Page:Ruth Fielding at Lighthouse Point.djvu/21

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"What's happened to you since we came from the supper, Helen?" she asked.

"Indigestion!" gasped Heavy. "I've some pepsin tablets in my room. Want one, Nell?"

"No. I am all right," declared Helen.

"Well, we were just waiting for you to come in," the stout girl said. "Maybe we'll all be so busy to-morrow that we won't have time to talk about it. So we must plan for the Lighthouse Point campaign now."

"Oh!" said Helen, slowly. "So you can make up your party now?"

"Of course! Why, we really made it up last winter; didn't we?" laughed Heavy.

"But we didn't know whether we could go or not then," Ruth Fielding said.

"You didn't know whether I could go, I suppose you mean?" suggested Helen.

"Why—not particularly," responded Ruth, in some wonder at her chum's tone. "I supposed you and Tom would go. Your father so seldom refuses you anything."


"I didn't know how Uncle Jabez would look at it," pursued Ruth. "But I wrote him a while ago and told him you and Mercy were going to accept Jennie's invite, and he said I could go to Lighthouse. Point, too."

"Oh!" said Helen again. "You didn't wait