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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/233

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A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Georgi 1 III. C. 25. 183 one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-f our, relating to fuch Perfon or Perfons, Body or Bodies Politick or Corporate, as fhould contract by virtue of that Act with the HighTreafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, for the circulating and exchanging for ready Money the Exchequer Bills by the faid Acl: authorized to be iffued (except the Claufe for al- tering the Rate of Intereft, and fuch other Parts as are varied by this Act) fhall extend to and ope- extended to the Bills to rate with refpect to the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and their Succeffors, be . i!!ued b >' vntueaf in relation to the Exchequer Bills to be made out, exchanged and circulated by virtue of this Aft, thls Aa ' in as full and ample Manner, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if a Contract in Writing had been made for that Purpofe in the Manner prefcribed by the faid Act, and as if the faid Claufes, Powers, and Provifions, were herein fpecially re-enacted and applied to the Purpofes of this A£t. X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the laid Governor and Company Bank to pay into the Es- of the Bank of England, and their Succeffors, fhall advance and pay into the Receipt of his Ma- chequer 110,000 1. by jefty's Exchequer, for his Majefty's Ufe, the full Sum of one hundred and ten thoufand Pounds, on * 3 Apnl llHi or before the twenty-third Day of April one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four; and that the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or their Succeffors, fhall not be intitled to any Repayment of the Principal, or Allowance of any Intereft for or in refpect of all or any Part of and no Repayment to be the faid Sum of one hundred and ten thoufand Pounds ; and in cafe the faid Governor and Company made of" Principal or In- of the Bank of England, or their Succeffors, fhall make Failure in the faid Payment fo by this Act tereft forthe fame - appointed to be made into his Majefty's Exchequer as aforefaid, the faid Sum of one hundred and Bank making Failure, ten thoufand Pounds, or any Part thereof, remaining unpaid, after the faid twenty-third Day of f*™°™2 "nvo' the April one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four, fhall and may be recovered to his Majefty's Ufe courts at Weftminftwj by Action of Debt, or upon the Cafe, Bill, Suit, or Information, 'in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at TVcjhninJlcr, wherein no Effoin, Protection, Privilege, or Wager of Law fhall be al- lowed, or any more than one Imparlance ; in which Action, Bill, Suit, or Information, it fhall be lawful to declare, that the faid Governor and Company, or their Succeffors, are indebted to his Majefty the Money of which they fhall have made Default in Payment according to the Form of this Statute, and have not paid the fame, which fhall be fufHcient ; and in or upon fuch Action, Bill, Suit, or Information, there fhall be further recovered to his Majefty's Ufe againft the faid Go- vernor and Company of the faid Bank of England, or their Succeffors, Damages after the Rate of with Damages after the twelve Pounds per Centum for the Money fo unpaid contrary to this Act, together with full Cofts of Rate J* "i- percent. Suit ; and the faid Governor and Company, and their Succeffors, and their faid Stock and Funds, FullCofts - fhall be and are hereby made fubject and liable thereunto. X. And for the Encouragement of the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and In Confideration of the their Succeffors, to exchange and circulate the faid Exchequer Bills, in the Manner and during the B a *>k' s complying with Time herein before mentioned, and to pay into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer the faid rremmes > Sum of one hundred and ten thoufand Pounds on or before the Day above limited -, and to the end the faid Governor and Company, and their Succeffors, may have a competent Recompence and Confideration for fo doing; It is hereby declared and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That Part of theProvifion in fuch Part of the faid recited Provifion contained in the faid Act, made in the fifteenth Year of the ' he re «ted Afl of 1 e Reign of his late Majefty King George the Second, as relates to the determining the faid Fund of deurmi'Jng ■ t'hdt Fund one hundred thoufand Pounds per Annum, and the faid Corporation of the Governor and Company &c. of the Bank of England, upon the Notice and Payments therein mentioned, fhall be and is hereby repealed and made void; and that the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and is repealed ; their Succeffors for ever, fhall remain, continue and be one Body Corporate and Politick, by the and they are continued a Name aforefaid, and fhall for ever have, receive, and enjoy, the faid intire yearly Fund of one Body Corporate, &c. hundred thoufand Pounds out of the faid Rates and Duties of Excife, together with a perpetual TX a11 t 'j e . ir ., forD,er -, Succeffion, and Privilege of Exclufive Banking, as herein alter is mentioned? and all other Abilities, JK™"' Capacities, Powers, Authorities, Franchifes, Exemptions, Privileges, Profits, and Advantages whatfoever, whereunto the Governor and Company of the Bank of England are, or before the ma- king of this Act were intitled, by the faid Acts of the feventh and twelfth Years of the Reign of her faid late Majefty Queen Anne, and the faid A& of the fifteenth Year of the Reign of his late late Majefty King George the Second, or any of them, or by any other Aft or Acts of Parliament, Y ra r 9,°* Charters whatfoever now in Force ; all which are by this Act ratified and confirmed to the faid Governor and Company, and their Succeffors, freed and difcharged of and from the faid Provifo and Conditions of Redemption hereby repealed or intended to be repealed as aforefaid, and all other Provifoes, Powers, Acts, Matters and Things whatfoever heretofore had, made, done or committed, for redeeming, determining or making void, the faid Corporation or yearly Fund of one hundred thoufand Pounds, and the faid Privilege of Ecclufive Banking, and all other their Abilities, Capacities, Powers, Authorities, Franchifes, Exemptions, Privileges, Profits and Advantages, or any of them ; fubjed neverthelefs to fuch Reftrictions, Rules and Directions, and alfo to fuch other Agreements, Matters and Things, as in the faid Acts and Charters, or any of them now in Force, are contained or prefcribed, and alfo fubject to the Power and Condition of Redemption hereafter in this Act contained in this Behalf. ri„,r m j YTr r> -ill "«■-."-">»"._ Claufe of Redemption, All. rrovided always, and it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That at any with refpetf to Monies 1 ime, upon twelve Months Notice after the firft Day of Auguft which fhall be in the Year of our sdva nced by the Bank on Lord one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-fix, and not before, and upon Repayment bv Parlia- ' he Parl| amentao Funds, ment to the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or their Succeffors, of the faid f^iTLonZ' aum ot three millions two hundred thoufand Pounds advanced by virtue of the faid in Part recited Terms aEa Conditions Acts* ke re mentioned.