to their Heires for ev'r To the'ntent that the Revenues Profites and Comoditees com'yng and growyng therof may be employed to the p'fourming and Executyng of the last Wyll that his laid Highnesse shall make and ordeyn to be doon wt the same Honnours Castells Manno's Landes and Ten'ts and othre P'mysses or wt the p'fittez Revenuez and Commoditees comyng and growyng of the same and that it be ordeyned by the same auctorite that aftir the same Wyll p'fourmed and Executed or els if his seid Highnes declare and make no Wyll conc'nyng the P'misses That than the seid Thomas Cardinall Archbitshop' Bisshopp's Erles William Lord Hastinnes John Lord Dynh'm Maister John Russell Clerc Keper of the Kinges Prive Seale Maister William Dudley Dean of the Kings Chapell Thom's Burgh Knyght William Parre Knyght Thomas Mountgomery Knyght Maister John Gunthorp Clerc Richard Fowler and William Huie be and stand seased and feofes of and in the said Honnours Castells Lordshipp's Mannours Landes Ten'ts and other the P'misses to th'use of his Highnes and his Heires and that it be Ordeyned and Established by the said advyse assent and auctorite that all the same Honno's Castells Lordshipp's Mannours Landes Ten'ts and other the P'mysses wt their appurten'n'c's stand and be contynue and reinavne in the Possession of the said Thomas Cardinall Bisshopp's Erles William Lord Hastyngs John Dynham Maister John Russell Clerc Keper of the Kings Prive Seale Mailer William Dudley Dean of the Kings Chapell Thomas Burgh Knight William Parr Knyght Thomas Mountgomery Knyght Maister John Gunthorp' Clerk Richard Fowler and William Huse parcell of the Duchie of Lancastr' and be called reputed and taken parcell thereof havyng and usying all libertees freedom's francheses Profitz Com'oditees and avayles as have been had and used in the same and that all Officers and Gov'nors of the said Duchie stand remayn and abyde Officers and Gov'nors therof havyng such Astate and Int'esse therein as they nowe have usyng occupieng and exe'eisyng their seid Offices wt all the fees wages p'fitz and availes p'teynyng and belongyng to the same and every of theym as they dyd and had and might have had and doon afore the makyng herof and that all Leses and Demises Grauntes and Offices fees Annuytees p'fentac'ons & Advousons be made from hensforth duryng the Lyf of our said Souv'ain Lord in his own name by warrant from his Highnes and under the Seal of his said Duchie nowe being the Seale thereof as it hath been used and Accustomed in tyme past and that it be ordeyned by the said Auctorite that the said Thomas Cardinall Bisshops Erles William Lord Haftinges John Lord Dynham Master John Russell Clerc Keper of the Kynges Prive Seale Maister William Dudley Dean of the Kings Chapell Thomas Burgh' Knyght William Parre Knight Thorn's Mountgom'y Knyght Maister John Gunthorp' Clerc Richard Fowler and William Huse and the Lengest Lyvyng of them have possede holde and enjoye all the P'myffes to theym and their Heires to thentent and behove above-said any Lese Graunt or other thing had made or doon of or in the P'misses or any P't thereof by oure said Sov'ain Lord in his Lyf or any of the said Officers in his Name notw'standing and that all Officers and Gouvernors of and in the same the tyme of the dying of our said Sov'aine Lord stoud remayn and abide Officers and Gouvernors according to their Title and Int'esse in them and that from hensforth all Leses Demises Grauntes of Offices fees Annuitees p'fentac'ons and Advousons to be made in the Names of the said Thomas Cardinall, Bisshopps Erles William Lord Hastinges John Lord Dynham Maister John Russell Clerc Keeper of the Kinges Prive Seale Maister William Dudley Dean of the Kyngs Chapell Thomas Burgh Knyght William Parr Knyght Thomas Mountgomery Knyght Maister John Gunthorp' Clerc Richard Fowler and William Huse or the lengest levyng of them by warrant under the Seale of the said Duchie and that ev'y such Lese Demise Graunt and Presentacion made under the said Seale be as good effectual and available in the Lawe as though it were made by the seid Thomas Cardinall Byfshop's Erles William Lord Hastynges John Lord Dynham Master John Russell Clerc Keper of the King's pryve Seale Maister William Dudley Dean of the Kings Chapell Thomas Burgh Knyght William Parr Knyght Thomas Mountgomery Knyght Master John Gunthorp' Clerc Richard Fowler and William Huse under their Seales Savyng to Elizabeth Quene of England such right Title and Int'esse in and of the Premysses as Shee hath in the same or any part therof Savyng also to all other the Kynges Liege People such Title Right Accion and Int'esse in and of the Premisses as they shuld have had if this Act had not be made and over this it is Ordeyned by the said Auctorite that if any of the seid feoffes dye or make astate in or of eny of the Premysses that than all S'vices and Rents due to the King or to eny of the faid feoffes by reason or cause of eny of the P'miffes afore the makyng of this Act be of like Effect and Condic'on as this Act had nevir be made as in the seid Act playnly apperith Be it Enacted Ordeyned and Establysshed by thadvise and assent of the Lords Sp'uelx and Temp'elx and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled and by auctorite of the same that the said Acte and Every thyng therein conteyned be fro the xxj Day of August last past voide Repelled annulled and of noon effect And over that by the same Auctorite the King oure Sov'aine Lord have holde enjoye and possede fro the said xxj Day of August to hym and his Heires forevermore All Honnours Castells Lordshipp's Mannors Landes Tenements Rents Reversions Services Possessions and other Hereditaments with their Appurten'n'ces in the said Acte conteyned and the Counte Palatyne of Lancastr' and all Honnours Castells Lordshippes Mannours Lan;'es Tenements Rents Reversions Services Pos sessions and other Hereditaments with their Appurtenances that weer parcell of the said Duchie of Lancastr' and in the Handes or Possession of the said Edward late King of Englond the iiijth day of Marche the furste yere of his Reigne or eny tyme after or in the Handes or possession of Richard the Thirde late in dede and not of right King of Englond any tyme duryng his Reigne wt all Libertees fredouis franchises and other thinges as well-to the said Counte Palatyne or to eny other of the P'myffes apperteynyng or belongyng and to be Governed by like Officers and use like Seales as afore tyme have ben used and Accustumed in as ample and large manner and in like manner and founne and Condic'on separat from the Corone of England and Possession of the