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Classified List. — Standard Miscellaneous.

THE TRIPLE " E." By Mrs. S. R. Graham Clark. i2mo, paper, illustrated, 25 cts. Cloth, $1.50. It cannot fail to make a strong impression on the minds of those who read it. — B. B. Bulletin. THUCYDIDES. Translated into English with marginal analysis and index. By B. Jowett, M. A., Master of Balliol College, Professor of Greek in the University of Oxford, Doc- tor of Theology in the University of Leyden. Edited with introduction to American edition by Andrew P. Peabody, D. D. LL. D. 8vo, $3.50. Half calf, $6.00. WARLOCK O' GLENWARLOCK. By Gborgb MacDonald. i2mo, fully illustrated, $1.50. At his best, there are few contemporary novelists so well worth reading as MacDonald. — Boston Journal. WEIGHED AND WANTING. By George MacDon- ald. i2mo, cloth, $1.50. WHAT'S MINE'S MINE. By George MacDonald. $1.50. Let all who enjoy a book full of fire and life and purpose read this capital story. — Woman's Journal. WILD FLOWERS, AND WHERE THEY GROW. By Amanda B. Harris. 8vo, extra cloth, beautifully bound, gilt edges, $3.00. It is a book in which all true lovers of nature will delight. — B. B. Bulletin, WONDER STORIES OP SCIENCE. Uniform with " Plucky Boys," i2mo, cloth, $1.50.. To improve as well as to amuee young people is the object of these twenty-one sketches, and they fill this purpose wonderfully well. — Texas S if tings. WITHIN THE SHADOW. By Dorothy Holroyd. i2mo, cloth, $1.25. " The author has skill in invention with the purest sentiment and good natural style." — Boston Globe.