Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/246

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Once upon a time there were three brothers in a family; the eldest was called the Ram, the second the Goat, and the third and youngest Chufíl-Fílyushka. [1] One day all three went into the forest, where the warder lived who was their real grandfather. With him Ram and Goat left their own brother Chufíl-Fílyushka, and went out into the forest to hunt. Fílyushka had all his own will and way: his grandfather was old, and a great stupid; and Fílyushka was generous. He wanted to eat an apple. So he eluded his grandfather, got into the garden, and climbed up the apple-tree.

All of a sudden, Heaven knows where from, who should come but the Yagá-Búra, [2] with an iron mortar, and a pestle in her hand; she leaped up to the apple-tree, and said, "How are you, Fílyushka? What have you come here for?"

"Oh, to pluck an apple!" said Fílyushka.

"Well, then, dearie, have a bite of mine!"

"No, it's a rotten one," said Fílyushka.

"Well, here's another one!"

"No, it's all wormy!"

"Don't be saucy; just come up and take one out of my hand."

He stretched out his hand. Then Yagá-Búra gripped it tight, put him into the mortar, and made off, leaping

  1. ΘεόΦιλος
  2. An equivalent to the Bába Yagá