176 C. 23. Anno quarto Georgii III. A, D. 1763* Claufein the Aft of 3 ' XXVI. And whereas by an Act of Parliament niade in the third Year of his prcfent Majefty's Geo. 3. c. 17. <■ Reign, intituled, An Ait for raijing a certain Sum of Money by Loans or Exchequer Bills for the Ser- ' vice of the Tear one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three ; and for further appropriating the Supplies ' granted in this Srjfton of Parliament ; and for allowing his Maje/ly's Subjcils to import their Goods and ' Effeits, being the Produce of certain Places ceded to France and Spain by the late Treaty of Peace, upon ' Payment of the fame Duties as they would have been liable to, if'fuch Places had remained in his Ma- ' jejty's Pof'cjfion, the feveral Supplies which had been granted to his prefent Majefty as is therein
- mentioned, were appropriated to the feveral Ufcs and Purpofes therein cxpreffed ; amongft which,
' any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding thirty-three thoufand three hundred fifty-one Pounds ' feventeen Shillings and fix Pence, was appropriated to be paid to the reduced Officers of his Ma- ' jetty's Land Forces and Marines, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three ; and any ' Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding eighty-eight thoufand feven hundred and four Pounds three ' Shillings and four Pence, was appropriated to be paid to the reduced Officers of his Majefty's 1 Land Forces then difbanded, and fuch as were to be difbanded, for the Year one thoufand feven ' hundred and fixty-three, fubject neyerthelefs to fuch Rules to be obferved in the Application of ' the laid Half-pay, as in and by the aforefaid Act were prefcribed in that Behalf;' Now it is hereby Application of the Sa- provided, enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That fo much of the laid Sums of thirty- vines of the feveralSums three thoufand three hundred fifty -one Pounds feventeen Shillings and fix Pence, and eighty-eight ° ( 33m5- '7 s ' 6 J- thoufand feven hundred and four Pounds three Shillings and four Pence, as are orihall be more than and 88,7041. 3s 4 _ . U1 ffi c j ent to f a tisfy the laid reduced Officers, according to the Rules prefcribed by the faid Act to be Granted the laitoemon . _ . , J ,. . . c ■,-* .- P 1 j towards Half-pay. obferved in the Application thereof, or any rart of luch Overplus, fhall and may be difpoled of to fuch Officers who are maimed, or have loft their Limbs in the late Wars, or fuch others as, by reafon of their long Service, or otherwife, his Majefty fhall judge to be proper Objects of Charity, or to the Widows or Children of fuch Officers, according to fuch Warrant or Warrants, under his Ma- jefty's Royal Sign Manual, as fhall be figned in that Behalf; any Thing in this Act or the faid former Act to the contrary notwithstanding, ciaufe for Relief of Per- XXVII. And, for Relief of all l J erfons who have omitted to infert and write in Words at Length, fons who have omitted j n Indentures, or other Writings, which contain the Covenants, Articles, Contracts or Agreements, 0° other Wrkin^'The relating to the Service of any Clerk, Apprentice or Servant, the full Sum or Sums of Money, or any full Sum agreed "to' be Part thereof, received, or in any wile, directly or indirectly, given, paid or agreed, or contracted paid with Clerks, Ap- for, with, or in relation to, eveiy fuch Clerk, Apprentice or Servant, as aforefaid ; Be it therefore prentices, or Servants. ena fl c d by the Authority aforefaid, That upon Payment of the Rates and Duties upon the Monies, or fuch Part of the Monies fo omitted to be inferted and written in Words at Length, in fuch Inden- Thc Duties to be paid by tures, or other Writings, as aforefaid, on or before the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand zoSs?pt. 1764. feven hundred and fixty-four, to fuch Perfon or Perfons to whom the fame ought to be paid (of which timely Notice is to be given in the London Gazette) the fame Indentures, or other Writings, fhall be good and available in Law or Equity, and may be given in Evidence in any Court whatio- ever ; and the Clerks, Apprentices or Servants therein named, fhall be capable of following and exercifing their respective intended Trade or Employment, in the fame manner as they could have done, in cafe the full Sum or Sums received or agreed for, as aforefaid, had been inferted ; and the Perfons who have incurred any Penalties by the Omiffjon afoefaid, fhall be acquitted and difcharged I of and from the faid Penalties ; any Thing in any former Act of Parliament to the contrary not- withitanding. CAP.