A. D. 1795. Anno tricefimo quinto Georgii III. G. 89. 4 exceeding five Pounds, and thefe In the Whole not exceeding the Value of thirty Pounds; and that I have 4 not, nor any body for me hath, directly or indireftly, fold, ldlened, or otherwife conveyed, difpofed of
- inTruft, or concealed, all or any Part of my Lands, Money, Goods, Chattels, Stock, Debts, Secu-
4 rities, Contracts, or Eftate, Real or Perfonal, whereby to fecure the fame, or to receive or expect any 4 Profit or Advantage thereof, or with Intent to defraud or deceive any Creditor or Creditors to whom I am 4 or was indebted in anywife howfoever. 4 So help me GOD.* 155 IV. And be it further enafted, That inftead of the Oath directed by the faid Aft to be taken (if required Gaolers on as therein mentioned) by the Gaoler or Perfon who a£ts as Gaoler or Keeper of any fueh Prifon, at the ^r,ngm? Time of bringing up any fuch Prifoner in order to be difeharged, an Oath to the following Effect (if fo discharged°roC required) (hall be adminiftered and taken: take* the follow¬
- J A% B. do fwear, That was, as I verily believe, a Prifoner in Cuftody at and upon
4 the twelfth Day of February one thoufand (even hundred and ninety-four, and that the Copy or a ** 4 Copies, Account or Accounts of the Caule or Caufcs of his [or herJ Commitment or Detainer, now by 4 me brought with the Body ot the faid and produced to this Court, is or are a true Copy 4 or Copies, Account or Accounts, of the Caufc or Caufcs ot fuch Detainer or Commitment, without any 4 Fraud or Deceit by me or any other Perfon whatfoever, to the belt of my Knowledge and Belief. So help me GOD.* V. And be It further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Claufes, Powers, Pro- Recited Aft t# vifions, Penalties, Regulations, and Directions in the faid Aft contained, (hall apply to the Cafes of the extendtoPri- Prifotiers meant to be difeharged under this Act, in the fame Manner as if the faid Claufes, Powers, Pro- foners meant t* vifions, Penalties, Regulations, and Directions, w ere herein inferted and enacted. be difeharged CAP. LXXX1X. An Aft for making perpetual an Aft:, made in the thirtieth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, to difeontinue the Payment of the Duties in Scotland upon Low Wines and Spirits, and upon Worts, Wa(h, and other Liquors, there ufed in the Diftillation of Spirits; and for regulating the Exportation of Britijh-made Spirits from England to Scotland, and from Scotland to England; to continue fo much of an Aft:, made in the thirty-third Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, as permits Sir William Bifljop, George Bt/hop, and Orgies Bijhop, to carry on the Manufacture of Maidjione Geneva; and to make perpetual the Duties granted by an Aft, made in the twenty-levemh Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, upon Worts, Wafh, and other Liquors, for extracting Spirits for Home Confumption.—[22d June 1795.] WHEREAS the Law's herein-after mentioned have been found ufeful and beneficial, and are near t ^ expiring;’ be it therefore enafted by the King’s moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice ana Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prelent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That an Aft, made in the thirtieth ear of the Reign of his prefent Majelty, intituled, An Ac? to continue two Ads made in the twenty-eighth and tiventy-uinth 1 cars of the Reign of bis pre- fait Majefty, * for dfcontinuing, for a limited 7lute, the Jevcral Duties payable in Scotland upon Low Wines and Spirits, and upon Worts, Wafh, and other Liquors there njed in theDijt illation of Spirits, and for granting (5 bis Majefty other Duties in lieu thereof ; and for better regulating the Exportation of Britith-/;/^ Spirits from England to Scotland, and from Scotland to England ; and to continue, for a limited Time, an Act, ynade in the toxnty-fixth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, 44 to difeontinue, for a limited Time, the Payment of the Duties upon Low Wines and Spirits for Home Confumption ; and for granting and Securing the due Payment of other Duties in lieu thereof; and for the better Regulation of the making and vending Brmfli Spirits; and for dycontinuing for a limited Time, certain Impojls and Duties upon Rum and Spirits imported from the Weft Indies;” and for amending the faid Afl, made in the twenty-ninth Year of his prefent Alaicjlyf s Reign; and foch Parts of the faid Afts of the twenty-fixth, twenty-eighth, and twenty-ninth Years aiorefaid, (fave and except the Duties impofed by the faid Aft of the twenty-eighth Year of the Reign aforefaid,) as w?ere con¬ tinued by the faid Aft of the thirtieth Year aforefaid, until and upon the fifth Day of July one thoufand kven hundred and ninety-one; and by another Aft of the thirty-firft Year of the Reign aforefaid, until and upon the fifth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-three; and by another Aft of the thirty- third Year of the Reign aforefaid, until and upon the fir ft Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and utnety-five, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament, (hall be, and the fame are kteby made perpetual. . # , ft- 1 And whereas by an Aft, made in the thirty-third Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, t ** Aft to continue certain Duties of Excife on Foreign Spirits imported into this Kingdom, for a limited Time, 4 Uafe'f$r*oni*nti*n& ariain Laws of Excife therein mentioned; reciting, that certain Rules, Regulations, , Junctions, Provifions, Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures, were, by an Aft made in the twenty-eighth t the Reign of his prefent Majefty, provided, fettled, and eftablifhed, for the Manufacture cf. 1 pjllrhs called Maidjione Geneva, eftablilhed at Maidjione in the County of Kent, by George Bftop of that
- lace, and that certain Duties were by the faid Aft, and by another Aft made in the thirty-firft Year of
X 2 Digitized by VLrOQtMs: 30 Geo. III. Cap.37, and fuch Parts of 26 Geo. III. Cap. 73, zS Ceo. ur. Cap. 46, and 2$ Ceo. III. Cap. 45> (except a« hereby except-, ed,) which were continued by 33 Geo III. Cap. 59, to Dec. 17951 msde perpetual. 33 Geo. III. Cap. 59, recited.