Page:Rules for penmanship.pdf/9

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If circumſtances will admit, it is preferable to ſit with the left hand to the light.


ALL capital letters ſhould be at leaſt double the ſize, and ſtronger than the ſmall letters.

Of the three capital letters A, M, and N, the dots at the firſt part of the letters from left to right ſhould be half the height of the ſmall letters.

In making B,F,I,P,R,S,T, and the firſt half of X, the dots ought to be one half in height of the ſmall letters; and when turned round, as high as the line or ſmall letters.

All the above letters may be either doted or turned round, at an equal diſtance from the hair or body ſtroke. The laſt method ſeems preferable.

The turn at the bottom of D, L, and Q, ought to riſe one third of the ſmall o.

The firſt parts of the three letters, U, V, and Y, ought to be the ſame.