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648 C. 21. Anno fecundo Georgii III, A. D. 1761. n-;iy levy the Rate.^, and to diflraiii thc Goods and Chattles-of fuch Perfon or Perfons fo neglecting or refufing, and the fame alld^sae?"' ^^ ^"* ^° ^'"^'h rendering the Overplus, if any fuch Ihall be, after having deducted the reafonable Charges and Expences of fuch Diftrefs and Sale, to the Owner of fuch Goods and Chatties dcmarding the fame, to be afcertained in like manner as the Cofls and Charges of other Diftrefles and Sales are herein before provided and directed to be afcertained. Ko Rate to be made up- XLI. And be it enabled. That no fuch Rate, or Affenrnent fliall he made upon upon any Square, en any Pince, till the Street, or Lane, until the Pavement of fuch Square, Street, or Lane, (hall be compleated, by vntue rnrdrcont3'befm'e' °^ ^^'^ A*^ ' ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ Pavement of fuch Square, Street, or Lane, fhall be compleutcd, all .^"ade^ (exTep" between Contracts before made, except betv/een Landlord and Tenant, for paving, repairing, lighting, or Landlord and Tenant) cleanfuig the fame, fhall be void. for paving, cleanfing, or lighting the Streets, are then to ceafe. Perfons paying to thefe XLH. And be it enacted. That all and every Perfon or Perfo-ns paying the Rates and Afleflments Rates, areexempted from by this A£t laid, fliall be, and they and every of them is and are hereby exempted and difcharged raiS"o?"?coun?^^^'°"^ ^" Charge and Expence of paving, cleanfing, lighting, or keeping in Repair, the faid ihercof. Squares, Streets, or Lanes, or any of them ; and alio from all Penalties which may or might be incurred by reafon or means of their negle6ling to pave, cleanfe, light, or keep the fame, ia ie made bvTirtue^o^f this ' XLIIL And whercas Provifion has been made in feveral former Acts of Parliament, either for Aa, the Owners or Oc- ' Paving, cleanfuig, lighting, or keeping in Repair, fome or all of the Squares, Streets, or Lanes, or cjpiers of Houfes, &c. * ibme Part thereof, intended to be paved, cleanfed, lighted, and kept in Repair by this A£t ;' Be it afkffed thereto, therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That as foon as any Rate or AflelTment Ihall be made, laid, or afiefled, by the faid Commiflioners, or any five or more of them, by virtue and in purfuance of this A(St, on thc Owners or Occupiers of any Lands, Houfes, Shops, Warehoufes, Cellars, Vaults, are difcharged from Pay- or Other Tenements, or on any Church or Chapel- Wardens for and on account of any Ground be- mentof like Rates made longing to any Church, Church-yard, or Chapel, fuch Owners, or Occupiers, and fuch Church j^^urfuance of former f^j. Chapel-Wardens refpedively, fhall be no longer liable to be charged to any Rate or AfTe/Tment, for and on account of fuch Lands, Houfes, Shops, Warehoufes, Cellars, Vaults, or other Tene- ments, or for or on account of fuch Church, Church-yard, or Chapel, by virtue and in purfuance Inhabitants of St. of the faid former A£ts, or any of them. James's Square, being XLIV. Provided always, and be it ena£ted. That nothing in this Aft contained fhall extend, or c. 26. ' "' Houfes in Lincoln's Inn Fields, in the County of Middlefex, to make a Rate on them/elves for raifing and Golden Square, in Money fufficieut to cnclofe^ clean^ and adorn the faid Fields ; or in an A6t made in the twenty-fourth an Act of 24 Geo. 2. c. Year of the Reign of his faid late Maiefty, intituled, Jn ASl to enable the prcfnit and future Proprietors this J^Jt"""f^'"* "^ " ond Inhabitants of the Houfes in Golden-Square, in the Parijh of Saint James's, Weftminfter, in the County of Middlefex, to make and levy a Rate on themflves^ for raifing Money fufpcient for the better in- clofing^ pavings enlightening^ and adorning of the faid Square, and fupporting and keeping of the fame in Tu- A A. » . J Repair for the future. loLh%mLTSrZi ^LV. Provided alfo, and be it enadcd, That nothing in this Ad contained fhall extend or be con- ic, as arc already direc- ftr II- tl to extend, to any Part or Parts of any Street, Road, or Place, which is already di- ted to be paved, lighted, recSled to be paved, repaired, cleanfed, or lighted, under and by virtue of any A(St or A(5ts of Par- or deinLd, by any Road Hamcnt for repairing any Road or Highv/ay ; nor to a Place called Dean's Yard, and fuch other Places ^ni p"°*?c°'^""-'"^Y as are adjoining to the Weft and South-Eaft Doors of Wejiminder Abbey ^ not being Street Pavement, and Places adioining to , • , ■ , ^t-i /i ^ r • 1 1 r 1 1 n • 1 r>i 1 t>i 1^ i • 1 thc South and Wert Doors '^"^ withm the Polls anu Rails i but that fuch lalt mentioned rlace and l-'laces be paved, repaired, Weftminfter Abbey. cleanfed, and lighted at the Expence of the Dean and Chapter oiWeflminfler^ as has been accuftom- ed to be done. Seven or more Commif- XLVL And be it enacted by the Authoritv aforefaid. That the faid Commiffioners, or any {tt{. " ' ■ ■ . .' . . .. ^ ■■ ■ ,ld id atthsDeviiTGap; of Long Jicre, and for that Purpofe to purchafe any Houfe or Houfes, with the Apjnirtcnaiices and and purchafe Houicj and the Ground and Soil thereof, on thc South Side of thc faid Gap, not exceeding fix in Number, and Srri^^.fir7°"' to lay fuch Part of the Soil and Ground of fuch Houfe or Houfes fo purchafcd, as they fhall fee proper &c. net exceeding lix m 1 ' ,t ■ r 1 i-k 1 i- 1 1 • 1 • ,• • i^ it n n- n h Number J and if they ^"d inolt convenient for the Publick. towards widening the laid Gap; and it a new railage Ihall make a new one, may be found iTioft proper and convenient, the faid Commiflioners, or any feven or more of them, may inclofe and fell the old inclofc, fell, and difpofe of tiic faid Pafi'age for thc Purpolc of building thereon ; and after the PiiTi-c for building up- ^_jjj j^^^ Paifacc fliall be made, or the prcfcnt one widened, the faid CommifTioners may nave, repair- on; and may pave, rcoajr. 1 /• , ° 1 1 r ■ 1 -1 1 T> /!• • 1-1 1 1 /- r> and cleanfe the fame' m cleaiile, and amend, the faui new or widened Paiiage, ui like man/ier, and under the fame rowers, like triann.r as the' Prtivifions, Rules, Regulations, and Authorities, as is herein before provided, in refpccSt of the .Sq.,«rc5 and Ftrect'., &c. Squares, btrccts, and Lanes before-mentioned. Icfor; mentioned. , XLVIL