Seal or Seals which shall have been delivered to such Officer or Officers, or by any other Means come or fallen into the Hands, Custody or Power of such Officer or Officers, or other Persons whatsoever; upon Pain that any such Officer or Officers, or other Person or Persons resuting or neglecting so to do upon any such Order or Demand as aforesaid, shall forfeit and lose the Sum of two hundred Pounds, to be recovered and applied in like Manner with the other Penalties inflicted by this Act, by any Person or Persons who will inform or sue for the same.
Cambricks and Lawns made in England after 10 May 17 64, found may be seized. XXIV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Cambrick or Lawn, or Goods of the Kind usually known by or under either of those Denominations, made, wove or fabricated in England, or the Principality of Wales, after the said tenth Day of May next ensuing, shall be found in any House, Shop, Warehouse, Room, Cellar, Vault or other Place in England, or Principality of Wales, without being marked or sealed at each End of every Whole and Entire Piece, and at one End of every Remnant of such Cambricks or Lawns, or Goods of the Kind usually known by or under those Denominations, all such Goods shall be forfeited, and shall and may be seized by any Supervisor or other Officer or Officers of the Customs or Excise, and such Supervisor or other Officer or Officers is and are hereby indemnified for seizing such Goods ; and all such Goods so seized shall and may be deposited in the Customhouse Warehouse, or in the Excise Office next to the Place where the same shall be seized, and after Condemnation thereof by due Course of Law, shall be publickly sold to the best Bidder; and that one Moiety of the Produce arising by the Sale thereof, after deducting the Charges and Expences attending the Condemnation and Sale of such Goods, shall be to the Use of his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, and the other Moiety thereof to such Supervisor or other Officer or Officers as aforesaid, who shall seize or sue for the same ; Persons exposing to Sale or having in their Cusody for Sale, such Goods unstamped, to forfeit 200l and all and every Person or Persons who shall sell or expose to Sale, or have in his or their Custody for that Purpose, any Cambricks or Lawns, or Goods of the Kind usually known by or under either of those Denominations, made and fabricated in England, or the Principality of Wales, and not marked or sealed at both Ends of every entire Piece, and at one End of every Remnant of such Goods, in Manner by this Act directed, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit the Sum of two hundred Pounds, to be recovered and divided in Manner herein after directed.
Goods condemned by virtue of this Act, not to be worn here, but sold for Exportation,and the Buyers to give Security XV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Cambricks or Lawns, or Goods of the Kind usually known by or under either of those Denominations, which after the said tenth Day of May one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four shall be seized and condemned by virtue of this Act, shall be consumed or worn in this Kingdom, but shall be exported, and not sold otherwise than on Condition to be exported, and shall not be delivered out of the Warehouse where the same shall have been secured, until sufficient Security by Bond, to be approved of by the Collector of the Port from whence such Goods shall be exported, in the Penalty of double the Value of the Goods to be given by the Exporter thereof, that the same and every Part thereof shall be exported, and not relanded in any Part of Great Britain.
Persons Persons counterfeiting Seal, &c. or felling Goods with counterfiet Seal, &c. guilty of Felony.XVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or shall, at any Time or Times hereafter, forge or counterfeit any Stamp, Mark or Seal, to resemble the any Stamp, Mark or Seal, which shall be provided or used in pursuance of this Act, or shall forge, resemble or counterfeit the Impression of any such Mark, Stamp or Seal, upon any Goods required by this Act to be damped, marked or sealed, or shall import or bring into England any foreign Cambricks or Lawns, or Goods of the Kind usually known by or under either of those Denominations, having any such counterfeit Mark, Seal, Stamp or Impression thereon, or sell or expose to Sale any Cambricks or Lawns, or Goods of the Kind usually known by or under either of those Denominations, with such counterfeit Mark, Seal, Stamp or Impression thereon, knowing such Stamp, Mark or Seal to be counterfeited ; every such Person so offending, being thereof lawfully convicted, shall be judged guilty of Felony, and shall suffer as in Cafes of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy.
Cambricks or Lawns made or begun in England before Commencement of this Act to sealed XVII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Commissioners of Excise in England for the Time being, or the major Part of them, at any Time within two Months next after the Commencement of this Act, to order and direct all such Cambricks and Lawns, or Goods of the Kind usually known by or under either of those Denominations, which shall have been made or begun to be made, wove and fabricated in England or Wales, at any Time before the Commencement of this Act, to be sealed or marked at both Ends of every Piece thereof with such Mark or Seal which shall be provided and appointed as aforesaid, notwithstanding the same shall have been taken out of the Loom (Proof being first made upon Oath to the Satisfaction of the said Commissioners, that all such Goods were really and bona fide made or begun to be made,, wove and fabricated in England or Wales, before the Commencement of this Act); which Goods so marked or sealed, and numbered in pursuance of such Directions, shall and may be sold, dispofed of and used, in like Manner as if the same had been made or wrought after the Commencement of this Act, and all the Directions thereof fully complied with ; any thing in this Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding; and the Supervisor, or other Officer or Officers of the Excise, who shall be directed to mark or seal and number such Goods, shall make the like Entry of the Number of Yards in Length, and Number, of Threads contained in the Warp of each Piece of such Goods, and the Number set thereon, in like Manner and under the like Penalties as herein before directed with respect to Cambricks or Lawns made after the Commencement of this Act.