24. C. i2. Anno tertio Georgii III. A. D. 1762. at any Time during the Year com pounded for, then every Perfon whofe Family fhall be fo increafcJ {hall deliver in an additional Lift containing the Names of the feveral Perfons added to the Family, »nil 51!. per Month per w ho {hall then alfo pay down a proportionable Compolition for the Perfons fo added, videlicet, five Head, to be paid for the p encc f or cacrl Calendar Month that {hall be unexpired of the Year, for which his or her Compofi- additianal Number du each and eve pcrfon fo ^ and . n ]ike Manner frc(h Lifts fl „ b de]i d rinc; the fubhtling unex- > j- i r j • /-i /- 11 r u ■ 11/11. pirco Term of the Year, and Compohttons made accordingly every Year; and in Cale any region having compounded {hall Compounders ncgleaing neglect to deliver fuch Lifts, or to pay the Compofition-money from' Year to Year, by the Space of to deliver in the Lifts, t en Days after the Expiration of each refpedtive Year, the Perfon fo neglecting fhall be charged by and pay their Compofi- the Officer of Excife with the Duty of four Shillings for every Hogfhcad of Cyder or Perry, which ^hTrEeTwidi the Duty ^ la " be found in his or her CuftoJy; which Charge the Officer or Officers of Excife are hereby re- and "become liable to' quired to make, and fuch Perfons {hall become fubject to the Survey of the faid Officers; and if any Survey. Perfon, who {hall compound in purfuance of the Power hereby given, {hall deliver in a Lift which Pei fons delivering falfe does not contain the true Number with the Names of the feveral Perfons of which his or her Family or defective L:fts, &c tpen real]y conu ft e j of; or if any Perfon {hall neglect to deliver in a Lift of the Number and Names of any Increafe that may happen in his or her Family, according to the Directions of this Act, or forfeit 20I. to p a y t h e proportionable Compofition as aforefaid, the Party fo offending {hall, for every fuch Of- fence refpectively, forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds. Children under 8 Years XV. Provided always, That no Compounder fhall be obliged to infert in fuch Lift, the Names ot Age not to be infened f his or her Children under the Age of eight Years, or to reckon them as Part of his or her in the Lifts. Family. XVI. And as it may frequently happen that fuch Perfons, who fhall make Compofitions for the Duties on Cyder and Perry to be confumed in their own private Families, mav have larger Quantities of Cyder or Perry than is necefiary to be expended for the Ufe of their refpective Fami- Compourtders may fell, y [£s . [Q the end therefore that he, fhe or they may be impowered to fell, orotherwife difpofe of, or ■any Cyder or" Perry more remove any Quantity of Cyder or Perry, and that his Majefty's Duties may be fecured for the fame, than fufficient for their when and fo often as any fuch Compounder or Compounders fhall be defirous of felling, or other- own ufe, ways difpofing of any Cyder or Perry, or of removing of the fame, and fhall have given to the Of- ficer of Excife of the Divifion or Place where his, her or their Ware-houfe or Storehoufe, Cellar giving two Days Notice or other Place, for making, laying or keeping Cyder or Perry, fhall be fituate, two Days Notice in to the proper Officer, Writing of his, her or their Intention to fell, or othervvays difpofe of, or remove any Quantity of Cyder or Perry, fpecifying in fuch Notice the particular Quantity of Cyder or Perry he, fhe or they intended to fell, or otherways difpofe of or remove, and alfo the Defcription of the particular Ware- houfe, Store-houfe, Cellar or Place where fuch Quantity of Cyder or Perry fhali then be laid or who is to attend, and kept, and of the Place to which the fame is intended to be removed or fent; the Officer of Excife, takcan Account thereof, having received fuch Notice, is hereby authorized and required to attend at the faid Store-houfe, and charge the Dunes, Ware-houfe, Cellar or other Place, and then and there to ent r the fame, and to gauge and take Account of the particular Quantity of Cyder or Perry fo intended to be fold or otherways difpofed of or removed, and to charge thereon the faid Duty after the Rate of four Shillings for every Hogf- and report the fame to head, and thereof to make a Return or Report in Writing to the Commiffioners of Excife, or fuch the Excite Office; lcav- ot h er p £r fon or Perfons as they fhall appoint to receive the fame, leaving a true Copy of fuch Re- ing a Copy wit t e ^^ j^ Yriting, under his or their Hand, with or for fuch Compounder or Compounders; and ompcun fuch Report or Return of tire 'faid Officer or Officers fhall be a Charge upon fuch Compounder or Such Cyder or Perry not Compounders; and after the Duties are fo charged, the faid Cyder or Perry fhall not be removed, to he afterwards remov- on an y Pretence, without fuch Certificate as aforefaid to accompany the fame, to prevent the Sei- «d without a Certificate. zure thereof; and if any Compounder or Compounders for the Duty on Cyder or Perry, to be con- t° m f any Fraud 6 '" 68 "' ' fumed in his, her or their own private Family or Families only, fhall fraudulently fell, exchange, barter, or deliver out any Cyder or Perry to any Perfon or Perfons Contrary to the true Meaning of this Act, or fhall fell or otherwife difpofe of or remove any fuch Cyder or Perry, without having firft given fuch Notice as aforefaid, or before the Duty granted by this Act is charged thereon, he, forfeit 20I. {he or they final 1 refpectively forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds for every fuch Offence. ' XVII. And whereas many Makers of Cyder or Perry arenot poffefred of Mills, or other proper
- Utenfils for making Cyder or Perry, but either hire or borrow the fame of others for that Purpofe;
- and though the permitting Makers of Cyder or Perry who have fuch Mills and other Utenfils,
' and are Compounders, to fet out or lend their Mills and Utenfils, may appear reafonable, yet
- confiderable Frauds may be practifed thereby, to the Prejudice of his Majefty's Revenue and the
- fair Trader, unlefs fuch Permiffion is granted under proper Reftrictions;' To the end therefore that
fuch Perfons may be accommodated, and that his Majefty's Duty may be fecured; Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Maker or Makers of Cyder or Perry, being a Compounder or No Compounder may Compounders for the Duty granted by this Act for the Cyder or Perry to be confumed in his, her letout.or lend his Mill, or their Family or Families, fhall, during the Time he, file or they fhall compound for the faid or other Utenfils, for Duty, let out or lend his, her or their Mill or Mills, or other Utenfil or Utenfils, to any other making y cr or erry, p er r on or p er f ons f or the Purpofe of making Cyder or Perry, or permit or fuffer the fame, or any of them to be ufed for the Purpofe aforefaid, unlefs he, fhe or they fhall have given, or caufed to have been given, to the Officer of Excife of the Divifion or Place where his, her or their Mill or ■without giving 3 Days Mills, or other Utenfils fhall be fituate, Notice in Writing by the Space of three Days next before previous Notice to the the Time he, fhe or they fhall permit fuch Mill or Mills, or other Utenfils to be .ufed by or on the proper Officer to attend, behalf of any other Perfon or Perfons for the making of Cyder or Perry, fignifying thereby that he, and charge the Duties; ^ QJ . they naye ]ent Qr i £t Qu| . ^ ^ QJ . ^ e j J . jyryi of Mills, or otner TJtejlfll or Utenfils, and to whom