A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Ge org 1 1 III. C. 25. 179 en the Outfide thereof, by the Hand of any Member of Parliament, in fuch Manner as hath been and figned on the Oot- heretofore practifed, or which (hall be directed to any Member of Parliament, at any Place whereof r ' de h a Member, he (hall have given Notice in Writing to the Pod Mafter General, or to his Deputy at Edingburgh o"r ^'^j" "^T Dublin refpeitively, but that all fuch Votes, Proceedings, and News Papers, fo fent and figned or ti e c r e ' ^"n b '" him to" the directed as aforefaid, (hall be received free of the Duty of Poftage ; any thing in this or any foimer p ft Matter General, hSt tO the contrary notwithftanding, or his Deputy at Edin- burgh or Dublin, are to go free, VI. And forafmuch as it hath been ufual for the Clerks in the Offices of his Majefty's Principal Secretaries of State, and alfo for certain Officers in the Office of his Majefty's Poft Mailer General, to frank printed Votes, and Proceedings in Parliament, and printed News Papers, to be fent by the Poll: ; Beit therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it (hall and may be lawful for Clerks in the Offices of fuch Clerks and Officers as aforefaid, being thereunto licenfed by his Majefty's Principal Secretaries the Secretaries of State, of State, or his Majefty's Poft Mafter General refpectively, to continue to frank fuch printed Votes, ™£S°L^uZkA and Proceedings in Parliament, and printed News Papers, in fuch Manner as they have heretofore com fnuTt" frank been accuftomed to frank the fame; provided that fuch printed Votes, Proceedings, and News Pa- the Votes, and Pro- pers, (hall be fent without Covers, or in Covers open at the Sides. ceedmgs in Pa liament, and News Papers, as heretofore ; fending the fame without Covers, or in Covers open at the Sides. VII. And be it further enacted, by the Authority aforefaid, That it (hall and may be lawful for Poftrmfter General, his Majefty's Poft Mafter General, or any of the Officers employed under him, to examine and ™ d ° s f™* ™ d ™*™' fearch any Packet fent without a Cover, or in a Cover open at the Sides, in order to difcover whe- ™„t wfthoat^Cover' ther any other Paper or Thing whatfoever be inclofed or concealed in or with fuch printed Paper, or in a Cover open at' as is hereby permitted to be fent free of Poftage without a Cover, or in a Cover open at the Sides ; the Sides ; and in cafe any fuch other Paper or Thing whatfoever (hall be found to be inclofed or concealed and if they (hall find in or with fuch printed Paper as aforefaid, or in Cafe there (hall be any Writing other than the ""? other Pa P er cr Superfcription upon fuch printed Paper, or upon the Cover thereof, the Whole of fuch Packet J s inclofed there- fhall be charged with the Duty of Poftage, according to the Rates eftabliftied by the feveral Acts of or'there (hall be any Parliament now in Force for that Purpofe. Writing, other than the Superf. ription upon the printed Paper, or Cover, the Whole of fuch Packet is to be charged with the Pottage. VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid That if any Perfon (hall, after the If any Perfon (nail, after firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four, counterfeit the Hand Writing of any ' J une 1764. counter- Perfon whatfoever, in the Superfcription of any Letter or Packet to be fent by the Poft, in order p^^'J^J?* of f any to avoid the Payment of the Duty of Poftage, every Perfon fo offending (hall be deemed guilty of t ] on f any tetter or' 1 " Felony, and (hall be tranfported for feven Years. Packet, to avoid the Poftage, he ihall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and be tranfported for feven Years, CAP. XXV. An A& for eftablifhing an Agreement with the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, for railing certain Sums of Money towards the Supply for the Ser- vice of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four ; and for more ef- fectually preventing the forging Powers to transfer fuch Stock, or receive fuch Dividends or Annuities as are therein mentioned, and the fraudulent perfonating the Owners thereof. WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament made in the feventh Year of the Reign of her late preamble, reciting Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Ac~I jor enlarging the Capital Stock of the Bank s/Eng- Claures inAft 7 Ar.n. land, and for raijtng a further Supply to her Majejly for the Service of the Tear one thoufand feven "• 7> hundred and nine ; it was declared and enacted, That the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and their Succeflors for ever, Ihould continue and be one Body Corporate and Poli- tick, and (hould for ever have, receive and enjoy the entire yearly Fund of one hundred thoufand Pounds therein mentioned, out of certain Rates and Duties of Excife therein defcribed, and fuch Abilities, Capacities, Powers, Authorities, Frtnchifes, Exemptions, Privileges, Profits and Ad- vantages, as are therein exprefled, fubject neverthelefs to a Power and Condition of Redemtion in that Act contained in that Behalf; and it was thereby provided and enacted, That at any Time upon twelve Months Notice, after the firft Day of Augufl which (hould be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-two, and not before, and upon Repayment by Par- liament to the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or their Succeflors, of the feveral Sums amounting to one million fix hundred thoufand Pounds therein mentioned, without any Deduction, Difcount or Abatement whatfoever, to be made out of the faid Sum of one mil- lion fix hundred thoufand Pounds, or any Part thereof, and upon Payment to the faid Governor and Company, and their Succeflors, of all Arrears of the faid one hundred thoufand Pounds per Annum, and all the Principal and Intereft Money which ihould be owing unto them upon all fuch A a 2 Tallies j,
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