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to the noble Arts Painting and Architecture. The Firſt of theſe your Majeſty has been pleas'd to honour, as well in expreſſing a Satisfaction with the Performances, as in extending Tour Royal Munificence to that great Maſter thereof Signor Verrio.

And altho Affairs of higher Conſequence have hitherto deferr'd your Majeſty's Commands for Raiſing WHITE-HALL from its Ruins; yet has not Architecture been without Encouragement, under Your Majeſty's Moſt Auſpicious Reign: Witneſs the great Diſpatch lately given to thoſe Noble Fabricks of St. PAU's, Greenwich-Hoſpital, and Blenheim.

These ſeem to pre ſage, that a Time is coming, when thro the Ble ſ ſing of Peace, and the happy Influence of Your Maje ſty's Government, WHITE-HALL ſhall become a Structure worthy its Great Reſtorer, and its Name as much Celebrated among Palaces, as Your Royal Vertues are Illustrious among Princes: When Your Maje ſty's Subjects ſhall exert themſelves as much to their Country's Honour, in the Arts of Deſign, and Civil Architecture, as they have already done in the Art Military, and Perſonal Valour.

Preliminary to ſuch Happy Seaſon, I preſume this Art of Perſpective made Practicable, may not be improper; being One of the moſt Uſeful, the hitherto
