Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/339

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A. D. 1757* Anno tricefimo primo G e org 11 II. C. 40. 305 X. Provided always, and be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That all Hay or Straw fold wv.ere there fliill be a within the faid Diftance of thirty Miles from the Extent of the Limits of the weekly Bills of Mor- Doubt of w^ant of talitv and touching which there fhall be any Doubt of Want of Weight, fliall and may, on the ^'■'^'g'^ ^'-^ Way or laiity, on^ ^ ° , r-r /• IT , T r ' i rvi , °i'/- niti 1, Straw may be weiped at iity than' the fame ought to be, unlcfs fuch Hay or Straw (hall be weighed either at or before the Vn "7fpedt' o/wej^ht or ** Delivery, vv'ith the Privity of the Buyer, his Servant or Agent, or complained of in refpedl of the Qaality, unlcfs the Hay Ihall refufe or negleil to attend to fee the fame fo weighed ; any thing in this Aft, or any other Act complained of, as to its ■ to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Qu..lity, at the Time and Place of Delivery; and the Seller refufe to attend, &c,

  • XL And whereas Salefmen, Brokers, or Factors, employed by Feeders of Cattle or Farmers, to For fomerLinvsccKccm,

« fell their Live Lattle within the City o'i London^ or within the faid Limits of the Weekly Bills oi '^^'-'^'j /"■ '"3^4 ' Mortality, may be guilty of many Abufes greatly to the Prejudice of their Employers, by indire6tly p['(Vm. '.^i,.* y jac ' felling fuch Cattle, and by that Means, flocking Lands, which they may hire for that Purpofe, i.'^_ g_ ' iZCar. x.i^z.

  • near the Markets within the faid City oi London or Weekly Bills of Mortality, where fuch Cattle 20 Car. 2. <.-. 7. zz Car.

' may be brought to be fold again, whenever they fliall find a proper Time or Opportunity of felling *• <=• 13- S^C.?/-. 2, ' ' the fame to Advantage ;' Be it therefore further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and ■ ^ ^m^^' ^' after the faid twenty-ninth Day of Septcmher^ no Salefman, or other Broker or Fadlor, who (hall be ^ . ' l^' , employed to buy or fell any Sort of Cattle for others, by Commiffion, or for Reward to be paid or to b ,ro"VdiVan!e° or taken, fliall by himfelf, or any Servant or Agent, direftly or indiredly, on or for his own_ Account, other'?, are not to buy or buy any Live Ox, Bull, Cow, Steer, Bullock, Heifer, Calf, Sheep, Lamb, or Swine, in Zsn^^c-^, fell on their own Ac- or within the faid Limits of the faid Weekly Bills of Mortality, or at any Place whilll any fuch count. Cattle fhall be on the Road, or be driving, bringing or coming up, to be fold or offered to or for Sale, in London, or at any other Place within the faid Limits of the faid Weekly Bills of Mortality (other than fuch Cattle which any fuch Salefman, Broker, or Fa6lor, fhall adtually purchafe for the (^xceptior.) necefTary Ufe or Provifion of his Family, and fhall actually ufe accordingly) ; and that no fuch Salef- man, Broker, or Factor, after the faid twenty-ninth Day o^ September, fliall fell or expofe, or offer to or for Sale, on his own Account, in London, or at any Place within the faid Limits of the faid Weekly Bills of Mortality, either by himfelf or his Servant, or Agent, any Live Ox, Bull, Cov/, Steer, Bullock, Heifer, Calf, Sheep Lamb, or Swine; upon Pain that every Perfon who fhall fo offend in the PremifTes, fhall every Time he fhall be convifted of any fuch Offence in Manner herein after mentioned, forfeit and pay for every fuch Offence double the Value of any Live Cattle, which on Penalty of forfeiting he fhall fo buy or fell, on his own Account, contrary to the Tenor of this ASt. iov.>t the Value. XIL And be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid twenty- Carts, &c. with Hay or ninth Day of September , no Perfon or Perfons fhall permit or fufFer his, her or their Waggon, Cart, ^^^Z,^°l^^]^' ^° "'^ or Car, loaden with Hay or Straw for Sale, to ftand or be in the Hay Market in Smithfield'm Lon- ^^^^ on Pend%'^ of ^"l don, or in any Hay Market within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, ^rom Lady Day to Michaelmas, ' ' 5 • after four of the Clock in the Afternoon, and from Michaelmas to Lady Day, after three of the Clock in the Afternoon, upon Pain to forfeit and pay, for every fuch Offence refpe<ftively, five Shillings ; but before any Forfeiture for the faid laft mentioned Offence fliall be incurred, the Hay Weigher, Hay Weigher or Clerk, Clerk, or Toll-gatherer of the Hay Market, or his or their Deputy, fhall, on every Market Day &c. to give an Hour's (to -wh) Tue/day, Thur/day, and Saturday, in every Week, ring a large Hand Bell round the Hay Notice, bj ringing of a Market of which he fliall be Hay Weigher, Clerk, or Toll-gatherer, of the Market, either in Lon- ' don, or within the Limits of the weekly Bills of Mortality, one Hour before the Expiration of the Time above appointed for Perfons bringing Hay or Straw for Sale into any fuch Hay Market, to leave the fame; and on any Default of ringing fuch Bell, as aforefaid, being made, no Perfon ufing and on Default of fuch any fuch Hay Market, for the Purpofe of Selling Hay or Straw, fhall, the next immediate ufual Notice, no Toil is to be Market Day or Days after any fuch Default in ringing fuch Bell as aforefaid, fhall be made, be paid for landing the nexe liable to pay any Toll for any Waggon, Cart, or Carr, {landing, or that fhall firand, in any ^"^^'^ ^^y* fuch Hay Market, to fell Hay or Straw ; and every fuch Hay Market is hereby in that Cafe, and- on the next Market Day in which any fuch Default as aforefaid of ringing fuch Bell fhall be made, declared to b"e Toll-free. Xin. Provided always, and be it further enaflcd by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon fhall Carts (landing In the incur any Penalty for fuffering his Waggon, Cart, or Carr, loaden with Hay or Straw for Sale, to Market during certain be in any fuch Hay Market from Lady Day to Michaelmas, after three of the Clock in the Afternoon, ^°^J.^ ^"'y' nocliable to and from Michaelmas to Lady Day, after two of the Clock in the Afternoon any other Law or Ufage ""^ ^'^* to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. XIV. Provided likewife, and it is hereby further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, that no Per- Profecution to be com fon fhall be convi6led for any of the before mentioned Offences, unlefs Profecution for any fuch menccd 3 Days Offence lb all be commenced within three Days after the Offence complained of fhall have been ^^'" '^^^^^^"'^^ committed. '^- VoL, Vm. R r * XV. And com-