable, Tythingman, Headborough, or o:her Officer, iliall order and appoint fuch Perfon or Perfons, bies are to oHcr having Carriages within their refpedtive Hundreds, Rapes, Laths, Wapentakes, Parifhes, Tythings o f J,X" a«or- Places as they fhall think proper, to provide and furnifh fuch Carriages and Men accordmg to the War- ,^^1^. ^^^ ^^^ wnt aforefaid ; which Perfons fo ordered are hereby required to provide and furnifh the fame accordingly, Day's Journey ; for one Day's Journey, and no more ; and in cafe the faid Chief Conftables, Conftables, Tythingmen, additional E'.- Headboroughs, or other Officers, flial! be at any.Charges for fuch Carriages over and above what is fo re- pen«s to bcM-e- ceived by them of his Majefty's faid Lieutenant, the faid Deputy Lieutenant, Colonel, or o'^l^^'" Chief ^^^^^""'^"^^^j^*, Officer as aforefaid, fuch Overplus fhall be borne by each County, Riding or Place where fuch additional " ' ^ ' • Expence ftiall be incurred, and be repaid to them without Fee or Reward, by the Treafurer of each re- fpedive County, Riding or Place, out of the publick Stock. L. And be it ena<Sfed, That if any fuch Chief Conftable, Conftable, Tythingman, Headborough, or Conftables, &o other Officer, fhall wilfully negled or refufe to execute any fuch Warrant of any Juftice of the Peace; neglefting their or if any Perfon appointed by fuch Chief Conftable, Conftable, Tythingman, Headborough, or othei ^^"g^j^"""^^"'^ Officer, to provide or furnifh any fuch Carriage and Man, fliall wilfully nogleii or refufe to provide the norTefslLlVos. feme, every fuch Offender fhall forfeit a Sum not exceeding forty Shillings, nor lefs than twenty Shil- lings, to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parifh, Tything or Place where fuch Off'ence fhall be commirred ; and every fuch Offence fhall and may be heard and determined by two Juftices of the Peace within the County, Riding or Place where fuch Offence fhall be committed; which Juftices fhall, by Warrant tinder their Hands and Seals, caufe the faid Penalty to be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offender's Goods and Chattels, rendering the Overplus (if any) on Demand, after deducting the Charges of fuch Diftrefs and Sale, to fuch Offender upon whom fuch Diftrefs fhall have been made as aforefaid. LI. Provided always, and be it enacted, That neither this A6t, nor any Matter or Thing herein con- Militia not liable tained, fhall be deemed or conftrued to extend to the giving or declaring any Power for the tranfporting ^° be marched any of the Militia of this Realm, or any way compelling them to march out of t/jis Kingdom, _ j^^° ' ^ '"^'. LIL Provided always, and be it enadted. That his Majefty's Lieutenants of the feveral Counties of j^. !^^^^,^ ^^^ Cumberland, Huntingdon^ Moninouth, Wejimorland and Rutland, and of every County and Place in the Cumberland, Dominion of Wales, fhall refpedlively have the Chief Command of the Militia thereof, which fhall be Huntingdon, raifed by Virtue of this A61: ; and in all the faid Counties of Cumberland, Huntingdon, Monmouth, Weji- Monmouth, moreland and Rutland, and in every County and Place within the Dominion of JVales refpeftively, there Weftmorland, fliall be five or more Deputy Lieutenants appointed (if fo many qualified as herein after ex preffed can (^"J^^j.-^^' j^"* be therein found) and the Eftates requifite for the Qualification of the refpedtive Deputy Lieutenants and Wales, lo have Officers of the Militia therein, fliall be as follows; that is to fay. They fhall be feifed or polfcffid of Comm'and of the fuch an Eftate as is in this A61 mentioned, as a Qualification for a Deputy Lieutenant, Colonel or other Militia there. Officer of the Militia, in that Part of Great Britain called England, in the Proportions following : A Number of De- Deputy Lieutenant or Colonel fhall be in like Manner feifed or poffefl'ed of a like Eftate as aforefiid of Pj"'^'^^™^' the yearly Value of three hundred Pounds, or fhall be Heir Apparent of a Perfon who fhall be in like Man- nant or c.Xne] ner feifed or polfeffed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of five hundred Pounds ; a Lieute- to have 300I. nant Colonel or Major fhall be in like Manner feifed or poffefled of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly p«r Annum, Value of two hundred Pounds, or fhall be Heir Apparent of a Perfon who fhall be in like Manner feifed Lieutenant Colo- or pofleffed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of four hundred Pounds ; a Captain ftiall be "ooTper'^" in like Manner feifed or polfeffed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of one hundred and An ntim. fifty Pounds, or fhall be Son of a Perfon who fhall be, or at the Time of his Death was, in like Manner Captain, lool. feifed or pofleffed of a like Eftate as forefaid, of the yearly Value of three hundred Pounds ; a Lieutenant p-^ Annum fhall be in like Manner feifed or poffeffed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of one hun- ^'^"'^"3"^ ii^o!. dred Pounds, or fhall be Son of a Perfon who fhall be, or at the Time of his Death was, in like Manner ^^^ """ni. feifed or pofleffed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of two hundred Pounds ; an Enfign Enfign 50 1. per fhall be in like Manner feifed or poffeffed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of fifty Annum. Pounds, or fhall be Son of a Perfon who fhall be, or at the Time of his Death was, in like Manner leifed or poffeffed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of one hundred Pounds ; one Half of a Moiety of th«  all which refpeftive Eftates fhall be fituate or arifmg within the faid Counties and Places refpeftively : Eftate; to He m" And in all the faid Counties of Cumberland, Huntingdon, Monmouth, Wejimorland and Rutland, and in all the Couary for the faid feveral Counties and Places within the faid Dominion of Wales refpe^lively, the Penalties for ^'*^"^^'.'^^>'aft. afting not being duly qualified, or not having delivered in fuch Qualification and taken the Oaths, anJ jnT no^b**'^^'^ made, repeated and fubfcribed the Declaration aforefaid, fliall be. For a Deputy Lieutenant or Field quaUfied, fecl'^br Officer one hundred Pounds; and for a Captain, Lieutenant or Enfign fifty Pounds ; fuch feverai Pe- a Deputy Licute- nalties to be recovered by Adiion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts "a"^ 0^ f":'^! of Record at Weftminjier, wherein no Elfoin, Wager of Law or Protection, or more than one Impar- 9*"'" '°°l- ^^^^ lance fliall be allowed ; one Moiety whereof fliall go to the Ufe of the Perfoa v/ho fliall fue for the fame, '^^^"""der,5oJ. and the other Moiety to the Ufes herein after direvfted ; and any two or more Deputy Lieutenants within Powers piven the faid Counties of Cumberland, Huntingdon, Monmouth, Wejimoreland and Rutland, and v/ithin ail the to two Deputy faid feveral Counties and Places within the faid Dominion of Wales refpeclively, fhall have and exercife ^ieutcnams. all and every the Powers conferred by this Kdi. on. any three Deputy Lieutenants, or on any two Deputy N 2 ^ LieutenaiUs,