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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/743

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704. ftand, VIZ. Of Lit le H nipto.i, on the En- trance in Arundel Ha- ven J Bnghthclmflon Battery; N'tw'liaven Battery ; Biotcjiington Battery-, C. 37. Anno fecundo Georgii III. A.D. 1762. after-mentioned, on which the fame are refpeftively erefted ; at Little Hamptoti^ Brighthelmflon^ New Haven, Blotchingtoriy Seaford^ Hajlings and Rye in the County of SuJJex ; and at FolkJIone and Hyth in the County of Kent ; and in the Parifli and Jjhnd of Portjea in the County of South- ampton: And whereas it is juft and reafonable that the feveral Owners and Proprietors of fuch Lands Hiould have proper Compenfation and Satisfaction made for their refpeilive Intereft there- in, ?nd that the faid Lands ftiould be vefted for ever in the Crown, or in Truftees, for the Ufe and Benefit of your Majefty, your Heirs and Succeflbrs, after fuch Compenfation made to the Owners and Proprietors of the faid Lands ;' May it therefore pleafe your Majefty, that it may be ena6led ; And be it enadted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and v/ith the Advice and Con fen t of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament afTembled, and by the The Lands, with ihe Authority of the fame, That all that Piece or Parcel of Land fitu^te on the Sea Shore on the Eaft Birracks and Magazmes, ^jj^ ^^ ^^^ Entrance into Arundel Haven, in the Parifti of CUmpton in the County of Suffex. con- wnMion thsleveral rorts . . . . i ri i j tt ir • r^ r» . 11 i r'..i rr -" n or Batieries following tauiing two Acres, twelve rercn and an Half, on which a rort or JtJattery called Little Hampton Bat- tery, with Gunners Barracks, and the Magazine thereto belonging, have lately been erected ; and alio all that Piece or Parcel of Land fituate on the Sea Shore at the Eaft Part of the Town of Brtghthehnjhn in the faid County of SuJJex^ containing one Rood, twenty-feven Perch and three Quarters, being Part of the Lands of Brighthehnjion aforefaid, called The Eaji Clift, on which faid Piece of Land laft-mentioned, the Fort or Battery called Brighthchn/lon Battery, with Gun- ners Barracks, and the Magazine thereto belonging, have lately been erefted j and alfo all that Piece or Parcel of Land fituate on the North Side, at the Entrance of the Harbour of Neivhaven in the faid County of Suffex, containing one Acre, two Rood, and twenty-feven Perch, Part of the Lands called The CajUe Hill, on Vv'hich faid Piece of Land laft mentioned, the Fort or Battery called New^ haven Battery, with Gunners Barracks, and the Magazine thereto belonging, have lately been erected ; and alfo all that Piece or Parcel of Land fituate in the Parifti of Blotchington in the faid County of Sujpx, together with a Way and Pallage five hundred twenty-fix Feet in Length, and ten Feet wide, from the Weft Angle of the faid Piece or Parcel of Land, to a certain Well fituate on Blotchington Down, which faid Piece or Parcel of Land, with the faid Way or Pafi'age, contain three Acres twenty-one Perch, and on which faid Piece or Parcel of Land, a Fort or Battery called Blotchington Battery, with Gunners Barracks, and the Magazine thereto belonging, have lately been erecSted j and alfo all that Piece or Parcel of Wafte Land fituate in the Parifti of Seaford in the faid County of Suffcx, containing, together with a Well at the Town of Seaford, one Acre, one Rood and feven Perch, being the greateft Part thereof Wafte Lands called Seaford Beach, on which the Fort and Battery called Seaford Battery, with the Gunners Barracks, and Magazines thereto be- longing, have lately been ereded; and alio all that Piece or Parcel of Wafte Land, fituate in the Parilh of Saint Mary of the Cajile, on the Pier at the Weft Side of the Town of Hafling in the faid County of Suffix, on which a Battery called Hafling Battery has lately been eredted ; and alfo all that Of her Piece or Parcel of Land, fituate on the faid Pier, on which the Gunners Barracks, and Magazine belonging to the faid Battery laft mentioned, have lately been erected, which faid two Gun Garden Battery, at Pieces or Parcels of Land laft mentioned, contain together one Rood and twenty-five Perch; and ^)^> alfo all that Piece or Parcel of Wafte Land fituate at Rye in the faid County of Suffex^ containing one Acre, two Rood, and thirty-three Perch, called The Gun Garden Battery, where an old Battery formerly ftood, and on which two new Batteries called the Upper Battery and Lower Battery, and the Magazine to them belonging, have lately been ere6led ; and alfo all that other Piece or Parcel of Wafte Land fituate at Rye aforefaid, containing fix Perch, being Part of the Wafte called The Old Church Yard, on which the Gunners Barracks, belonging to the fiid Batteries laft mentioned, have lately been cre6ted ; and alfo all that Piece or Parcel of Land fituate at Folkcjhne in the County of Kent, containing one Acre, one Rood, and twelve Perch, being Part of a Piece of Land called The JJpper Bail Ground, on which a Fort or Battery has been lately ereiled ; and alfo all that Piece or Parcel of Wafte Land fituate near the Town of Hyth in the faid County of Ke72t, containing twenty-one Perch, on which a Battery of five Guns has been lately ereded ; and alio all that other Piece or Parcel of Wafte Land near the faid Town oi Hyth, containg twenty-four Perch, on which the Gunners Barracks, and Magazine belonging to the faid Battery lalt mentioned, have been lately crt-^licd; and alfo all that Piece or Parcel of Land fituate in the Parifti of J'ortfea in the County of Southampton, containing four Acres, three Rood, and feventeen Perch, being Part of two Fields called The Sixteen Acre Field and The Eighteen Acre Field, belonging to Lump's Farm, in the faid Pa- rifti of Portfio, on which a Fort or Battery, called Lump's Battery, with the Gunners Barracks, and Magazine thereto belonging, have lately been erected ; and alfo all that Piece or Parcel of Land fituate in the faid Parilh of Portfea, containing fix Acres, two Rood, and twenty-one Perch, being Part of two Fields called Lock's Puttock, and the thirty Acre Field belonging to a Farm called Eoflncy Farm in the faid Parifh of Portfea, on which a Foit or Battery called Eaflney Battery, with the Gunners Barracks, and Magazine thereto belonging;, have lately been erected, together with the Beach or Shijigle between High Water Mark and Low Water Mark, contiguous to and ad- joining the faid feveral Pieces or Parcels of Land, or any or either of them ; and all other Rights, are fwerally v/>nf<i, with Members and Appurtenances, to them or any or cither of them belonging or appertaining, ihall thf Righ-.!, Members j^g g^d arc hereby vefted and declared to be in the aiftual and real PolTeflion and Seifin of Sir fohn tL%^oTlon"i'""in the ^'"/^ Baronct, Speaker of the Houfc of Commons; the Honourable i^c^Z-^r/ /'^/r/;?^-, 'b'lr IVyndham Tr'oTec* herein men- '^ Knaichhull JVyndham Baronct, Thomas Pelham Efquire, John Butler Efquire, the Right Honourable tjoned, Henry Bilfn Lcgge^ and Sir Simeon Stewart Baronct, their Heirs and Affigns for ever, in Truft ne- i vcfthelcfs £-aford Battery; Hafting Battery J with the Upper and IuaV'U Batteries there ; Folkeftone Battery ; Hyth Battery; Lump's Battery, at I'ortfej : ind Eaflney Battery ;