A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Ge or gi 1 III. C. 25.' 181 ' prefcribed, and alfo fubje£r. to the Power and Condition of Redemption thereafter in the faid AcT:
- contained in that Behalf; and it tvas thereby alfo provided and enacted, that at any Time, upon
- twelve Months Notice, after the firft Day of Augufl which fhould be in the Year of our Lord one
- thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four, and not before, and upon the Repayment by Parliament
' to the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or their Succeflbrs, as well of the
- faid Sum of one million fix hundred thoufand Pounds formerly advanced, as of the Sum of one
- million fix hundred thoufand Pounds before mentioned then to be advanced, amounting in the
' Whole to the Sum of three millions two hundred thoufand Pounds, without any Deduction, Dif- ' count, or Abatement whatfoever, to be made out of the faid Sum of three millions two hundred
- thoufand Pounds, or any Part thereof, and upon Payment to the faid Governor and Company,
- and their Succeflbrs, of all the Arrears of the faid one hundred thoufand Pounds per Annum, and
' all the Principal and Intereft Money which fhould be owing unto them upon all fuch Tallies,
- Exchequer Orders, Exchequer Bills, or Parliamentary Funds, which the faid Governor and Com-
- pany. or their Succeflbrs, fhould have remaining in their Hands, or be intitled to, at the Time of
- fuch Notice to be given as aforefaid (fuch Funds for Redemption whereof other Provifion was made '
- in and by the Acts of Parliament therein mentioned, always and only excepted) ; then, and in fuch
' Cafe, and not till then, the faid yearly Fund of one hundred thoufand Pounds fhould ceafe and de-
- termine : And whereas the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England are willing and con-
' tented to advance, towards the Supply granted to your Majefty for the Service of the Year one thou- 1 fand feven hundred and fixty-four the Sum of one million, on Exchequer Bills bearing [ntereft at the
- Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, the faid Intereft to be paid Quarterly, and the faid Ex-
' chequer Bills to be charged upon, and repaid out of, the firft Aids or Supplies which {hall be granted
- by Parliament for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-fix, and in cafe
- fufRcient Aids or Supplies fhall not be granted for that Purpofe before the fifth Day of April one
- thoufand feven hundred and fixty-fix, the fame to be charged upon, and repaid out of the Sinking
- Fund ; and alfo to pay into his Majefty's Exchequer, towards the faid Supply, the Sum of one
- hundred and ten thoufand Pounds, without any Repayment of the Principal, or Allowance of
Intereft for the fame, provided that the Privilege of exclufive Banking, and all other the Abilities, loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament aflembled, being defirous to raife, with as much Eafe and Advantage as poffible to your Subjects, the neceflary Supplies, and to encourage the faid Governor and Company to advance the faid Sums of one million, and of one hundred and ten thoufand Pounds, in the Manner herein after appointed, do moft humbly befeech your Majefty, that it may be enacted ; And be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parlia- Commifiioners of the ment aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the ^"'rZl'bZT^Un. Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury now or for the Time being, or any three or more of them, I? 6 5 , to direa Exche-' or the High Treafurer for the Time being, at any Time or Times before the fifth Day of January quer Bills to be made out one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-five, to caufe or direct any Number of Exchequer Bills to be for any Sum not exceed- made out for any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding in the Whole the Sum of one million, in | n S »j°°°j°°o1. the fame or like Manner, Form and Order, and according to the fame or like Rules and Directions, f" ri ' be j by theMalt'Aa" as in and by an Act of this prefent Seffion of Parliament (intituled, An Aci for continuing and grant- f this Seffion, concern- ing to his Majefty certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry for the Service of the Tear one thou- ing Exchequer Bills fand feven hundred and fixty-four) are enacted and prefcribed concerning the Exchequer Bills to be thereby authorized to made in purfuance of the faid Act. be made out - II. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Claufes, Pro- Aa^'deTo^hedfc vifoes, Powers, Privileges, Advantages, Penalties, Forfeitures and Difabilities, contained in the cneq „er e B.iL to" be made faid laft mentioned Act, relating to the Exchequer Bills authorized to be made by the fame Act (ex- ; n purfuance of this Aft, cept fuch Claufes as do charge the fame on the Taxes granted by the fame Act, and fuch Claufes as limit or relate to the afcertaining the Rate of Intereft to be paid for the Forbearance of Money lent on the Credit of the faid Act, and alfo except as herein after mentioned) fhall be applied and extended to the Exchequer Bills to be made in purfuance of this Act, as fully and effectually, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame had been originally authorized by the faid laft mentioned Act, or as if the faid feveral Claufes or Provifoes had been particularly repeated and re-enacted in the Body of this Act. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Exchequer Bills fhall Bills to carry 3 1. pet bear an Intereft after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum. • Intereft - IV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Exchequer ^X'^'de'red 'o"^ Bill or Bills to be made out by virtue of this Act fhall, after the fame hath or have been iffued at " e ° C eived1n Payment°of the Exchequer, be afterwards, at any Time before the fifth Day of April one thoufand feven hun- any of the publick Taxes dreo and fixty-fix, received or taken, or pafs or be current to any Receiver or Collector in Great before 5 April 1766, Britain of the Cuftoms, Excife, or any Revenue, Supply, Aid or Tax whatfoever, due or payable to his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, or at the Receipt of the Exchequer, from any fuch Receiver or Collector, or from any other Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, otherwife, or on any other Account, than for the Difcharge and cancelling of fuch Bills, in cafe the fame fhall be '„ z in.