Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/606

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572 C. 22. Anno primo Georgii III. A. D. 1760. Treafury the aftoal In- Place, Within that Part of Great Britain called England-^ where Pay has not yet been ilTued for the rolment of theProportion Militia according to Law, fhall have certified to the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or uSo bebSued 'be' ^'^^ Treafurer for the Time being. That three Fifths of the Number of private Militia Men of any fo"e"pay, Arms/or 'Regiment, Battalion, or Independent Company of the Militia of fuch (Jounty, Riding, or Place, Cloathingare i/rJable, have been chofen and inrolled, and that the like Proportion of the Number of the Commiffion Officers of fuch Regiment, Battalion, or Independent Company, have been appointed, and have taken out their Commiffions, and entered their Q^ialifications as is by Law required, his Majefty's faid Lieu- to certify the fame tenant, or, in his Abfence, the faid three Deputy Lieutenants, fhall alfo certify the fame to the Re- haVe been embodied zni fhall be difembodied and returned home by Order of their Commanding Officers, and thereby be no called out, which fhall longer Intitled to the fame Pay as the Officers and private Men in his Majefty's other Regiments of be difembodied and re- Yoot receive, his Majefty's Lieutenant of the County, Riding, or Place to which fuch Regiment, turned home. Battalion, or Independent Company fhall belong, or, in his Abfence, any three Deputy Lieutenants, fhall certify to the Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax for fuch County, Riding, or Place, that fuch Regiment, Battalion, or Independent Company is difembodied and returned home as Receivers General are to aforefaid ; upon Receipt of which refpedive Certificate, fuch Receiver or Receivers General of the make ifrjesof4 Months Land Tax ftiall ilTue and pay the whole Sums required for the feveral Ufes herein after mentioned; ^h'o" ^of Scenifi ^^'^'^ K^^ ^^^ ■^° ^^-^P^y of '^he faid Militia for four Calendar Months in Advance from the Date of cat'es ^'ccordingto'the ^^S^ Certificate, at the Rate of fix Shillings a Day for each Adjutant, where an Adjutant is by this Edablifliment of Pay A£t allowed; and at the Rate of one Shilling a Day for each Serjeant, with the Addition of two here fet down. Shillings and fix Pence a Week for each Serjeant Major, where a Serjeant Major is by this Adt allowed ; and at the Rate of fix Pence a Day for each Drummer, with the Addition of fix Pence a Day for each Drum Major, where a Drum Major is by this A6t allowed; and alfo at the Rate of one Shilling for each private Militia Man, with the Addition of fix Pence to each Corporal, for every Day in which luch private Militia Man or Corporal fhall be refpe6tively employed in the Militia j- and alfo at the Rate of two Shillings for each private Militia Man, with the Addition of one Shilling each Corporal for his March on the Monday and Saturday in JVhiifun Week, to and from the Plate of General Exercife ; and alfo at the Rate of five Pence a Month for each private Man and Drummer, for defraying the contingent Expences of each Regiment, Battalion, or Independent Company of vith halfaYcar'sS.ikry Militia; and alfo for half a Year's Salary for the Clerk of each Regiment of Militia, or of the Bat- to the Regimeotil and talion of Militia belonging to fuch County, Riding, or Place, at the Pvate of fifty Pounds a Year; fnTie Anowlnces to ^"'^ ^'^^ '^^^ . ^^^ refpeaivc Allowances to the Clerk of the General Meetings, and Clerks of the the cieric of the Genera! fcvcral Subdivifioii Meetings, at the Rates following ; that is to fay. To the Clerk of th.e General Meetings; and ciciks of Meetings, at the Rate of five Pounds five Shillings for each Meeting ; and to the feveral Clerks of th::Subdivi^lon^:e:tin^;s: jhg Subdivifion Meetings, at the Rate of one Pound one Shilling for each Meeting; and alfo for the and alfo Pay for Cloath- Cloathing of the Militia for fuch County, Riding, or Place, where the Militia hath not already >'»e- been cloathed, at the Rate of one Pound ten Shillings for each private Man, and at the Rate of two Pounds for each Drummer, and at the Rate of three Pounds ten Shillings for each Serje.'.nt. V/here Certificates, as H. Provided always, and be it enacted. That in every fuch County, Riding, or Place, within the aforefaid, have been re- J>^j:t of Great Britain aforefaid, for which his Majefty's Lieutenant, or, in his Abfence, any three ■" ' Deputy Lieutenants, fhall have certified to the Purpofe aforefaid, and received the Cloathing for the Militia thereof which fhall not have been embodied and called out into a£lual Service; and in every County, RiJing, and Place, within the Part of Great Britain aforefaid, where the Militia fhall, after having been embodied and called out into actual Service, be difembodied and be returned home by , : , (- . 1 Order of their Commanding Officers, and thereby be no longer intitled to the fame Pay as the Officers Se u)"Se^he*ufual ^"^ private Men in his Majefty's other Regiments of Foot receive, and f^uch Return fhall have been lOaes, without any new Certified as aforefaid ; the Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax for every fuch refpcdive Certificate for that Pur- County, Riding, or Place, fhall make the Iflues or Payments aforefaid, without any new or other Cer- P°=- tificate made for that Purpofe. The Money to bo paid to III. And bc it cnaded. That all fuch Sums of Money aforefaid (except fuch as fliall be due to the theCVrk of theRcgi- fevcral Clcrks of the Meetings aforefaid) fhall be paid by the faid Receiver or Receivers General of nicator Bitiahonj ^^^ i^^^^ y^^ j^^^^ ^^^ Hands of the Clerk or Clerks of the Regiment or Regiments, or of the Bat- talion of Militia belonging to fuch County, Riding, or Place, upon his or their producing his or their A^^arrant or Warrants of Appointment to fuch Office, under the Hand and Seal of his Majefty's Lieutenant fbr fuch refpe<Slive County, RiJing, or Place ; and where the A ilitia fhall be formed into and for Indf-pendent 2n Independent Company or Independent Companies, fuch Sums as aforefaid fhall be paid by the Oompanios, to the re- f^xjj Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax into the Hands of the refpe<lHve Captain of each ((jcftiveCaftims, or to Independent Company of Militia, or to fuch Perfon as fuch rcfpedive Captain fhall authorize to rheirOr cr. receive the fame, according to the Number of Perfons, hereby intitled to receive Pay, of which fuch Regiment or Regiments, Battalion or Battalions, Independent Company or Independent Companies, A fecond Payment to be {y^i h-jve been appointed to confift : And fuch Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax fhall m" ^8*^31 •e'r'il'"f?fl- ^^'^°' ^'^^^^ fourteen Days after the Expiration of the third Calendar iVc nth from the Time of the ■ ' **^ ' ' faid firft Payment, make a fecond Payment for four Calendar Months in Advance ; and fliall alfo, and a third w'thin three within fourteen Days after the Expiration of the third Calendar Month from the Tf'ime of the faid Mi»nth«aftci ihckcund. fecond Payment, make a third Payment for four Calendar Months in Advance, ^for the Pay and con- tingent Expences of the Militia, and for the Allowances to the Regimental or Battalion Clerk or Clerks