Page:Ruth Fielding at Silver Ranch.djvu/106

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the other girls, was thrust the shaggy head and shoulders of a huge animal.

"A dog!" cried Madge.

"It's a wolf!" shrieked Mary Cox.

But the Western girl knew instantly what the creature was. "Run, Ruthie!" she shouted. "I'll call Jib and the boys. It's a bear!"

And at that moment Bruin waddled fully out of the hole—a huge, hairy, sleepy looking beast. He was between Ruth and her friends, and his awkward body blocked the path by which they were climbing to the summit of the natural bridge.

"Wu-uh-uh-uff!! said the bear, and swung his head and huge shoulders from the group of four girls to the lone girl above him.

"Run, Ruth!" shrieked Helen.

Her cry seemed to startle the ursine marauder. He uttered another grunt of expostulation and started up the steep path. Nobody needed to advise Ruth to run a second time. She scrambled up the rocks with an awful fear clutching at her heart and the sound in her ears of the bear's sabre-like claws scratching over the path!