Page:Ruth Fielding at Silver Ranch.djvu/115

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improve her riding, and as she was an early riser they spent a good many morning hours cantering over the range before the rest of the young people were astir at Silver Ranch.

It was on one of these rides that Bashful Ike "opened up" to Ruth upon the subject of the redhaired school-teacher at the Crossing.

"I've jest plumb doted on that gal since she was knee-high to a Kansas hopper-grass," the big puncher drawled. "An' she knows it well enough."

"Maybe she knows it too well?" suggested Ruth, wisely.

"Gosh!' groaned Ike. "I gotter keep her reminded I'm on the job—say, ain't I? Now, them candies you bought for me an' give to her—what do you's'pose she did with 'em?"

"She ate them if she had right good sense," replied Ruth, with a smile. "They were nice candies."

"I rid over to Lem's the next night," said Ike, solemnly, "an' that leetle pink-haired skeezicks opened up that box o' sweetmeats on the counter an' had all them lop-eared jack-rabbits that sits around her pa's store o' nights he'pin' themselves out o' my gift-box. Talk erbout castin' pearls before swine!" continued Bashful Ike, in deep disgust, "that was suah flingin' jewels to the hawgs, all right. Them 'ombres from the Two-Ten