Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/79

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A. D. 1757.' Anno tricefimo Georgii II. C. 19. 45 the Terms by them propofed, to advance and pay into the Receipt of his Majefly's Exchequer for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, the Sum of one million, upon the Credit of the Rates and Duties and Afleffments arifing by the Malt and Land Tax, granted for the Service of the faid Year, at four Pounds per Centum per Annwn^ for Exchequer Bills to be ifiued for that Purpofe, it was, thereby enacted, That all the faid E.xhequer Bills charged upon tlie faid Ducies, fhould be dif- charged, cancelled and made void, and the Intereft thereof, together with the Charges of circulating the fame, fhould be fully cleared and paid oft ; and that in lieu of the faid principal Sum of nine hun- dred eighty-fix thoufand eight hundred Pounds, in Exchequer Bills, the faid Governor and Company fhould be intitledto have and receive at his Majefty's Exchequer, one Annuity or yearly Sum of thirty- nine thoufand four hundred and feventy-two Pounds, being after the Hate of four Pounds /xr C^«?w/«  per Annum^ and upon the find principal Sum to be paid in the Manner mentioned in the faid A6t, till the Redemption thereof by Parliament, with fuch Provifions for making good the Deficiencies of the faid Rates and Duties as are in the faid Aft contained : And vi^hereas by another Acl made in the twen- "Geo. 2. c.39; tieth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled. An A £i for granting a Duty to his Majefty to he paid by Dijlillers., upon Licences taken out by them for retailing Spirituous Liquors ; the feveral Diltillcrs with- in the Cities of London and Wef-ininftcr^ Borough of Southwark^ or weekly Bills of Mortality, arc per- mitted to take out yearly Licences for retailing Spirituous Liquors, upon Payment of five Pounds for every fuch Licence: And whereas by an Aft made in the twenty-fourth Year of the Reign of his pre- '"^ HGeo, »i, fent Majefty, intituled, An A£l for grajiting to his prefent Majcfy an additional Duty upon Spirituous Liquors^ '^' '^°' and upon Licences for retailing of the fame ; and for repealing the A^ 7nade in the tzventieth Tear of his prefent Majejlys Reign^ intituled. An A£l for granting a Duty to his Majefly to be paid by Difiillers^ upon Licences to be taken out by them for retailing Spirituous Liquors ; and for the more effe£lual rejlraining the retailing of diftilled Spirituous Liquors ; and far allo'juing a Drawback upon the Exportation (?/Briti(h jnade Spirits j and that the ParlJJ) of Saint Mary le Bon in the County o/'Middlefex fall be under the hfpe^lon of the Head Office of Excife ; It is enafted. That from and after the tv/enty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, the laid Duty of five Pounds payable by every Diftiller for a Licence to fell Spirituous Liquors by Retail, fliall ceafe, determine, and be no longer paid; and that in lieu of the faid Duty, an additional Duty of tu'enty Shillings /)^r Annurn^ fhould be paid for every Licence to be taken out for retailing Spirituous Liquors : And whereas the faid laft mentioned Duty, not being by the laft mentioned Aft appropriated, is fubjeft to the Dlfpofition of Parliament : And whereas the faid feveral Duties of twenty Shillings, and twenty Shillings, for yearly Licences, to retail Spi- rituous Liquors, have not been paid into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, diftinftly and apart from each other, but an Account thereof hath been kept as if the fame were confolidated, and the Surplus of the faid Duties fo united, after referving fufficient to pay the Annuity due to the Bank of England on the Credit of the firft of the faid Duties, which is now in Confequence of an Aft made in the twenty-third Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty for reducing the Rates of Intereft of the feveral Annuities therein mentioned, reduced to the yearly Sum of thirty-four thoufand five hundred and thirty-eight Pounds, and will in confequence of the faid Aft be from and after the fifth Day of "January one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-eight reduced to twenty-nine thoufand fix hundred and four Pounds, hath from time to time been difpofed of by Parliament for the Publick Service : And whereas the Revenue arifing from the faid feveral Duties fo united, will be more than fufficient to pay the faid Annuity, and the Security of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, for the Payment thereof will be enlarged by charging the faid Annuity, as well on the faid Duty granted by the Aft made in the twenty-fourth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, as on the faid former Duty granted by an Aft made in the fixteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, and it will be for the Publick Service to grant the Surplus of the faid Duties fo united, for the Purpofes of this Aft, in addition to the feveral Rates and Duties hereby impofed ;' Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the tenth Day of OSfober one thoufand ^"'■p'"^ "'"f.^e feven hundred and fifty-fix, the Surplus or Remainder of the Monies arifen, or which fhall from time J Licences tbV to time arife, by the faid feveral Rates and Duties on Licences for retailing Spirituous Liquors, after retailing Srin- paying and referving, from time to time, at the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, Money fufEcient to tuou£ Liquors, fatisfy and pay the faid Annuity due and payable to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England ^°^~ I^^P^ apart, as aforefaid, fhall at the faid Receipt of Exchequer be kept diftinftly and apart from all other Branches ^""^ '° 6" °' of the Publick Revenue; and the fam.e fhall be and is hereby declared to be, an additional Fund and Se- ^jf'"^ P"y'"S curity for Payment of the feveral Annuities granted by this Aft, in the Manner herein after mentioned, gra^ntedb'ythfs and for no other Ufe or Purpofe whatfoever. Aft. XXXI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the feveral Annuities which by this The additional Aft ftiall be granted and made pay;ible, with refpeft of the principal Sum of three millions, to be railed t)ut;ies, anj Sur- in Manrier and Eorm as is hereafter dircfted, fhall be charged and chargeable upon and payable out of P'"^ **-'^" the feveral additional and new Rates and Duties by this Aft impofed on ftampt Vellum, Parchment and the Pi'ment^of Paper, whereon the faid Indentures, Leafes, Bonds, or other Deeds, fhall be ingrofled, written or printed ; the A^nnJiles' and alfo upon and out of the faid additional and new Ducies on News Papers, Adverufemexits, Aim:.- granted by ihis nacks ; and alfo upon and out of the faid Duty on Licences for retailing Wine ; and alfu upon and out Aft. of the Surplus of the Duties upon Licences for retailing Spirituous Liquors ; and alfo upon and out or" :hz faid additional Duty on Coals exported to foreign Parts ; and the faid feveral additional and new Rates and Duties, and the faid Surplus, are hereby appropriated for that Purpofe accordingly. « XXXII. And