Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/173

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A. D. 1757- Anno tricefimo Georgii II. C. 36. 139 to all Intents and Purpofes, as if fuch Perfon was thcj real Owner of twenty Acres of taxable Lands withm r /^nd be it further enabled by the Authority aforefatd, That Sir Jcbn Bernard Ba.roneU JUafthczu ¥oMnhDi{*.ti&. to be elected in Manner herein after mentioned, are hereby appointed Commiffioners for putting in Ex- ecution this Act, for and in refpect to the faid fourth Diftrict. ^ . ^ VT And he it further enatSted by the Authority aforefaid, That upon the Death, D i fq uali fixation, f;'^'^°"" . Reftgnation or Refufal to a6t, of any Commifi: oner herein before named, or hereafter to be eleded ^-^^ ^^^^^j^ ^j. for the faid fourth Diftrid, except the faid Steward for the 'I^ime being for IVadis Charity, it /tridl. fhall be lawful for the furviving or remaining Commiflioners for fuch Diltrid^, or any five or more of them aflembled at a Meeting to be held for that Purpol'e, whereof twenty-one Days Notice fhall be 'given in Writing, to be affixed on March Bridge, to chufe and ele£t from time to time one other Perlbn being qualihed as herein after mentioned, a Commiffiojier, in the Place of the Perfon who fhall die refign, become difqualified, or refufe to act as aforefaid ; and every fuch nev/ Commiilioner fhall have the' fame Power and Authority for putting this A£l in Execution, as if he had been herein named a Commiffioner for fuch Diitria. „ ^ , , . , , ^ , , r ^ -^ ^ ,r VII. Provided always, That no Perfon hereby appomted, or hereafter to be choicn a Commimoner Qiiaiihcaticn. for the* faid fourth Diftri£l, fhall be enabled to a£l as a Commiffioner for fuch Diitricl, except the faid Steward of JVadeh Charity, unlefs he fhall be the real owner of three or more Lots or Doles, to which three or more Rights of Common, on the Commons and commonable Parts, do belong, within the faid fourth Diftri6l, or the real Owner of fixty Acres or more, of feveral Lands, fubjccl to be taxed by virtue of this Aft, and lying within fuch fourth Diftrift. VIII. Provided always, and be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That it fliall be lawful Agents maybe for any'Commiffioner for the faid firfl, third, fifth and fixth Diftricts, who for the Time being, is the appointed. real Owner refpeftively of eighty Acres or more^ or fuch feveral Lands as aforefaid, or four or more fuch Lots or Doles as aforefaid i and alfo for any Commiflioner for the faid fecond Diftridf, who for the Time being fhall be a Commiflioner in his own Right, as the real Owner refpeftively of twenty Acres or more of fuch feveral Lands as aforefaid j and alfo for any Commiflioner for the faid fourth Diftrift, who for' the Time being, is the real Owner refpedtively of one hundred Acres or more, of fuch feveral Lands as aforefaid ; and every fuch refpeftive Commiflioner is hereby authorized to appoint, by Writing under his Hand from time to time, and for fuch Time as he fhall think proper, an Agent to a6l in his Abfence as a Commiflioner ; and fuch Agents fhall and may in the Abfence of the Perfons refpeftivejy by whom they fhall be appointed, aft as Commiflioners in the Execution of this Aft, in fuch and the fame Manner, and as fully to all Intents and Purpofes, as fuch Commiflioners refpeftively might aft and do if they were perfonally prefent ; but no Commiflioner api^ointed by any Owner of Lands in the > tjniJtfn faid fec'ond Diflrift, in refpeft of fuch Owner's being poflefled of fifty Acres or more as aforefaid, fliail : be enabled to appoint an Agent. IX. Provided alfo, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That every Perfon who fhall For qualifying be Joint Ov/ner with any other Perfon or Perfons of feveral Lands, fubjeft to be taxed by virtue of this Perfons jomtJy Aft or of any fuch Lots or Doles aforefaid, and the Intereft or Property of fuch Perfon in fuch Lands, ^^^^^^^ °^ or in fuch Lots or Doles, fhall be equal to, or exceed the refpeftive Qiiantities of feveral Lands, or the Numbers of fuch Lots or Doles as are herein before refpeftively mentioned for the Qualification of Com- miflioners to aft, or to appoint Agents to aft in their Abfence in the faid refpeftive Diftrifts, or to ap- point Commiflioners in the faid fecond Diflrift, every fuch Perlbn fhall be and is hereby refpeftively im- powered to a6t as a Commiflioner for fuch Diflrift or Diftrifts refpeftively, and to appoint an Agent as aforefaid and to appoint a Commiflioner or CommifTioners for the faid fecond Diftrift as aforefaid, in the fame Manner, and as fully and effeftually, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if fuch Perfon was diflinftly and feparately poffefied of fuch Interefl or Property in fuch refpeftive Diilrift or Diftrifts j anything herein before contained to the contrary notwithftanding. X. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the refpeftive Commiflioners for the faid Meetings for Diftrift, or any five or more of fuch refpeftive Commiflioners, fhall hold two General Meetings in every the refpeftive Year, in Manner following; that is to fay. Such Meetings of the Commiflioners for the firft, third, fifth I^'^"^^' and fixth Diftrifts, fhall be held on the Day after the firft Monday in May, and the Day after the firft Monday in October; the Meetings of the Conimiflioners for the fecond Diilrift fliail be held on the third Monday

May, and the firft Monday in November ; and the Meetings of the Commiflioners for the fourth 

Diftrict fhall be held on the firft Monday in May and the lall: Monday in QSiober -^ and the faid refpeftive Commiflioners, or any five or more of them, mav meet at fuch other Time or Ti:r,es as they fliall think proper ; and the firft Meeting of fuch refped^ive Commiflioners fhall be held at the Houfe known by the Sign of the White Hart in the Town oi March, on the Days following; that is to fay. The Conimif- fioners for the firft, third, fifth and fixth Diftrifts ftia|l meet on the fourteenth Day of y w«^ one thoufand feven hundred fifty-feven ; for the fecond Diftrift on the thirtieth Day oi June one thouland kven hun- dred and fifty-fcven ; and for the fourth Diftrift on the firft Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and ■fifty-feven ; an^d the refpeftive CommifTioners alTembled at the faid firfl Meeting, or at ariy General Meet- ing', (hall and may then, and from time to time afterwards, adjourn themfeives to meet at Tuch other T^ Time