Publick and Private Statutes,
The TITLES of the ACTS of the Fifth Session of the Eighteenth Parliament of Great Britain, in the Forty-first Year of the Reign of
Anno 41 Georgii III.
1. An Act to prohibit until the first day of November one thousand eight hundred and one, the exportation of rice; and to indemnify all persons who have been concerned in preventing the exportation thereof, or in the nonperformance of any contracts and agreements that shall not have been performed in consequence thereof. Page 537
2. An Act to authorise his Majesty, from time to time, to prohibit the exportation of provisions or food. 539
3. An Act to prohibit, until the first day at January one thousand eight hundred and two, the use of corn in distilling of spirits or making of starch. 540
4. An Act for suspending, until the twentieth day of August one thousand eight hundred and one, the duties on hops imported, and for charging other duties in lieu thereof. 542
5. An Act for continuing, until the expiration of forty days after the commencement of the first session of parliament that, shall be begun, and holden after the first day of September one thousand eight hundred and one, several laws relating to the prohibiting the exportation, and permitting the importation, of corn and other articles of provision, without payment of duty; to the allowing the use of sugar in the brewing of beer; to the reducing the duties upon spirits distilled from melasses and sugar; and to the prohibiting the making of low wines or spirits from wheat, and certain other articles, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland. 543
6. An Act for shortening, until the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and one, the time of keeping in steep for malting, barley damaged by rain in the late harvest. Page 544
7. An Act for continuing and granting to his Majesty certain duties upon malt, mum, cyder, and perry, for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and one. 545
8. An Act for continuing and granting to his Majesty a duty on pensions, offices, and personal estates, in England, Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed; and certain duties on sugar, malt, tobacco, and snuff, for the service of the year one thousand eight hundred and one. Ibid.
9. An Act to explain and amend an act, made in the twenty-second year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled An act for the better relief and employment of the poor. 546
10. An Act for granting bounties on the importation of wheat, barley, rye, oats, pease, beans, and Indian corn, and of barley, rye, oat and Indian meal, wheaten flour, and rice. Ibid.
11. An Act to permit, until the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and one, the importation of herrings and other fish, the produce of the fishery carried on in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and on the coast of Labrador, into this kingdom, without payment of duty. 552
12. An Act for making better provision for the maintenance of the poor, and for diminishing the consumption of Bread