Page:Ruth Fielding at Lighthouse Point.djvu/62

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"Let's ask him to save a shipload for our especial benefit," laughed Madge. "I suppose there's only one wreck in fifteen or twenty years, hereabout."

"Nothing of the kind! Sometimes there are a dozen in one winter. And lots of times the surfmen go off in a boat and save ships from being wrecked. In a fog, you know. Ships get lost in a fog sometimes, just as folks get lost in a forest——"

"Or in a blizzard," cried Helen, with a lively remembrance of their last winter's experience at Snow Camp.

"Nothing like that will happen here, you know," said Ruth, laughing. "Heavy promised that we shouldn't be lost in a snowstorm at Lighthouse Point."

"But hear the sea roar!" murmured Mary Cox. "Oh! look at the waves!"

They had now come to where they could see the surf breaking over a ledge, or reef, off the shore some half-mile. The breakers piled up as high—seemingly—as a tall house; and when they burst upon the rock they completely hid it for the time.

"Did you ever see such a sight!" cried Madge. "'The sea in its might'!"

The gusts of rain came more plentifully as they rode on, and so rough did the wind become, the