Page:Ruth Fielding at Lighthouse Point.djvu/184

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forgive her for running away from us. Mebbe thar was reason for her gittin' sick of Silver Ranch. I—I stand ready to give her 'bout ev'rything she wants—in reason—when I git her back thar."

"Including a piano?" asked Ruth, curiously.

"Great cats! that's what we had our last spat about," groaned Bill Hicks. "Jib, he's had advantages, he has. Went to this here Carlisle Injun school ye hear so much talk about. It purty nigh ruined him, but he can break hosses. And thar he l'arned to play one o' them pianners. We was all in to Bullhide one time—we'd been shipping steers—and we piled into the Songbird Dancehall—had the place all to ourselves, for it was daytime—and Jib sot down and fingered them keys somethin' scand'lous. Bashful Ike—he's my foreman—says he never believed before that a sure 'nough man like Jibbeway Pottoway could ever be so ladylike!

"Wal! My Jane Ann was jest enchanted by that thar pianner—yes, Miss! She was jest enchanted. And she didn't give me no peace from then on. Said she wanted one o' the critters at the ranch so Jib could give her lessons. And I jest thought it was foolishness—and it cost money—oh, well! I see now I was a pretty mean old hunks——"

"That's what I heard her call you once,"