A.D. 1763. Anno quarto Georgii III. c. 38. 211
Year of his said late majesty's Reign, --- [3 Geo. 2. c. 29.
and in the third, sixth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth, sixteenth and nineteenth Years of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second, it was enacted, 6 Gn. 2. c. 5.
That every Deed and Will which had been then made since the twenty-ninth Day of September S*c. 6.
one thousand seven hundred and seventeen, in order to pass, alter or change any Manors, Lands,' ee'
Tenements or Hereditaments, or any Interest therein, or Rent or Profit thereout, from any Papist l6 Ga X C 32.
or Person professing the Popish Religion, though not then enrolled, should be as good and effec 15 C 2. C j6.
tual in the Law, as the same would have been in Case the said Deeds and Wills had been enrolled
within the Time limited, by the said Clause in the said first mentioned Act, for Inrollment there
provided the said Deeds and Wills should be enrolled on or before the respective Times in the said several Acts respectively mentioned, in such Manner as by the said first mentioned Act was
directed: whereas by another Act made in the twenty sixth Year of the Reign of his late Ma 16 Gt0* C 24*
jesty King George the Second, it was enacted, That every Deed and Will made since the first
of December one thousand seven hundred and forty six, in order to pass, alter or change any Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or any Interest therein, or any Rent or Profit thereout, from any Papist or Person professing the Popish Religion, to any Protestant or Prote stants, or by or by reason of which Deed or Will any Protestant or Protestants may claim or de rive any legal, equitable or other Interest whatsoever, to his, her or their Use, for his, her or their
Benefit, or to the Use or Benefit of any other Protestant or Protestants, though not enrolled, or not enrolled in due Time, should be as good and effectual in the Law, as the same would have been in case the said Deeds and Wills had been enrolled within the Times limited by the said Clauses in the said Acts for the Inrollment thereof, provided the same Deeds and Wills should be enrolled on or before the first Day of January one thousand seven hundred and fifty-four, in such Manner as by the said Clause in the said first mentioned Act is directed: whereas by an Act made in the twenty8 Geo. z. c. 10.
eighth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second, it was enacted that every'
Deed and Will made since the twenty-ninth Day of September one thousand seven hundred and seventeen, in order to pass, alter or change any Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or any Interest therein, or any Rent or Profit thereout, from any Papist or Person professing the Po
Religion, to any Protestant or Protestants, or by or by reason of which Deed or Will, any Protestant or Protestants may claim or derive any legal, equitable or other Interest whatsoever, to his, her or their Use, for his, her or their Benefit, or to the Use or Benefit of any other Protestant or Protestants, though not enrolled, or not enrolled in due Time, should be as good and effectua] in the Law, as the same would have been in case the said Deeds and Wills had been enrolled within the Times limited by the said Clauses in the said Acts for the Inrollment thereof, provided the same Deeds and Wills should be enrolled on or before the first Day of January one thousand seven hundred and fifty six, in such Manner as by the said Clause in the said first mentioned Act is di
- And whereas by an Act made in the thirty first Year of the Reign of his late Majesty 3j Geo. 2.
King George the Second, it was enacted, That every Deed and Will made since the twenty
ninth Day of September one thousand seven hundred and seventeen, in order to pafsr alter or change
any Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or any Interest therein, or any Rent or Pro ' sits thereout, from any Papist or Person professing the Popish Religion, to any Protestant or Pro testants, or by or by reason of which Deed or Will any Protestant or Protestants may claim or de rive any legal, equitable, or other Interest whatsoever, to his, her or their Use, for his, her or their Benefit, or to the Use or Benefit of any other Protestant or Protestants, though not enrolled,
or not enrolled in due Time, should be as good and effectual in the Law, as the same would have been in case the same Deeds and Wills had been enrolled within the Times limited by the said Clauses in the said Acts for the Inrollment thereof, provided the said Deeds and Wills should he enrolled on or before the first Day of January one thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine, in such
Manner as by the said Clause in the said first mentioned Act is directed: whereas by an Act 33 Geo. 2. c. 13.
passed in the thirty third Year of his said late majesty's Reign, it was enacted, That every Deed and Will made since the twenty-ninth Day of September one thousand seven hundred and seventeen,
in order to pass, alter or change any Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or any Inte terest therein, or any Rent or Profit thereout, from any Papist: or Person professing the Popish Re ' ligion, to any Protestant or Protestants, or by or by reason of which Deed or Will any Protestant or Protestants may claim or derive any legal, equitable or other Interest: whatsoever, to his, her or their Use, for his, her or their Benefit, or to the Use or Benefit of any other Protestant or Protestants, though not enrolled, or not enrolled in due Time, shall be as good and effectual in the Law, as the same would have been in case the said Deeds and Wills had been enrolled within the ' Times limiter by the said Clauses in the said Acts for the Inrollment thereof, provided the same Deeds and Wills should be enrolled on or before the twenty-fifth Day of December one thousand
hundred and sixty, in such Manner as by the said Clause in the said first mentioned Act is and 2 Geo. 3. C zi. ' directed: whereas by an Act made in the second Year of his present Majesty's Reign, it was enacted, That every Deed and Will made since the twenty-ninth Day of September one thousand seven hundred and seventeen, in order to pass, alter or change any Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or any Interest therein, or any Rent or Profit thereout, from any Papist or Per
professing the Popish religion, to any Protestant or Protestants, or by or by reason of which Deed or Will, any Protestant or Protestants may claim or derive any legal, equitable or other Interest whatsoever, to his, her or their Use, for his, her or their Benefit, or to the Use or Benefit of any other Protestant or Protestants, though not enrolled, or not enrolled in due Time, shall be as good and effectual in the Law, as the same would have been in case the said Deeds and Wills