i 9 4 C. 30. . Anno quarto Georgii III. A.D. 1763, County of Dr. To Cafh received of the Regi- mental or Battalion Clerk, or Receiver General, as the Cafe fiallbe, for Days Pay of Men 1 £. d. Per Contra Paid Militia Men ' Days Paid additional Pay to Days Corporals /; fo be figned by them, Which Account fhall be figned by the faid Captain, and counterfigned by the Commanding Offi- and counterfigned by the cer . an( j f ucn Captain fhall, within ten Days after the Time of fuch Exercife, deliver fuch Ac- cer ' count, and pay the Balance, if there be any due, to the Regimental or Battalion Clerk ; or if Cap- tain of an Independent Company, to the Receiver General : And fuch Accounts fhall be allowed as fufRcient Vouchers in the palling of the Accounts of fuch Receiver General, at the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer. and delivered, with the Balance, to the Clerk, or Receiver General. Accounts allowed Suffi- cient Vouchers. VIII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That where any Regiment, Battalion, or Indepen- dent Company of Militia is or fhall be embodied, and called out into actual Service, and thereby the Officers and Private Militia Men are or fhall be intitled to the fame Pay, as the Officers and During the Time the Troops art embodied, tual Service, and receive ™'~ ^>'"""." "."" W"-'"^ «■"""» ^.""."V "' '""" " ••«-";— — "«- "•""- * -y , «« ■ "»* v^u<i.«s aiiu pri- Pay as the King's other vate M en ' n his Majefty s other Regiments or root receive, all ray from the Receiver or Receivers Forces, all Fay and Ai- General of the Land Tax for the County, Riding or Place, to which fuch Regiment, Battalion or lowances from the Re- Independent Company of Militia (hall belong, whether to the Adjutants, Serjeants, Private Militia ceivers General is to Men, or others; and all Money allowed as aforefaid for the contingent Expences of fuch Regi- ' ment, Battalion, or Independent Company of Militia ; and alfo the Allowance to the Clerk of fuch Regiment or Battalion ; fhall, during fuch Time of actual Service, and until fuch Regiment, Bat- talion, or Independent Company fhall be difembodied and returned Home by Order of their Com- manding Officers, ceafe and not be paid. IX. And be it enacted, That the faid Receiver or Receivers of the Land Tax fhall pay to the Clerk of the General Meetings his Allowance, at the Rate of five Pounds five Shillings for each Meeting, upon his producing an Order or Orders for that Purpofe from his Majefty's Lieutenant, or from three Deputy Lieutenants aflembled at fome General Meeting or Meetings ; and fhall alfo pay to each and every the Clerks of the Subdivifion Meetings their feveral Allowances, at the Rate m iDep.lleut. °f one Pound one Shilling for each Meeting, upon his or their producing an Order or Orders from one or more Deputy Lieutenant, or Deputy Lieutenants afTembled in the feveral Subdivifion Meetings ; which faid Order or Orders fhall be to the faid Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax, a fufficient Difcharge for the Payment of fuch Allowances, and be allowed in his or their Account. X. Provided always, and be it enacted, That the Clerk of each Regiment or Battalion of Militia, fhall give Security to the Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax, of the County, Riding or for theMonies Place, to which fuch Regiment or Battalion fhall belong, by a Bond to his Majefty in the Penalty received by them; of one Half of the Sum required for the whole Year's Charge of the Regiment or Battalion of Mi- litia to which fuch Clerk fhall belong, for duly anfwering and paying fuch Sums as he fhall, from time to time have received, and for duly accounting for the fame, and for Performance of the Truft the Bonds to be lodged hereby in him repofed ; which faid Bond fhall be lodged in the Hands of the Receiver or Receivers with the Receivers Ge- General of the Land Tax, for the refpective County, Riding or Place, who, in cafe the faid Regi- y mental or Battalion Clerk fhall not duly perform the Conditions comprized in the faid Bond, fhall and is hereby required forthwith to put the faid Bond in Suit in the Name of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors ; the full Cofts and Charges of which Suit, in cafe Judgment fhall be given againft fuch Regimental or Battalion Clerk, fhall be paid by him to the faid Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax, who fhall likewife be intitled to, and receive to his or their own Ufe, at th& and the Clerks of the Subdivifion Meetings upon producing a like Orders to difcharge Re- ceivers General. Regimental and Batta- lion Clerks to give Secu rity for paying and ao nera them on Non perform- ance of the Condition ; and they are intitled thereupon to full Cods and Charges and 5 1. per Cent, of the Rate of five Pounds per Centum out of all fuch Monies as fhall be by him or them recovered there- on ; and fhall account for the Refidue thereof with the proper Auditor of his Majefty's Revenue; the faid Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax charging himfelf or themfelves therewith, upon the next Account of the Land Tax to be by him or them palled. Money recovered ; the Refidue to be ac- counted for to the Au ditor. The Regimental and Battalion Clerks, and Captains of Independent XI. And be it enacted, That the Clerk of every Regiment or Battalion of Militia, and the Captain of every Independent Company of Militia, in every County, Riding and Place within that Part of Great Britain aforefaid, fhall, between the twenty- fifth Day of March and the twenty-fourth Day ^Accounts"' their "" °f 'June one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-five, deliver to the Receiver or Receiv rs General of Receipts and Difburfe- the Land Tax for the County, Riding or Place, to which fuch Regiment, Battalion, or Indepen- ments, dent Company fhall belong, a fair Account in Writing, of all Monies by him received and dif- burfed for the Service of the preceding Year, in purfuance of this Act with proper Vouchers for the fame; and fhall pay back to the faid Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax, any Sur- and pay over the Balance plus of fuch Monies that fhall then be in his Hands; which faid Accounts figned by fuch Regimen- to the Receivers General ; ta ] or Battalion Clerk, or by fuch Captain of an Independent Company refpectively, fhall be tranf- whoare totranfmit the mitted by the faid Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax, into the Office of the proper- Accoums into theAud!- Auditor of his Majefty's Revenue. XII. And tors Office.
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