Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/178

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144- C.36. Anno triceliiTio Georgii li. A.D. 1757. '^'^^ V-t 'V XXVIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons fo rated ILlsal^ or aflTefled as aforefaid, fhall refufe or neglect to pay the Tax or AffeflTment charged upon him, her or them refpectively, for the Spice of twenty-one Days after the refpective Times of Payment to be limi- ted and appointed as aforefaid, publiclc Notice thereof being affixed upon March Bridge, and Demand made by the refpective Collector or Collectors, Receiver or Receivers, or by fome other Perfon or Perfons authorifed by him or them refpectively for that Purpofe ; it {hall be lawful for fuch refpective Collector' or Collectors, Receiver or Receivers, or for any other Perfon or Perfons, by Virtue of any Warrant or Precept under the Hands and Seals of three or more of the refpective Commiffioners for the refpective Diftrict ; or in cafe fuch Tax fliall be in refpect of any Common Right, by VVarrant or Precept under the Hands and Seals of any three or more of the Commiffioners, for the faid firft, third, fifth and fixth Diftricts (which Warrants or Precepts fuch refpective Commillioners, or any three or more of them, are hereby impowered and required from time to time to make as Occafion {hall require) to levy the Sum or Sums fo rated or afTelTed, and all the Arrears thereof, by Diftrefs of the Goods and Chattels of the Perfon or Perfons fo making Default ; and fuch Goods and Chattels fo diltrained, to keep for the Space of four Days, at the Charge of the Owner or Owners thereof j and if fuch Owner or Owners {hall not, with- in the faid Space of four Days, pay the Sum or Sums fo rated or afTefled, and the Expences of making and detaining fuch Diflrrefs, that then the Goods and Chattels fo diftrained {hall be appraifed by two or more Inhabitants of the Parifh or Place where the fame fhall be taken, or other fufficient Perfons, and {hall be fold by the faid Colleftor or Colledors, Receiver or Receivers, or other Perfon or Perfons, making fuch Diftrefs for Payment of the faid Money ; and the Overplus (if any be) arifmg by fuch Sale, after deducting fuch Taxes or Afleffments, and the Charges occafioned by fuch Diftrefs, ftiall be returned to fuch Tenants may pay Owner or Owners upon Demand : And the Tenant and Tenants of all and fingulai- the faid Fen Lands, Taxes, and de- Lq^ Grounds and Commons, and upon, for or in refpeft whereof fuch Taxes or AflefTments fliall be rated or their Rem- '^'^'^ charged by virtue of this Ait, is and are hereby required and authorifed to pay fuch Taxes or AfTelTments, and to dedu61: the fame out of his, her and their Rent ; and every Tenant paying fuch Tax or AflefTment, or Rate, fhall be acquitted and difcharged for fo much Money as fuch Tax or Aileffment fhall amount unto, ns if the fame had been actually paid to the Perfon or Perfons intitled to the Rent of fuch Lands, except where Grounds and Commons, except where there is a Leafe of three or more Years to come from the Com- traere is a Leafe mencement of this AcSl ; in which Cafe, the Proportion of the Tax or AflefTment, which the Tenant orthiceYearsto Qijgj^j. j.^ ^^.^j. jjj^j p^y j^ Confideration of the Benefit he or {lie receives by fuch Leafe, {hall be adju{led "'"^' and awarded by the CommifTioners for the Diftri£l wherein fuch Lands are fituate, or any five or more' of them. Taxes uponEfte- XXIX, Provided always, That the Taxes or AfTefTments for and in refpefl of the faid Farm and ^'^h'^ ^*d"b ^h' Lands, called EJiepher Farm., and alfb for and in refpedt of the Lands called Earls Fen^ and the Lands Tenants. ^ * belonging to Sir 'John Bernard., Baronet, lying in the Weji Fen., {hall always be paid and borne by, and in cafe of Nonpayment, levied upon the Tenants or Occupiers of the faid Farm and Lands, and not by the Landlords thereof; any Thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in any wife not- withftanding. _ ^ -"I; ., ; '^ Grounds unec- XXX. Provided alfo, and it is hereby further enailed by the Authority aforefaid, Thiat in cafe any cupied to remain p^,.f ^f ^j^g f;j[j Y tn Lands, Low Grouuds, or Commons, {hall at any Time hereafter be untenanted or i,^**""3'^°' unoccupied, fo that no fufficient Diftrefs can be found, whereon to levy the faid Taxes or AfTefTments,

      • then fuch Parts of the faid Lands, Grounds and Commons, fhall always remain a Security for Payment

thereof; and all Corn, Hay, and other Goods and Chattels, which {hall at any Time thereafter be found thereon, {hall and may be diftrained, kept, appraifed and fold in Manner aforefaid, until all Arrears of Taxes or AflefTments, and the Charges of fuch Diftrefs, and detaining, keeping and felling the fame, fhall be fully paid and fatisfied. No Order made XXXI. Provided always, and be it further ena£l;ed by the Authority aforefaid. That no. Order which by the Comnriif- ^^„|| |^g made by the faid refpective CommifTioners, or any of them, by virtue of this Aft, at any of fioners fhM '^^^^^^^ Meetings, {hall be altered, reverfed, annulled or made void, at any fubfequent Meeting, unlefs Ic/s'^icDavsNo- fcven or more of the CommifTioners be prefent at fuch A4eeting, and five or more of them be confenting tice be firft thereto, nor unlefs ten Days Notice in Writing be affixed on March Bridge ; in which faid Notice the gi«ji. Intent and Defign of fuch Meeting fhall be declared : And that every Order for executing the Powers of •All Orders to be ^j^j^ ^£^ ^7 be made at a Meeting of the Commiffioners, to be held in fuch Manner as is herein before inade at Meet- gppQ|p((,f| q^ authorifed, and not otherwife ; except only as to the granting of Precepts or Warrants for '"^ levying Taxes or Penalties, which {hall and may be granted and figned by fuch Commiffioners, when- ever the fame {hall be neceflary and be required. '". ^V ■ Pcxfcns dcOroy- XXXIi. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons fliall jng Mills, &c. -vvriifully or malicioufly cut, breakdown, burn, demolifh or deftroy any Bank, Mill, Engine, Flood-gate or Sluice already made or erefted, or which {hall at any Time hereafter be making or erefting, or made or created, fupportcd, maintained or ufed in any of the faid Diftricls, for anfwering the Purpofes of this tofuTerasFe- Aft, every Pcifon or Perfons fo oft'.nding, and being thereof convifted, {hall be guilty of Felony, and looe. {liall be fubjc^it and liable to the like Pains and Penalties as in Cafes of P'elony ; and the Court by or before whom fuch Perfon or Perfons {hall be tried and convifted, fhall, and have hereby Power and Au- thority to tranfport fuch Felons for fcvcn Years, in the like Manner as other Felons are direfted to be rcrfontdama- tranfportcd by the Laws of this Realm: And if any Perfon or Perfons fhall wilfully and malicioufly ftop, •iTe^ihc Woiks, dam up, demolifh, damage or deftroy any River, Drain, Watercourfe, Door, Dam, Bridge, Stile or

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