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Page:Russell, Whitehead - Principia Mathematica, vol. I, 1910.djvu/29

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and as arguments. It is also called the logical product of and . Accordingly means that both and are true. It is easily seen that this function can be defined in terms of the two preceding functions. For when and are both true it must be false that either or is true. Hence in this book is merely a shortened form of symbolism for


If any further idea attaches to the proposition "both and are true," it is not required here.

The Implicative Function is a propositional function with two arguments and , and is the proposition that either not- or is true, that is, it is the proposition . Thus if is true is false, and accordingly the only alternative left by the proposition is that is true. In other words if and are both true, then is true. In this sense the proposition will be quoted as stating that implies . The idea contained in this propositional function is so important that it requires a symbolism which with direct simplicity represents the proposition as connecting and without the intervention of . But "implies" as used here expresses nothing else than the connection between and also expressed by the disjunction "not- or ." The symbol employed for " implies ," i.e. for "," is "." This symbol may also be read "if , then ." The association of implication with the use of an apparent variable produces an extension called "formal implication." This is explained later: it is an idea derivative from "implication" as here defined. When it is necessary explicitly to discriminate "implication" from "formal implication," it is called "material implication." Thus "material implication" is simply "implication" as here defined. The process of inference, which in common usage is often confused with implication, is explained immediately.

These four functions of propositions are the fundamental constant (i.e. definite) propositional functions with propositions as arguments, and all other constant propositional functions with propositions as arguments, so far as they are required in the present work, are formed out of them by successive steps. No variable propositional functions of this kind occur in this work.

Equivalence. The simplest example of the formation of a more complex function of propositions by the use of these four fundamental forms is furnished by "equivalence." Two propositions and are said to be "equivalent" when implies and implies . This relation between and is denoted by ". Thus "" stands for "." It is easily seen that two propositions are equivalent when, and only when, they are both true or are both false. Equivalence rises in the scale of importance when we come to "formal implication" and thus to "formal equivalence." It must not be supposed that two propositions which are equivalent are in