but the function "the author of Waverley" has the property that George IV wished to know whether its value with the argument "Scott" was true, whereas the function "Scott" has no such property, and therefore the two functions are not identical. Hence there is a propositional function, namely
which holds without any exception, and yet does not hold when for we substitute a class, and for and we substitute functions. This is only possible because a class is an incomplete symbol, and therefore "" is not a value of "."
It will be observed that "" is not an extensional function of . Thus the scope of is relevant in interpreting the product
If we take the whole of the product as the scope of , the product is equivalent to
and this does imply
We may say generally that the fact that is an incomplete symbol is not relevant so long as we confine ourselves to extensional functions of functions, but is apt to become relevant for other functions of functions.