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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/247

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A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Georgii III. C. 32. 197 Reafon of any fuch Omiffion, and none of his or their Acts fliall be queftioned or avoided by Rea- fon of the fame. V Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That when and as where any null de».e to often as any Member or Members, Officer or Officers of any City, Corporation or Borough J" c a n v ^ v g ed their Adm,filons Town, (hall defire to have his, her or their Admiffions renewed or confirmed in Manner aforefaid, rtneve » the Mayor or other Chief Magiftrate of fuch City, Corporation or Borough Town, fhall, and he is hereby required in every fuch Cafe, upon Notice given to him by any one or more Member or Members, Officer or Officers of any City, Corporation or Borough Town, to fummon a Hall, a Hall is to be fummon- Common Council, or other proper Pubiick Meeting, within ten Days after fuch Notice given to ed for granting Copies, him, for the Purpofe of admitting or granting Copies, and confirming the Admiffions of fuch Per- and confirming fuch , r> r c r ■ a a a ^ Admiffions. fon or Perfons as aroreiaid. ' VI. And whereas the Laws in being are found to be ineffectual for preventing the Deftruction officers and Keepers of ' of Timber Trees and other Trees, Underwood and Covert, growing upon the Forefts and Woods and Chafes, &c. ' Chafes within this Kingdom ;' Be it further enacted by- the Authority aforefaid, That from i>"y feize an y Saw or and after the paffing of this A£t, it fhall and may be lawful for every Surveyor of his Ma.^*" J"^'^"^ '" jetty's Woods, and his lawful Deputy, and alfo for the Officers and Keepers of any Foreft or T " ™ a & * JhereU?*" 5 ' Chafe, to feize and take away, for his and their own Ufe, any Saw, Axe, Hatchet, Bill-hook or other Inftrument, ufed by any Perfon or Perfons whom they fhall find unlawfully flocking up, fawing, cutting down, topping, lopping or deftroying any Timber Tree, or other Tree, Under- Wood or Covert, within fuch Foreft or Chafe, CAP. XXXII. An Act to impower the High Court of Chancery to lay out, upon proper Securities* a further Sum of Money, not exceeding a Sum therein limited, out of the Common and General Cafh in the Bank of England belonging to the Suitors of the faid Court; and for applying the Intereft arifing therefrom, towards anfwering the Charges of the Office of the Accountant General of the faid Court.

  • "IT THERE AS by an Aft of Parliament palled in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Preamble reciting

' VV Majefty King George the Second, intituled, An Ail to impower the High Court of Chan- CkufeinAa 12 Pea,

  • eery to lay out, upon proper Securities, any Monies not exceeding a Sinn therein limited, out of the Com- a,c ' 2 *'

c nun and General Cap) in the Bank fl/"England belonging to the Suitors of the faid Court, for the Eafe of ' the faid Suitors, by applying the Interejl arifing therefrom for anfwering the Charges of the Office of Ac- ' countant General of the faid Court, a Provifion is made for the Support and Maintenance of the Of- ' fice of Accountant General of the Court of Chancery, by directing certain Payments to be made, ' in the Manner therein mentioned, to the faid Accountant General and his two Clerks for their ' Salaries, in lieu of, and in Recornpence for, all Fees whatfoever that would be due and payable

  • to the faid Office by the Suitors : And whereas fince the paffing the faid A£t, the Money and
  • Effects belonging to the Suitors of the faid Court, under the Care and Direction of the faid Ac-

' countant General, are greatly increafed ; by reafon whereof the neceffary Bufinefs of the faid ' Office is grown fo extenfive and laborious, that the Provifion made by the faid Ai£t is become ' infufficient to anfwer the Charges attending the Execution of the faid Office :' Wherefore, in order to provide for the further Support of the faid Office, Be it enacted by the King's molt Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That out Court of Chancer, ar.- of the Cafh that now lies, or fhall hereafter lie dead and unemployed in the Bank of England, be- thmized to direflthe longing to the Suitors of the faid Court of Chancery, a Sum not exceeding five thoufand Pounds placing °" c at Intereft, fliall and may, by virtue of any Order or Orders of the faid Court to be made for that Purpofe, on Government Secu,,. r /-!-,. , J r-r' ill* ■ - o -n i r 1 ^-1 x 1 • ties, cooo 1. or the Cain Irom 1 ime to 1 lme be placed out in one mtire bum, or in Parcels, on fuch Government or Parh- Jvin 3 iftii in tbe ^mU, amentary Securities as in and by fuch Order or Orders fliall be directed, to the Intent that the In- belonging to the Suitors tereft and annual Profits arifing from the Money fo to be placed out as aforefaid, may be applied oftheComt; for the Purpofes herein after mentioned ; and that the faid Court of Chancery may, from Time to a . n ? t0 chan S e the ^ ec ' 1 " Time, change the Security or Securities on which the faid Monies fliall be fo placed out, as the j^k^rer °'" t faid Court fhall think expedient. " pr per- II. And be it further enacted, That the Intereft and annual Profits arifing and to be produced The Bank to receive from the faid Securities fliall, from Time to Time, be received by the Governor and Company of *<= intereft and Profits the Bank of England, and placed to the Credit of the fame Account as was raifed: in the Books kept tl,eieo '» there for the Suitors of the faid Court, by virtue of the faid Aft herein before mentioned, of Inte- reft arifing from Money placed out in purfuance of the faid Act ; and that out of fuch Intereft Mo- and t0 P 3 y thereout, ney and annual Profits there fhall. be paid, by quarterly Payments, by the Governor and Com- c p ™ t an I ° rJ 1 er f ™A^ e pany of the Bank of England, by virtue of an Order or Orders of the Court of Chancery to be made by Quarterly Payment^ for that Purpofe, the annual Sum of one hundred and twenty Pounds to the faid Accountant Gene- to the Accountant Ge' ral's third Clerk; which faid Salary fhall commence from the eighth Day of April in the Year of neral's third Clerk ; the our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four, and fhall, together with the Salaries ap- Salary _to commence pointed by the faid A& herein before mentioned, be in lieu of, and in Recornpence and Satisfadion ^W^n lieu of 'all for all Fees whatfoever, which from that Time fliall or would be due or payable to the faid Office, Fees , by