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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/265

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A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Ge or Gii III. C. 39. 215 X. And be it further enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall, for the future, run, drive, Penalty of running, draw or caufe to be run, driven or drawn, on any of the Foot Pavements of any of the (aid Squares, w!"f "^ A J am ^ ny Streets, Lanes, Courts, Alleys, Yards, Paffages or Places, which fhall be begun to be paved by ^ rro t^ r ,h« c«- virtue of the faid former Acts, or either of them, or of this Act, any Wheel or Wheels, Sledge, r i age , on anyof the Foot Wheel-barrow or any Carriage whatfoever, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall forfeit for the firft Of- Pavements. fence, the Sum often Shillings ; for the fecond Offence, the Sum of twenty Shillings; and for the third and every other Offence, the Sum of forty Shillings. XI. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That when and fo often as any Part of Notice to be given to the Pavements of any of the Squares, Streets, Lanes, Courts, Alleys, Yards, Paffages or Places, the Commiffioners Sur- which fhall be begun to be paved by virtue of this or the faid two recited Acts, fhall be taken up ve yorof the taking up by any Perfon or Perfons, for the Purpofe of making, repairing or altering any Vault or Drain^ p^rpo^o™ making '«- or for any other Purpofe whatfoever; the Perfon or Perfons fo taking up fuch Pavement or Pave- pairing or altering any mems, fhall immediately give Notice thereof to the Surveyor or Surveyors employed by the Com- Vault or Drain, &c. miffioners for putting this and the faid recited Acts in Execution, in order that the fame may, with in order that the fame all convenient Speed, be laid down and repaired, under the Infpeftion of the faid Surveyor or Sur- ma y berelaid under his veyors; and the Charges and Expences thereof fhall be paid by the faid Commiffioners, and they ^ ir peQion. fhall be reimburfed the fame by the Perfon or Perfons, Companies of Water-works, or Commiffio- ^Wnre"^ the ners of Sewers, who fhall take up, or caufe or procure to be taken up, the faid Pavement or are to be reimburfed^y Pavements, or any Part or Parts thereof; and in cafe fuch Perfon or Perfons, Companies of Water- the Perfons taking up works or Commiffioners of Sewers respectively, fhall neglect or refufe to pay what the faid Com- fucn Pavements: miffioners fhall have fo paid and difburfed, within ten Days next after Notice thereof, to be left, °" the ' r N ? gle<ri ° rRe - by the Receiver or Receivers appointed, or to be appointed by the faid Commiffioners, at the Dwel- „;„*„ a C " ue Nctice ling-houfe or laft Place of Abode of fuch Perfon or Perfons, or of the Secretary or Secretaries, Clerk or Clerks of fuch Companies of Water-works, or Commiffioners of Sewers refpectively ; which Notice fhall be in Writing, and figned by the Clerk to the Commiffioners for putting this and the faid recited Acts into Execution, by Order of the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, and annexed to the Bill containing an Account of the Expence of fuch Repair; it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid laft mentioned Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, and they are hereby authorized and impowered to bring, or caufe to be brought, any Action or Ac- an Aflion may be tions, in the Name or Names of their Treafurer or Treafurers for the Time being, for the Reco- brou 6 h t for the Money very of fuch Sum or Sums of Money as they fhall have fc expended, for the relaying and repairing in e reaurers ame fuch Pavement or Pavements taken up in Manner aforefaid ; and in cafe fuch Perfon or Perfons Penalty of not giving hereby directed to give fuch Notice to the Surveyor or Surveyors, as is before directed, fhall neglect due Notice of the taking fo to do, for the Space of twenty-four Hours after fuch Pavement or Pavements be fo taken up, up fuch Pavements, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of twenty Shillings. XII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That when and fo often as there fhall Where i; fhall be necef- be Occafion, after the paffing of this Act to make new, or additional, or repair, or alter any of „ y t J° re m a a ^ e ° e J te ?old S the old Grates belonging to the Commiffioners of Sewers, in any of the Squares, Streets, Lanes, 011 ^° t^Coromiffione s Courts, Yards, Alleys, Paffages or Places, which have been or fhall be, begun to be paved by vir- of Se'wers are to pay the tue of this and the faid two former Acts, the fame fhall be made new, repaired or altered at the Expence; Expence of the faid Commiffioners of Sewers; and the fame, when fo made new, repaired or al- and the Grates are to be tered, lhall be laid down in fuch Places, and at fuch Diftance from each other, and in fuch Man- laid down as the Sur- ner and Form, as fhall be directed by the Surveyor or Surveyors to the Commiffioners appointed by g"""'" Aa this the faid recited Acts, or either of them, at the Expence of the faid Commiffioners of Sewers ; and lAheCommiffioners of in cafe the faid Commiffioners of Sewers fhall neglect or refufe fo to do, for the Space of ten Days Sewers neglect, & c . riext after Notice given, or left with their Clerk or Clerks for the Time being, it fhall and may be the Commiffioners under lawful to and for the faid Commiffioners appointed by the faid recited Acts, or any three or more this Act may order the ©f them, or their Surveyor or Surveyors, to caufe fuch Grate or Grates as fhall be neceffary to be [^ are^o t^reinT made new, repaired, altered and laid down, to be fo made new, repaired, altered and laid down; burjedty' < the Commif- the Expence whereof fhall be reimburfed and paid by the faid Commiffioners of Sewers. Coners of Sewers. ' XIII. And whereas feveral of the Streets, Lanes and other Places, comprehended within the ' faid two recited Acts, or this Act, or either of them, are in lbme Parts thereof very narrow, and ' are greatly obftructed and made dangerous to Foot PalTengers, by Steps being brought out from ' feveral Houfes into the Streets ; Steps and Doors, going down into Cellars, Vaults, and other ' Places belonging to fuch Houfes ; and by Shew-glaffes, Shew-boards, or other Matters or Things ' projecting from Shops or Houfes, over and beyond the Area belonging to fuch Houfes, or into the Foot Ways;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the paffing of Commiffioners hnpower- this Act, all fuch Steps projecting into the Foot Ways of the Streets, all Steps and Doors going ed to remove and alter down out of the Foot Ways into any Cellars, Vaults or other Places, belonging to any Houfe, Shop, aI1 Ste P s projecting into Warehoufe or Tenement, as likewife all Shew-glaffes or Shew-boards projecting over and beyond the th ^ I° ot W: 7 S ' ^P 5 A- * ^t. t-« . iir ,1, , & , „* . 1 ■*'*■ t^P- Ti • and Doors gome down reas, or into the loot Ways ; and all and every other Material, Matter or Thing belonging to any putof the | oot Ways Houfes, Warehoufes, Shops, Cellars or other Buildings, which caufe or occafion any Nuifance, An- into Cellars, Sbew- noyance, Incroachment or Obftruction in any of the Squares, Streets, Lanes, Courts, Alleys, Yards, giaffeand other Matters, Paffages or other Places (either in the Foot or Carriage Ways thereof) which fhall be begun to be caufing an Obftruction paved by virtue of this and the faid two former Ads, fhall be, at the Expence of the faid Commif- ^p^?" lnthe com " fioners, removed, fixed, placed or altered, in fuch Manner and Form as fhall be approved of by the' a£ . faid CommifEonejSj ox any five or more of them, or their Surveyor or Surveyors by their Direction. XIV. And