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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/676

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642 C. 21. Anno fecundo Georgii III. A. D. 1761. havv 2idedor .-.fTiiled the ^^'^5 ^'^'^, ^^'^ *'"' confideratlon of his and their refpeclivc Office and Offices, and to fuch other Perfon Execution of this Aa. and Perlbns as have heeii or {hall be aiding and affifting in and about the Execution of this A(5t as to them the faid ComniiiTioners, or any eleven or more of them, fhall feem reafonable. Officers taking any Fee VII. And bc it further enacted, That if any Pcrfon or Perfons who (hall be employed as a Clerk or Re%v.ird, or'uer than or Clerks, Treafurer or Treafurers, Receiver or Receivers, Surveyor or Surveyors, or any other their SdUriesj for domg Qfj^ccr or Servant, Officers or Servants, wKo fhall be any ways employed by the faid Commifficmers '^■"^'^ ""^' in putting this Acl or any the Powers thereof in Execution, fliall exao:, take or accept any Fee or Reward whatfoever, other than fuch Salaries and Rewards as {hall be appointed, allowed and ap- proved of by the faid Commiffioners, or any eleven or more of them, for or on account of any Thin-e- done or to be done by virtue of this Acl, or on any Account whatfoever, relative to the puttino- thii Act in Execution ; or fliall any ways be concerned in Interefl: in any Bargain made or to be made by the faid Commiffioners, or any of them, for the Purpofes of putting this Act in Execution; every fuch Perfon fo offending, lliali be incapable of ever ferving or being employed under this AcSt, and of this AfV, areJii'qua- fhall, ovcf and abovc, forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds, to any Perfon or Perfons who fhall I Courts of no EfToin^ or h.^inc concerned inln teicil in any Bargai i made by the Comni:l- fioners for the I'urpofes Treafurer to pay over, VIII. And be it further cnadted, That fo foon as conveniently may be (during the Continuance of from Time to Time, the. this A6t) after the Perfon or Perfons, or either of them, ailing as Treafurer or Treafurers to the Monies he receives, as f^jj Commiffioners, fhall, at any Time, have received the Sum of three hundred Pounds of the Mo foon as the fame amount ^^j^^ appointed to be received by him or them, by virtue of, and for the Purpofes of, this Ad, he and to -500 1 into the Bank, , J f^,, ^ r-r>- t^- ■^ 1 r • ^1 d i r r^ ; ; • l xt .- ? in the Name of the ^hey fhall, from 1 ime to 1 ime, pay the tame nito the iJank of Lngland^ in the Name of, and on ac- CommiiTioners; which is count of, the faid Commiffioners, and to be difpofed of by Order of the faid Commiffioners, or aay tobedifpoiedofbyanOr- f^ye or more of them, for the Purpofes of this AiSt. dercf 5ormoreofihem. j;^^^ And, for tiie better paving, repairing, and keeping in Repair, cleanfing and lighting the faid 3 ormore Commiffioners Squares, Streets and Lanes, and keeping the fame free from Obflruclions and Annoyances, Be it areimpowered/iom^time gnaaej. That from and after the faid Thurfday fevennight after the Day of paffing this Ad, the faid the "pubii'cV^Square^ ° Commiffioners, or three or more of them, fhall have full Power and Authority, from Time to Time, StreefsandLanes, within to Order and dire6l any of the faid publick Squares, Streets and Lanes now in being, or hereafter to the faid City and Liber- be made, within the faid City and Liberty, and Parifhes and Places aforefaid, and which are Tho^ ty, being Thoroughfares roughfarcs ufed for the PafTage of Wheel Carriages, or any Part or Parts of fuch Squares, Streets and [o'b^^av^d*^^!t^eK'd^" Lanes, as well thofe Parts ufed by Foot PafTengers as thofe ufed by Carriages, to be paved, repaired^ dean'fed* and 'lighted,' raifed or altered, cleanfed and lighted, when, in fuch Manner, and as often as they the faid Com- ic, miffioners, or any three or more of them, fhall think fit. andalfo fuch Grave), X. And l>e it further enabled, That the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, fhall Srones, and other Mate- alfo have full Power and Authority to caufe to be dug, carted and carried out of, or brought into, the rials, to be dug out of, j-^^jj Squares, Streets and Lanes, or into any of them, fuch Gravel, Stones, and other Materials, and and7"ch Ardficera and^'^° ^"""P^^y ^'•'^^ "^'^'^^^^^' Workmen, Labourers, Carters, and others, and to ifTue fuch Money on Workmen to be employ- thofe Accounts, and to do all and every fuch other A(5ts and Things as the faid Commiffioners, or any cd; and M^ney iflued ; three or more of them, fhall judge necefTary or conducive to the accomplifhing of the Ends and De- aiid all other Ads con- fjo-ns of this A61. th's Aft lo'be^drr'af "' ^^- ^"^ whereas by a Claufe in an Aa made in the f^fth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth^ they (hall think fit.' * intituled. An JSl containing divers Orders for Artificers^ Labourers^ Servants of Hu/bandry^ andAppren-

  • iiccs^ it is provided, that no Perfon fhall ufe any manual Occupation except he hath been brought
  • up therein feven Years at the leafl, which Provifion maybe attended v/ith InxonveniencLes with re-

Chufe in A£t 5 Eliz. c. *■ fpef^ to this k£t Be it therefore further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Claufe, 4. repealed, with re^peft ^^j.j^ refpcdl to fuch Perfon or Perfons only as fhall, by virtue and in confequence of this Ad, be em- confequTnce o/th^is Aft, ploycd in the Paving and Repairing the faid Squares, Streets and Lanes, or any Part thereof, fhall be in paving, &c. the (aid and the fame is hereby repealed. Squares and Streets. XIL And be it further ena6ted. That the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, may Five or more Commif- and are hereby impowered from Time to Time, at any of their faid Meetings, as Occafion fhall re- fioneri may contraft for q^^xc^ to contradl with any fit Pcrfon or Perfons for paving, keeping in Repair, cleanfing and lighting r'hun!?he'Suar«a^^^ ^^^^^^^ and Lanes ; which Contraft and Contrads fhall fpecify the St«c't5,"&c. feveral Works to be done, and the Prices to be paid for the fame, and the Time or Times when the faid Works fhall bc completed, and the Penalties to be fufFered in cafe of Non-performance thereof,, and fhall Ije figned by the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, and by the Perfon or Per- givingi4.Days previoMs fons contrad-ng to perform fuch Works ; but previous to th: making of any fuch Contra^, fourteen Notice for Perfons to Days Noticc fhall be given in fome publick News Paper, exprcffing the Intention of the intended deliver in Propofals. Contraft, in order that any Perfons willing to undertake the fame, may make Propofals for that Pur- pofe, to be offered and prefented to the faid Commiffioners at a certain Time and Place in each No- tice to bc mentioned. Contraftors for cleanfing XIII. Provided always. That the Perfon fo contraaed with for cleanfing the faid Squares, Streets InVSde"oTtToor mo'c and Lancs, or any Part or Parts thereof, fhall^ have Liberty, by the Approbation and Order of the Mkes, and making Sa- Juftices of the Pcace for the County of Micldlejexy or City and Liberty of JVeJiminJhr refpeaively, at 4 thcii*