188 C. 27. Anno quarto Georgii III. A. D. 1763. tions. Regulations, Limitations, Penalties and Forfeitures as are herein after particularly defcribed, appointed, limited and enacted for that Purpofe. Rice may be loaded on II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-ninth board ships navigated ac- Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four, it ihall' and may.be lawful, notwithftand- cording to Law, and be- j n g any of the Acts aforefaid, or any other Act of Parliament, for.any of his Majelly's Subjects, in longmg to Bra.(hjub-^ any ghip or Veffel built in Great Britain, or in his Majefty's Colonies in America, or belonging to Caroiina^nd Gcorcb" any of his Majefty's Subjects, and navigated according to Law, that {hall clear outwards in any and carried directly to Part of the faid Provinces of South Carolina or Georgia, to ihip or load Rice in the faid Provinces, any Parts of America and to carry the fame directly to any Parts of America Southward of South Carolina or Georgia, with- Southward of the faid ou t carrying the fame to any other of his Majefty's Plantations in America, or to Great Britain; the ^'m'^' fi ft taking Mailer or other Perfon having or taking Charge of fuch Ship or Veffel, before fhe clears Outward's, out a Licence' • * firft taking a Licence, under the Hand of the Governor of the refpective Province for the Time being, for the carrying the fame from the faid Provinces refpectively to fome Part of America South- i_-u- * ■.. minted ward of the faid Pi ov inces as aforefa id; which Licence the faid Governors refpectively are hereby which is to be granted . > . r j. . j upon a Certificate that authorized and required to grant, upon a Certificate from the Collector or Comptroller of the Port Bond has beengiven, where fuch Licence fnall be defired, certifying that Bond has been given (which Bonds fuch Col- lector or Comptroller refpectively is hereby authorized and required to take) with one or more fuf- ficient Security, in the Sum of one thoufi.nd Pounds if the Ship be of lefs Burthen than one hun- dred Tons, and the Sum of two thoufand Pounds if the Ship (hall be of that or a greater Burthen, that no enumerated that no Tobacco, Sugars, Cotton Wool, Indigo, Ginger, Fufiick or other dying. Wood, Mo- Goods (hall be taken on ] a fJes, Tar, Pitch, Turpentine, Hemp, Mafts, "Yards, Bowfprits, Copper Ore, Beaver Skins or board » other Furs of the Growth, Production or Manufacture of any Britijli Plantation in America, fhall be loaden or taken on board fuch Ship or Veffel at South Carolina or Georgia, or any other of his unlefsfor neceflary Pro- Majefty's Plantations in America, unlefs it be for the necelTary Provifions of the Ship in their Voy- vifionsoftheShip; age, and that fuch Ship or Veffel, after Landing the faid Rice by Virtue of fuch Licence, fhall re- "eturntoftme of the " turn to the faid Provinces of South Carolina or Georgia, or proceed to fome Port in any of his Ma- Britifh Colonies within jefty's Colonies or Plantations in America, within the Space of four Calendar Months from the 4 Months. Time of clearing out at fuch Port refpeclively; and that every Mafter or other Perfon taking Charge of fuch Ship or Veffel, for which fuch Licence fhall be obtained for carrying Rice to any Licence to be produced Parts of America Southward of the faid Provinces of South Carolina or Georgia, fhall produce fuch at the Port of Arrival; Li cence to the Collector or Comptroller, or other proper Officer at fuch Port as he fhall arrive at and a Certificate of Ar- in any of his Majefty's Colonies or Plantations in America; which faid Collector or Comptroller, rival to be thereupon orother proper Officer, is and are hereby authorized and required to give to the faid Mafter a Cer- granted the Matter; tjficate, certifying the Arrival of fuch Ship or VefTel at fuch Port within the Time herein before upon producing whereof limited and appointed; and that in cafe the faid Certificate be produced to the Collector or Comp- within iz Months, the £ro ]] er f the faid Provinces refpectively within twelve Calendar Months, the Bond taken as afore- Bond is to be difcharged. fajd q^j, be cancelled and given up, otherwife fuch Bond fhall be forfeited to his Majefty, and ihall and may be fued and profecuted in any Court of Record in the faid Provinces refpeclively. III. And in order to afceftain the true Quantity of Rice exported from the faid Provinces, purfuant to fuch Licence, and the Liberty granted by this Act, Be it enacted by the Authority Exporter to make an En- aforefaid, That before the fame fhall be fhipped or put on board, the Merchant or other Perfon try of the Rice before exporting the fame, fhall make an Entry thereof in Writing with the Collector of his Majefty's Shipping; Cuftoms, and the Naval Officer, and alfo with the Comptroller (where there is fuch an Officer), and thereupon there fhall be payable to his Majefty fo much as the Half Subfidy of the Rice lb fhipped in South Carolina or Georgia fhall amount unto, which would have remained in cafe the faid and pay the half Subfidy Rice had been firft imported into Great Britain, and afterwards re-exported; and the Collector of before Clearance. the Port in which fuch Ship fhall be entered to fail, may and fhall demand the full Sum due for the half Subfidy for all the Rice mentioned in fuch Entry; which faid Payment fhall be well and truly made to the Collector of fuch Port refpectively, at or before the faid Ship or Veffel obtains the Coquet of fuch Entry to Clearance; and the Merchant or other Perfon exporting fuch Rice fhall alfo take out a Certificate be taken out, and the or Coquet of fuch Entry, and fhall before the Rice be fhipped or put on board, indorfe on the back . ^ndtrC the^on^ to of fuch Co q uet or Certificate the true Quantity intended to be fhipped, mentioning the Marks, wh'ichTs^o be delivered Number and Contents of each Cafk; and fhall deliver the Coquet fo indorfed to the Searcher or to the Searcher. other Officer appointed for examining and fbipping thereof; and if, upon the weighing and ex- If the Quantity be found amining the Rice brought or intended to be fhipped by virtue of fuch Coquet or Certificate, before greater than what is fo or a f ter t h e flapping thereof, the Quantity fhall appear to be greater than is indorfed thereon; or if indorfed, , any Rice fhall be laden or put on board any Ship or Veffel having Liberty to trade by virtue of or Rice be put on board , / . „ T , t • i r t-> t> i . tr rr i • j «. u .. l j r i before Entry, or in any this Act, or any Hoy, Lighter, Bottom, Boat or other Veilel, in order to be put on board fuch other Veffel,' in order to Ship or Veffel before fuch Entry, or taking out fuch Coquet, and indorfing and delivering the fame be fraudulently fhipped; as aforefaid, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning hereof; all fuch Rice, fo fhipped or intended fuch Rice, together W hh to bs fhj ppe c fhall be forfeited, as alfo the Hoy, Lighter, Bottom, Boat or other Veffel employed to be forfeited! "' in fti PP in S the f ame; and the Owner of fuch Rice or other Perfon employed in fbipping the fame, and alfo Treble the Va- fhall alfo forfeit treble the Value thereof, to be recovered in the Court of Vice Admiralty held in iue. any of his Majefty's Plantations in America, or in any Court of Record in any of his Majefty's Recovery and Applica- Plantations in America, at the Election of the Informer or Profecutor; one third Part thereof to be tionof the Forfeiture, to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, one third Part to the Governor of the faid Pro- vinces refpectively, and the other one third to the Informer or Profecutor. IV. And
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