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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/273

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A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Georgii III. C. 40. 223 was awarded, to the Party complaining ; and to inforce the Payment thereof, by the fame Methods and Means as are herein provided for the Recovery of other Debts. XV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the feveral Fees hereafter limited Fees allowed to the Clerk and expreiTed, and no other, (hall be taken by the faid Clerk and Serjeants, for their feveral and and s «J e ants. refpective Services, in the Execution of this Ac~t ; that is to fay, £. f. d. For iffuing every Summons, to the Clerk, » ■ . . . , 006 For Service of every Summons in the Town, and attending the Court with Return, 7 to the Serjeants,———-— ■■ j 3 And for Service of every Summons out of the Town, and within the Soke, and at- 5 , tending the Court with Return, to the Serjeants, — — — £000 For entering the Caufe, to the Clerk, ; — — — 003 For every Hearing, to the Clerk,' ■ ,— ■ • 003 For every Order, to the Clerk, . ' 003 For entering every Order and making, to the Clerk, ; . . 003 For Service of every Order againft a Party (in Town) not in Court, and attending! with Return, to the Serjeants, . t ° ° 3 For Ditto, out of Town, and within the Soke, 006 For a Nonfuit on the Plaintiff's not appearing, to the Clerk, 002 For an Attachment againft the Defendant for not appearing, to the Clerk, • ■ 006 To the Serjeants, for Service thereof in Town, , 003 For Ditto, out of Town, and within the Soke, ■-.,- . o 6 For acknowledging Satisfaction thereof, to the Clerk, ■ o o ' 4 For an Execution, to the Clerk, , : l o To the Serjeants, for Service thereof in Town, . . 003 For Ditto, out of Town, and within the Soke, oo<i For a Subpoena, to the Clerk,' , . 003 To the Serjeants, for Service thereof in Town, ■ . ,. o o z For Ditto, out of Town, and within the Soke, 006 For paying Money into Court, to the Clerk, - 006 For every Search of the Books, to the Clerk, - 002. W wnfnil^s pfnoAw' /TV" 15 to £ me » be hu »S "P ^ the Clerk of the faid Court, in A Table thereof to be XpXs X ftall atten f ?h?f -fr" ° r P H e where the Md Commiffioncrs (hall meet, fo that h -s u P in the Court. YV LTlJlff I t d j ( T° Urt ma y fee a ^ d read the feme. Court fofthe Time beinT nfS F. Y ^ Authorit / aforefaid, That if the faid Clerk of the faid Penalty of demanding or or anv of them Tdl lowing lb f D , e P ut ^ or the Serjeants of the faid Court for the Time being, ^ ^ter or. other memionl^uTon SomplainT'S ^P^ofTeloT 7 *"*% "<?*!" ^ °^ ^ ** V h ™ dible Witnefs or Witneffes, made in ooen Co rt £ fTr °# h 0r ° athS ° f T ° r m °'" e "^ them heino- a M- inr-itv n f rul f -j r> P „°f' the fald Commiffioners, or any three or more of o rim to S S fuch Offi. 5 FT' flla11 and are hereb y rec 1 uired and impowered, from time to time, to puniin inch Offender by Fine, not exceeding forty Shillings, nor left than ten Shil- not excKdin S 4os. no* telTuX^Sn 2 ndS oWfS clnnff 1 *« 0fa ^' ^oj Jf h Sll!X * -, «* and Soke fo the Tim blinT^t'l "l^TrK^l be paid to the Mayor of the faid Borough, IfcJ r I M u S l n ,. by hlm attributed amongft the Poor of the faid Borough and aoke, in fuch Manner as he lhall thnk fir • anH if .),» n 1 c • . c , r - V » or either of them for the TJmi K»" tu u Z •? Llerk or Ser Jeants of the faid Court, or any Clerk or Serjeants gui!^ freauen lv taking o d™In g ' &al h % SUl1 ^ ° f *"? noxious Mifbehaviour, either by °f notorious Milbeha- oflheir ^rfoSiveOffirT, S g r 5? ter ".^er Fees as aforefaid, or otherwife, in the' Execution ™"> of hem £1 in oofn Court P hP, ° mp aU,t ^^ ^ H d Commiffioners, or any three or more Court m, y i nquire int0 (lor'p;!' f !! r ' hear and enquire into the Matter of the faid Mifbehaviour, by the the ft™, J certify «f tV r -V r T- e ? c m ° re C ^ d,bIe W| tnefs or Witneffes, and fhall, if they, bein» a Majority the p *»'cular S to the o the faid Court, think fit certify the Particulars of the faid Mifoehav bur, with the Proofs d? e- Ma 'V h ° ««» <«*■ of, unto the Mayor of the fa.d Borough for the Time being, who thai] the eupon caufe a 1 the f d T ' ^""^ M T"& fcSfc rTlWXT ^T " a 'Ttr T '^ and P1 - and ^ lay theTame be" &" "* Lri™ Zt! aflemblcd purfuant to fuch Summons, who (hall take the fame into Con- or-c Sts tS' ( : dln S to their- Diicretion, fufpend or remove the faid Cleric, or Serjeant Sher or oSef fif an ^Ip %Tr ^ ^ r^ ^ 0&C f ° r ° fficeS ' a " d » omi » ale a » d a PP°^ ^ thePhc^ "and S^ nf h erf ° n or r Perfons ' J exerdfe ^e faid Office or Offices refpettivcly, in. me riace ana stead ot him or them fo removed. of t^fdtf Court ferft^ ^ "t^'T^ aforefaid < That if a "y °f the Commiffioners.A Com.imor.er i„ te . Ie ffirl t inr, r, Jh V r n mC n bein F« fca11 be Part y t0 ' or '"terefted in, any Caufe depending in '«"»" » »y Caufe de rmimr^ the 'w (^f " ^ " 0t be ca P able of a<ai "S as a Commiffioner, in the heaLg or* ^'1*' '" ° wkhd ' ; eT in g t f r r V° r ,, makl ^ any Order, Decree, or Judgment therein, but after being f"c "'■ ^ " heard m the faid Caufe, fhall withdraw until the fame is finally determined 5 and if the Cle k o°r * ^ " d "" r to withdraw.' . till . ' is determined:^ other.