Page:Ruth Fielding at Silver Ranch.djvu/138

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the Sweetbriars. Everything we do she suggests——"

"That shows how good a 'suggester' she is," interposed Heavy, calmly.

"It shows how she's got you all hypnotized into believing she's a wonder," snarled The Fox.

"Aw, don't Mary! Don't be so mean. I should think Ruth would be the last person you'd ever have a grouch on. She's done enough for you——"

"She hasn't, either!" cried Mary Fox, her face flaming.

"I'd like to know what you'd call it?" Heavy demanded, with a good deal of warmth for her. "If she wasn't the sweetest-tempered, most forgiving girl that ever went to Briarwood, you'd have lost your last friend long ago! I declare, I'm ashamed of you!"

"She's not my friend," said Mary, sullenly.

"Who is, then? She has helped to save your life on more than one occasion. She has never said a word about the time she fell off the rocks when we were at Lighthouse Point. You and she were together, and you know how it happened. Oh, I can imagine how it happened. Besides, Nita saw you, and so did Tom Cameron," cried the stout girl, more hotly. "Don't think all your tricks can be hidden."