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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/747

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C. 38
Anno Secundo Georgi III.
A. D. 1762.


  • A Table thereof to be hung up in the Court.
  • Penalty of demanding or taking greater or other Fees, not to exceed 40 s. nor be less than 10 s. for one Offence ; and to be paid to the Treasurer of the Guardians of the Poor.
  • Clerk or Serjeant guilty of notorious Misbehaviour in the Execution of their Offices, the Court may inquire into the same, and certify the Particulars to the Mayor, who shall thereupon summon a general Meeting of the Commissioners, and they may suspend or remove the Delinquent.
  • A Commissioner who is a Party to, or interested in, any Cause depending in the Court, is to withdraw, after being heard, till the same is determined, the Clerk or other Officer, being interested in like Manner, the Court is to appoint another Person to act pro tempore.
  • Persons who shall insult or abuse the Court, while sitting, or any of the Members thereof, going to or from the same, or shall interrupt the *Proceedings, may be punished by Fine or Imprisonment.
  • Where the Fine cannot be levied, the Officer is to be committed.
  • Application of the said Fines.
  • Copy of this Clause to be fixed up in the Court.
  • Action for Debts recoverable in this Court are not to be brought in any other.
  • The Registers of the Court, or true Copies thereof, deemed legal Evidences.
  • Proceedings, &c. not liable to be removed into a superior Court.
  • Specification of Debts, &c. not suable in this Court.
  • Penalty of wilful and corrupt Perjury.
  • The respective Keepers of the Common Gaol and House of Correction are to receive and keep in safe Custody, &c., all Persons committed by order of the Court, on Penalty of forfeiting not exceeding 5l. nor less than 40 s. to be levied by Distress and Sale, and to paid and applied as other Fines.
  • No Attorney to be admitted as an Advocate in a Cause; nor to speak in the Court where he is not a Party or Witness, on Penalty of 20l. nor to act as a Commissioner.
  • Witness being duly summoned, refusing to appear and give Evidence, may be fined by the Court, not exceeding 50 s. nor less than 10 s. to be levied by *Distress and Sale, and paid over to the Party injured.
  • No Writ may be sued against any Commissioner or Officer of the Court, for any thing done in the Execution of their respective Offices, until they shall have been first served with due Notice thereof.
  • Attorney's Fee for preparing and serving such Notice.
  • Defendant thereupon may tender Amends; and if the same shall be found sufficient, Verdict to be given for the Defendant; if none or insufficient *Amends were tendered, &c.
  • Plaintiff to recover Damages and Costs.
  • If Notice as aforesaid has not been given, Defendant to recover.
  • Defendant may also Pay Money into Court, before issue joined.
  • No Evidence to be given on the Trial, but what is contained in the Notice.
  • Limitation of Actions.
  • General Issue.
  • Treble Costs.
  • Publick Act.