Page:Russian Wonder Tales.djvu/130

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Tzarevich Ivan went out from Tzar Dolmat in great grief. He found the Gray Wolf and related to him the whole.

"Thou art a foolish youth, Tzarevich Ivan," said the Wolf. "Why didst thou not recall my words and leave the golden cage?"

"I am guilty before thee!" answered Ivan sorrowfully.

"Well," said the Gray Wolf, "I will help thee. Sit on my back, and say whither I shall bear thee and wherefore."

So Tzarevich Ivan a second time mounted the wolf's back. "Take me, Gray Wolf," he said, "across three times nine countries to the thirtieth Tzardom, to Tzar Afron's Horse with the Golden Mane." At once the Wolf began running, fifty times swifter than the swiftest horse. Whether it was a long way or a short way, in the middle of the night he came to the thirtieth Tzardom, to Tzar Afron's Palace, and stopped beside the royal stables, which were built all of white stone.

"Now, Tzarevich Ivan," said the Wolf, "get down from my back and open the door. The stablemen are all fast asleep, and thou mayest win the Horse with the Golden Mane. Only take not the