XIX. And be it further enacted by authority aforesaid, that if any person or persons, of what estate, degree, dignity or condition soever they be, at any time hereafter, by words, writing, imprinting, or by any exterior act or deed, maliciously or willingly procure, or doe or cause to bee procured or done, directly or indirectly, any thing or things, to the perill of your most royall person, or to the perill of the person of any of your heires or successors, hauing the royall estate of the Crowne of this Realme: or maliciously or willingly giue occasion by words, writing, print, deed or act, whereby your highnes or any your said heires or successors, hauing the royall estate of the crowne of this Realme, might be disturbed or interrupted of the Crowne of this Realme : or by words, writing, print,- deed or act, procure or doe, or cause to be procured or done any thing or things, to or for the interruption, repeale or adnullation of this Act, or of any thing therein conteined, or of any thing that shall be done by your highnesse in the limitation and disposition of your Crowne by authority of the same : or by words, writing, print, deed or act procure or cause to be procured or done any thing or things, to the prejudice, slander, disturbance or derogation of the sayde lawfull matrimony, solemnized betweene your maiesty and the said Queen Iane, or any other lawfull wife or wiues heereafter by your highnesse to be taken : or to the perill, slander, or disherison of any of the issues and heires of your highnesse, being limitted by this Act to inherite and to be inheritable to the Crowne of this Realme, in such forme as is aforesaide : or to the interruption or disherison of any such person or persons, to whom your highnes shall assigne and dispose your said imperiall Crowne by authority of this Act, as is afore remembred : whereby any such issues or heires of your highnes, or such person or persons might be destroyed, disturbed or interrupted in same, body or title of the inheritance to the Crowne of this Realme as to them is limited in this Act, in forme above rehearsed, or as to them shal be limited and assigned by your highnes, by vertue and authority of this Act : or if any person or persons by words, writing, imprinting, or any other exterior Act directly or indirectly, accept or take, iudge or beleeue any of the manages had & solemnized between the Kings highnes and the said Lady Katherine, or between the Kings highnes & the said late Queene Anne, to be good, lawfull, or of any effect : or by words, writing, printing, or any other exterior act directly or indirectly, slander, interrupt, impeach, gainsay, or impugne the lawfull judgements and sentences of the said most reuerend father in God, Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, and primate of all England, for and concerning the diuorces and separations of the saide unlawfull mariages or any of them : or by words, writing, print, or any other exterior act directly or indirectly, take, accept, name, or call by any pretence any of the children borne and procreated under any of the said unlawfull manages, to be legitimat and lawfull children of your maiesty : or if any person or persons craftily imagine, invent or attempt by colour of any pretence to deprive the Kings highnesse, the Queene, or the heires of their bodies begotten, or any other the heires of the Kings body lawfully begotten, or any person or persons, to whom the Kings highnesse shall dispofe, give and limit the Crowne of this Realme, by authoritie of this Act, of any of their titles, stiles, names, degrees or royal estates, or regal power : or if any person or persons at any time hereafter, being required or commanded by the Kings highnes, or by such person or persons, as shall be authorised by his grace or his lawfull heires to make or take an oath, to answere to such questions and interrogatories as shall be objected to them, upon any clause, article, sentence, or word conteined in this Act.; doe contemptuously or utterly refuse to make or take such oath, or without frustratorie delay doe not make or take the same oth : or after the making or taking such oth, doe contemptuously refuse directly to answere to such questions and interrogatories, as be objected concerning the same or any part thereof: that then every such perfon & persons, of what estate, degree or condition foeuer he or they be, and their aidors, counsellors, mainteinors and abettors, and euery of them, for euery such offence afore declared, shall be adiudged high traitors : and that euery such offence afore speciried shall be adjudged high treason, and the offendors therein, and their aidors, councellois, mainteinors, and abettors, and every of them being lawfully convict of any such offence by presentment, verdict, confession or processe, according to the custome and lawes of this Realme, shall suffer peines of death as in cases of high treason : and that also euery such offendor, being convict as is aforesaid, shall lose and forfeit to your highnesse, and to your heires or successors, Kings or regall rulers of this Realme, all such manors, lands, tenements, rents, annuities, and hereditaments, which they had in possession as owners, or were sole seized of, by or in any right, title or meanes, or any other person or persons, had to their vse of any estate of inheritance, at the day of such treasons and offences by them committed & done. And shall also loose and forfeit to your Highnesse and your said heires, as well all maner such estates of freehold and interest for yeeres of lands and rents, as all other goods, chattels, and debts, which they had at the time of their conviction or Atteindor, of any such offence : sauing alway to euery such person and persons, and bodies politicke, to their heires, assignes, and successors, and to the heires and successors of every of them, other then such person as shall be so convict or attainted, and their heires and successors, and all other claiming to their uses all such rights Title, use, interest, possession, condition, rents, fees, offices, annuities, and commons, which they or any of them shall have in or upon any such manors, lands, tenements, rents, annuities or hereditaments, that shall so happen to be lost and forfeit by reafon of any conviction or attaindor, for any the treasons and offences above rehearsed, at any time before the Sayd Treasons and offences committed. Be it also enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, that no person or persons, offending in any the treasons contained and limited by this Act, or in any other Treasons, shall in any wife have and injoy the piviledge or immunitie of any maner sanctuary within this Realme, or elsewhere within any the Kings dominions: but shall utterly lose and be excluded of the same, any use, grant, custome, prescription, confirmation, or any other thing or things to the contrary hereof: in any wife notwithstanding.
XX. And