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Page:Ruskin - The Seven Lamps of Architecture.djvu/287

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  1. Law essential to art, etc., 215
  2. Laws of right, irrefragable, 3
  3. Levitical sacrifice, considerations of the, 13 sqq.
  4. Liberty, 208
  5. Lies, kinds of, 32
  6. Lindsay, Lord, 160
  7. Line and mass, in decoration, 62
  8. Linear division, 85
  9. Lisieux, 60, 204
  10. Living architecture, 167
  11. Lombard Romanesque, 82
  12. London Bridge, 127
  13. London shops, 124
  14. Loyalty, 210
  15. Lucca, San Michele of, 91, 95, 96, 103
  16. Malachi, quoted, 14
  17. Marble facing, 53
  18. Masonry, 83
  19. Mass, 88; and majesty, 102
  20. Material, false representation of, 49
  21. Merton College, 97
  22. Metals, architectural laws of, 43
  23. Michael Angelo, 47, 200
  24. Milan Cathedral, 47
  25. Milton, 89
  26. Ministry to the poor, 17
  27. Mino da Fiesole, 178
  28. Modern Painters, quoted, 23
  29. Modern work, characteristic inadequacy of, 22
  30. Monochrom figures, 151
  31. Monstrification, 109
  32. Moral and practical, connexion between their spheres, 4
  33. Motto in heraldic decoration, the, 113
  34. Mouldings, 100
  35. Nature and Architecture, 73
  36. Northern Gothic, 131
  37. Numbers, quoted, 18
  38. Operative deceit, 55
  39. 'Ornament cannot be overcharged,' 28
  40. Ornament, the place for, 121
  41. Padua, Eremitani at, 60, 98
  42. Painted Window, the, 149
  43. Painting, legitimate subjects of, 48
  44. Parasitical sublimity, 197
  45. Parma, Camera di Correggio at, 48
  46. Parthenon, sculptures of, 199
  47. Perpendicular, 79
  48. Perugino, 115
  49. 'Picturesque,' 196
  50. Pisa, Campo Santo at, 48, 96; cathedral, 82, 163; tower of, 134, 166; Baptistery at, 204
  51. Plagiarism, 159
  52. Plantain, 134
  53. Poetry and architecture conquer forgetfulness, 186
  54. Portcullis, the, 112
  55. Positive shade in painting and architecture, 86
  56. Posterity, 194
  57. Prato cathedral, 46
  58. Proportion, 128
  59. Psalms, quoted, 18
  60. Railroad-station, the, 125
  61. Railways, consequences of, 221–2
  62. Raphael, 115
  63. Rembrandtism, 87
  64. Restoration, 203 sqq.
  65. Reticulation, 112, 147
  66. Riband, the, 114
  67. Romanism, abuse and fallacy of, 20, 225–6