Page:Runic and heroic poems of the old Teutonic peoples.djvu/11

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most substantial kind from the Master, President, Librarian and Fellows of my own College; from the Disney Professor of Archæology and the Schröder Professor of German; from Miss A. C. Paues, of Newnham College, Mr E. C. Quiggin, of Gonville and Caius College, and Mr E. H. Minns, of Pembroke College. My friends and fellow students, Miss N. Kershaw, of St Andrews, and Mr W. F. W. Mortlock, Scholar of Trinity College, have read part of the MS. From the staff of the University Library and of the University Press I have received unfailing courtesy, however much I have tested their patience. But most of all I have to thank Mr H. M. Chadwick, Bosworth and Elrington Professor of Anglo-Saxon, who has rescued me from countless pits which I had digged for myself. Anyone who has had the good fortune to work with him will appreciate my debt; no one else can estimate it. If this volume does anything to lighten the burdens which he has piled upon himself, I shall not feel that I have toiled in vain.

B. D.

35 Brunswick Square, W.C.
October 15th, 1915.