Page:Ruth Fielding at Silver Ranch.djvu/162

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had startled the pony, she was instantly frightened herself.

Crouching upon the summit of the rock was a lithe, tawny creature with a big, round, catlike head and flaming green eyes. The huge cat lashed its tail with evident rage and bared a very savage outfit of teeth.

"Oh! what's that?" gasped Ruth, as Freckles settled back upon his haunches and showed very plainly that he had no intention of passing the bowlder.

"Puma," returned the Indian, laconically.

His mount, too, was circling around the rock with mincing steps, quite as unfavorably disposed toward the beast as was Freckles.

"Can it leap this far, Jib?" cried Ruth.

"It'll leap a whole lot farther in just a minute," returned the Indian, taking the rope off his saddle bow. "Now, look out, Miss!'

Freckles began to run backward. The puma emitted a sudden, almost human shriek, and the muscles upon its foreshoulders swelled. It was about to leap.

Jib's rope circled in the air. Even as the puma left the rock, its four paws all "spraddled out" in midair, the noose dropped over the savage cat. The lariat caught the puma around its neck and one foreleg, and before it struck the ground Jib had whirled his horse and was spurring off across